Tablighi Jamaat Shura (Aalami Shura)


The Tablighi Jamaat Shura is the highest authority within Tablighi Jamaat and makes the key decisions of the movement on a Global Level. Its members consist of senior elders from India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh. The Shura’s most recognized gathering/Mashawara (conference) are the yearly Mashwaras after Raiwind Ijtema and Tongi Ijtema, which usually occurs in November (for Raiwind Ijtema) and January (for Tongi Ijtema). Amongst Tablighi Jamaat adherents, the Shura is commonly referred to as “Aalami Shura”.

The establishment of the Shura is well in line with the vision of Maulana Ilyas (Founder of Tablighi Jamaat):

In the future, this effort will function under the supervision of a Shura

Source: Maulana Yaaqub’s Letter, Last letters of Maulana Ilyas.

Tablighi Jamaat had 3 Ameers (Leaders) before the Aalami Shura became the highest authority from 1995 until today.

Current Tablighi Jamaat Shura Members / Aalami Shura List as of 2024

The current members of the Tablighi Jamaat World Shura as of 2024 are:

  1. Maulana Ibrahim Dewla (India)
  2. Maulana Ahmed Laat (India)
  3. Maulana Zuhair Ul Hasan (India)
  4. Haji Farooq Ahmad (India)
  5. Maulana Nazrur Rahman (Pakistan)
  6. Maulana Ubaidullah Khurshid (Pakistan)
  7. Maulana Zia ul Haq (Pakistan)
  8. Maulana Ahsan Ul Haq (Pakistan)
  9. Maulana Ahmed Batla (Pakistan)
  10. Maulana Qari Zubair (Bangladesh)
  11. Maulana Rabiul Haque (Bangladesh)

The letter below is proof of this:


The following Aalami Shura members have recently passed away:

  • Haji Abdul Wahab (Pakistan) – Passed away on the 18th of November 2018. His vacant position was replaced by Maulana Ahsan Ul Haq.
  • Maulana Yaqub (India) – Passed away on the 16th of February 2019. His vacant position was replaced by Haji Farooq Ahmad of Bangalore.
  • Maulana Abdul Rehman (Pakistan) – Passed away on 17th October 2020, age 80 at the time of death. His vacant position was replaced by Maulana Ahmad Batla, who is the son-in-law of Maulana Nazrul Rahman.

The following members were invited to work together and be part of the Shura but did not accept it.

History of the Tablighi Jamaat Aalami Shura

The Tablighi Jamaat Shura (aka Aalami Shura) was formed on the 14th of June 1993 by Maulana Inaamul Hasan (The third Amir of Jamaat) at Nizamuddin Markaz, two years prior to his demise. The appointed members were: (1) Maulana Saeed Ahmad Khan, (2) Mufti Zaenal Abidin, (3) Haji Afdhal, (4) Haji Abdul Muqit, (5) Haji Abdul Wahab, (6) Maulana Izharul Hasan, (7) Maulana Umar Palanpuri, (8) Maulana Zubair Ul Hassan, (9) Miyaji Mehrab Mewati, and (10) Maulana Saad.

The purpose of the Aalami Shura was to patronage the work together with Maulana Inaamul Hasan who was the Amir of Tablighi Jamaat at that time. When clarified by Maulana Syed Ahmed Khan, Maulana Inaamul Hasan clarified that if he was not around, the Faisal (deciding chairperson) would rotate amongst them.

Source: Dakwah wa Tabligh Azhim Mehnat ke Maujudah Halat, Page 16

On the 12th of June 1995, after the demise of Maulana Inaamul Hasan, the Aalami Shura decided that the work would continue under the current Shura, with a rotating Faisal (deciding chairperson) in their Mashwaras. No new Amir (leader) was to be appointed and Bay’ah (Oath of Allegiance to a person) was to be stopped in Nizamuddin Markaz.

The agreement was signed by all members of the Aalami Shura including Maulana Saad. Maulana Saad, however, treacherously violated this agreement in 2014, which resulted in the Tablighi Jamaat Split (Ikhtilaaf).

On the 16th of November 2015, as there were only 2 members left in the Tablighi Jamaat Shura (due to members passing away), 11 new members were appointed to the Aalami Shura following a Mashwara (meeting) that took place at Raiwind Ijtema. Haji Abdul Wahab was the Faisala (deciding chairperson) of the Mashwara. The new appointees were:

  • Maulana Ibrahim Dewla (India)
  • Maulana Yaqub (India)
  • Maulana Ahmed Laat (India)
  • Maulana Zuhairul Hasan (India)
  • Maulana Nazrur Rahman (Pakistan)
  • Maulana Abdur Rehman (Pakistan)
  • Maulana Ubaidullah Khurshid (Pakistan)
  • Maulana Zia ul Haq (Pakistan)
  • Maulana Qari Zubair (Bangladesh)
  • Maulana Rabiul Haque (Bangladesh)
  • Wasiful Islam (Bangladesh)

The appointment was signed by all the participating members except Maulana Saad and Wasiful Islam

Source: World Shura Appointment Letter 2015

Letters/statements issued by Elders of Tablighi Jamaat on Maulana Saad

Below are links to various Letters/statements issued by the Elders of the Tablighi Jamaat regarding their separation with Maulana Saad:

READ: Full Tablighi Jamaat History and how the split happened

Tablighi Jamaat Shura vs Maulana Saad Offshoot

Almost 95% of all the senior elders are with the Shura. Maulana Saad, although very famous, is relatively new and has not spent even 40 days in the Path of Allah as testified by Haji Abdul Wahab and Chaudhry Amanatullah (Shura of Nizamuddin Madrasah).

The following is the list of Elders:

Tablighi Jamaat ShuraMaulana Saad
Defacto Leader
Haji Abdul Wahab
Ml Ibrahim Dewla *, **
Maulana Saad
Indian Senior Elders
Ml Ahmad Laat *
Ml Yaqub **
Ml Zuhairul Hasan*
Bhai Farooq*
Dr Khalid Siddiqui
Ml Ismail Godhra
Ml Usman Kakosi
Ml A Rehman Ruyana
Ml Altaf
Prof Sanaullah
Ml Ahmad Mewati
Eng Shameem Bihar
Ml Abu Bakar Bijapur **
Prof Nadir Ali Khan Aligarh
Iqbal Nayar Bihar
Prof Munawar Pasha Chennai
Prof A Rahman Chennai
Bhai Sanobar
Bhai Parveez Kashmir
C Amanatullah Mewati
Ml Shahid Saharanpuri
Ml Shuhaib
Ml Ubaidullah Khan
Shakeel Bhai Mumbra
A Rehman Yamuna Nagar
Muhsin Utsmani Lucknow
Indian Senior Elders
Ml Mustakim
Bhai Mushtaq
Indian Elders (Lesser)
Dr. Farahim Aligarh
Bhai Chaudry Rafiq
Ml A Hussain Ghodrea
Ml Ahmed Bahawalpur
Haji Mumtaz **
Ml Kurshid
Bhay Sanobar
Ml Zahid Az-Zahiri
Ml Akbar Shareef
Mufti Shafeeq Ahmad
Bhai Gulfam Dehradun
Bhai Mumraaz
Ml Khubaib
Ml Fareed Ghodrea
Dr A Mannan Aligarh
Bhai Yaqub Dehradun
Bhai Bahar Dehradun
Bhai Ayub Ghaziabad
Bhai Ismail Khan Khurjawale
Dr. Shakeel
Ayyub Sahab Ghaziabad
Bhai Hashmat Ali
Ml Yunus Palanpuri
Indian Elders (Lesser)
Ml Shamim
Pakistan Elders
Ml Ehsan
Ml Abdur Rahman
Ml Nazrur Rehman *
Ml Zia ul Haq *
Ml Ubaidullah Khursheed *
Ml Ahsaanul Haq *
Ml Ahmad Batla *
Bhai Yameen
Dr. Ruhullah
Ml Tarique Jameel
Ml Jameel Ahmed
Ml Ahmad Bahawalpuri
Ml Fahim
Pakistan Elders
Bangladesh Elders
Ml Rabiul Haque *
Ml Qari Zubair *
Mufti A Shafi
Mufti A Malek
Bangladesh Elders
Wasiful Islam
Indonesian Elders
Pak Muslihuddin Jafar
Ustadz Luthfi Al-Banjary
Kiyai Ahmad Mukhlisun
Pak Aminuddin Noor
Pak Suaib Gani (Sulawesi)
Indonesia Elders
Pak Cecep Firdaus
Arab Elders
Sh Umar Al Khateeb Jordon
Sh Ghassan Zarey Madinah
Sh Fazil Basiyoni Jeddah
Sh Yusuf Al Masari Jeddah
Sh Taha Abdus Sattar Egypt
Sh Hasan An Nasr Egypt
Sh Rashed Al Haqqan Kuwait
Sh Saleh Muqbil Yemen
Arab Elders
Ishaq Patel UK
Ml Sulaiman Khatani SA
Cheikh Younes France
Hj Arshad Malaysia
AR Pattalung Thailand
Sh Motaz Australia
Ahmad Bhiku New Zealand
Haji Bostan UK
Cheikh Wissam France
Shura vs Maulana Saad Distribution of Elders

* Member of Current Shura
** Teacher of Maulana Saad


  • The current Shura members for India are ten(10):
    1. Maulana Ibrahim Dewla
    2. Maulana Ahmad Laat
    3. Maulana Zuhair
    4. Hj Farook Ahmad
    5. Dr Khalid Siddiqui
    6. Prof Sanaullah
    7. Maulana Ismail Ghodra
    8. Maulana Usman Kakusi
    9. Maulana Altaf
    10. Bhai Sanobar
  • Maulana Zubair Ahmed (aka Qari Jubayer) from Bangladesh, is considered the most senior leader of Tablighi Jamaat in Bangladesh due to his age (vs the younger Maulana Rabiul Haque). Maulana Zubair Ahmed aka Qari Jubayer was born in 1945. As of 2023, he is 78 years old.
  • Haji Mumtaz was the caretaker / foster father of Maulana Saad after his father (Maulana Haroon) passed away. Haji Mumtaz was the one that took care of him and brought him around when Maulana Saad was a child. Haji Mumtaz became one of the vocal critics of Maulana Saad and strongly objected to him in the historic 2015 Raiwind Mashwara.
  • Maulana Yasin Mewati was the Khadim (personal assistant) of Maulana Saad from 1996 to 2013 and accompanied him all the time for a period of 17 years. He has given some shocking testimonies such as ‘Maulana Saad has not spent any time in Jamaat (the path of Allah)‘ He was one of the main targets of the Ramadhan 2016 Nizamuddin Bloodshed.
  • Maulana Shamim is one of the key supporters of Maulana Saad. He travels all over the world coercing people to accept Maulana Saad as the Ameer. As of May 2024, he is 72 years old.
  • Bhai Mushtaq passed away 10th of April 2018. He is from Bombay and one of the only two Senior Elders known to support Maulana Saad.
  • Sheikh Rashed Al Haqqan (Kuwait) passed away 20th of May 2020.
  • Sheikh Umar Al-Khateeb of Jordon despite being with the Aalami Shura, facilitates Jamaats from Maulana Saad’s Group as long as they do not talk about the differences.
  • Sheikh Fadil Basiyoni from Jeddah Saudi passed away (Shaheed) in the path of Allah in Indonesia 5th of April 2020.
  • As of 2023, Pak Muslihuddin Jafar is the only original Shura of Indonesia that is still alive. All other original Shura of Indonesia members have passed away. All 5/6 Shuras of Indonesia are with the Aalami Shura except for Pak Cecep Firdaus.
  • Hj Arshad was one of the 13 original Shuras of Malaysia that was appointed by Maulana Inaamul Hassan (the Third Amir of Tabligh). He and his family were forced to vacate both the Markaz in Sri Petaling (Kuala Lumpur) and their house despite being the oldest Shura there. He passed away on the 11th of November 2021.
  • Cheikh Dr. Wissam Tabara (Lebanese origin), resides in both France and Lebanon. He is one of the few Arab-speaking elders who is strongly supporting Maulana Saad. However, Lebanon is heavily on the Shura Side. France, like many other Western countries, is heavily on the Aalami Shura Side as well.
  • Maulana Fahim (Raiwind) was the Khadem of Haji Abdul Wahab Sahab for 25 years. He is the author of “Meray Haji Sahab” a book on Haji Sahab’s biography. He passed away at age 65, on 11 January 2024 due to cancer.
  • The key (original) Shura members of Australia and New Zealand (e.g. Sh Motaz, Sh Abdullah, Ahmad Bhiku) are with the Shura.


    1. I have verified this. Do tell me which information is incorrect. I have also added one of the more recent Shura letters as proof.

  1. Keep the Mahaj and Tarteeb with fundamental Usool intact. No individual of whatever exalted status should be allowed to change the fundamental fabric of the work without approval.
    If anybody feels the need for any inclusion or exclusion, a deep and serious deliberation by elders is a must.

      1. But if the Faisal was always from Nizamuddin (which it was for world tabligh issues as per the bayan by Mufti Zenulabidin rah and Molana Saad was the only man from the 10 man shura still alive then surely Molana Saad is by default the decision maker once all the other elders (from the shura made by Hasratji Mol Inamulhasan )had passed away. From the 10 when one elder passed away they were never replaced and so one wonders why?? Because there was no need! This is just logic

        1. See the 1995 agreement and a further 1999 agreement that stipulates the Shura as the highest authority in Tablig. No more Ameer and no more Bay’ah. Maulana Saad signed yet violated these agreements.

          Haji Sahab was still alive when Maulana Saad declared himself Ameer without Mashwara with the Shura.

          We hope in this Ramadhan you seek clarity on this. This effort is very difficult and demands sacrifice. We sacrifice our youth, energy and lives for this and we need to be sure we are on the right path.

          1. Odd you keep mentioning Molana Zubair Saheb as the most senior in Nizamuddin- my observation in my 4 visits there between 1998 and 2015 from the very start Molana Saad DB would be sat on the place of Molana Inamul Hasan rah after his passing and he was always the one to decide mashwera and in 1998 we had even Molana Saeed Ahmed Khan Rah alive Mufti Zenulabidin rah alive Miyaji Mehrab , even Molana Suleman Janhnji rah but no one at any point opposed Molana Saad Saheb or spoke out against him! He was regarded as the only one to lead the mashwera and make decisions in those mashweras and no one of the elite 10 that still remained ever spoke against him

          2. As mentioned before this effort requires us to sacrifice our time and wealth. We have to put up with people in Jamaat and when visiting others. We have to make a lot of Sabr. Why do this for our ego?
            Why waste all our sacrifices to establish Baatil?

            Using obscured reasoning to justify our position is trying to fit an elephant in a rabbit hole. “I saw an eagle yesterday, therefore there must be eagles every single day”.

            May Allah SWT guide us all

            Read Ahwal wa Atsar

  2. The points mentioned in the forum is not correct, the actual audio displayed at the time of an argument took place at Raiwind (note this argument was not new at it happened before at the time of Hazrat ji Sani) only 2 members had the right to maintain the current shura Haji Sahib and Maulana Saad, Haji sahib never put any name but as it is clear that it was presented to him and that he had no choice but to sign as usual, and why should Maulana Saad accept this fabricated Shura, there was a Shura but that was for Alami Mashora only. There was no rotation based Ameer in History and also this is not according to seerat. Every country have their own shura members where they work in. Remember this dispute in the whole ummah was the effort used since Hazrat Jee sani, they failed as ulama e deoband and nadwa supported. The main target was to shift the Markaz since that time when the segregation of countries took place but Alhamdulillah our Ameer was strong. My conclusion is to put facts only if you convey falls you will be held account for what you do.

    1. Assalamualaykum, Jazakhallah Khair for visiting the site.

      Hj Abdul Wahab was the Faysala of the 2015 Raiwind meeting, which MS himself agreed. The addition of Shura members was approved by Hj Sab. MS being Ameer of the Ummah was never approved and was a violation of the 1995 Agreement/Mashwara which MS himself signed and agreed upon.

      You are mentioning a conspiracy theory that Haji Sab was forced to sign the letter under a Raiwind/Pakistan ‘Coup’. This is a very dangerous conspiracy theory with NO evidence or even facts alone. We should not blindly believe in these unproven theories. Do you believe all the conspiracy theories against M Saad? We do not publish them here as there are little evidence. The only story we have published is with regards to the MS Farm House controversy and the fact that MS has never spent time in Jamaat. We have been hearing these rumors even before the Ikhtilaaf. Both have evidence now.

      Declaring himself Ameer without approval is just one of MS mistakes. You can read about the other mistakes here.

      1. Just do solatulistikharah, for sure Allah swt will show you the truth. I hv did 4 times solat istikharah specially for this matter. Allah swt clearly shown me what choice to make. Syura Alami was Allah swt decision for me. I had dream 4 times after solatulistikharah. Syura Alami is the truth path .. Allahu Akbar!

    2. Who’s now the Amir of the Aalami Shura? There story is full of deception, most of these elders and teachers of Maulana Saad Saab are alive when Maulana Inaamul Hassan constitute the Shura he never include the names like of Maulana Ibrahim Dewla, Maulana Ahmed last etc, so why are they clamoring for Shura now… Shaiton it’s at work with these so called elders now fighting for Amirship

        1. After maolana enamel Hasan died, Miazi mehrab in 3 day masowaea choosed 3 person to run the work of tablig.

          three member head shura was formed with
          Maulana Izhar (RA) (senior most), Maulana Zubair (RA), and
          Maulana Saad Sahab.

          Maulana Izhar (RA) passed away only six months later, and Maulana Zubair (RA) and Maulana Saad Sahab continued as a two member head shura until the passing away of Maulana Zubair (RA).

          So, now maolana Sad as living member of chosen 3, continues running work of tablig. He was running tablig before, he is now too. He is the only one left among three leaders. So he is automatically amir.

          1. Assalamualaykum Br,
            Some of us here used to be followers of M Saad and we have heard this before.

            The story you mentioned above has been distorted. It is important to verify anything we hear.

            We check everything before buying a new car, house or make big decisions in life. Why don’t we do so for the effort of Da’wah? Isn’t Tabligh important for this life and hereafter? Check! Don’t just blindly follow and disunite!

            Learn about the 1995 agreement/mashwara, which clearly indicates the Shura as the rightful administration as agreed through Mashwara.

  3. I am going to Nizamuddin last month I am very happy. Markaz full rush no place for sleeping. Many second year ulama jamath also coming. Foreign jamath incoming and outgoing also good quantity. Moulana speech also very useful for me and ummah

  4. Asalamualaikum admin,

    Any idea why there was some initial confusion with people saying that Farooq Bhai, Prof Sanaullah, Prof Khalid Siddiqui and Ml Ismail Godhra were added to the Aalami Shura but some other sources saying that only Farooq Bhai was added from India?

    Where did the confusion stem from, as I remember your website also previously mentioned these 4 being part of the Aalami Shura.


    1. Waalaikumsalam, this website is the effort of many brothers. The original source we received was mistaken for the Shura of India, not the Aalami Shura. It has been corrected Alhamdulillah.

  5. Fabricated and Munafiqat there is nothing such as world shura but they deserve the title as world Fitnah jamaat. The betrayers of Markaz Nizamuddin.

    1. Assalamulaykum Brother, I think we all need to re-evaluate why we are doing this Effort of Da’wa. If it is ‘my group vs your group‘, then this is no better than a Soccer Match. This effort is about self islah and seeking acceptance from Allah SWT.

      The Shura position is the crystal clear truth as it is with facts and evidence

      Learn the truth and humble towards is. Be objective. The Shura position is the clear truth as it is with facts and evidence (See Fatwas, elders testimonies, 1995 Agreement). The Saad Position relies on unproven conspiracy theories.

  6. This is correct not Alamo shura nizamuddin is correct by this Hadith
    Abu Sa‘īd and Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with both of them) reported that the Prophet (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) said: “When three people set out on a journey, they should appoint one of them as their leader.”

      1. U can’t make a agreement disobeying Allah agreement no agreement there had to be a leader and he took the place because he understood if there was no one Ameer saitan was the Ameer. And a lot of the division was because of the gujaratis and they had a lot of tribalism

        1. First of all, there is an Ameer in Shura. The Ameer rotates in alphabetical order.

          Above all, do we know more or the elders (who are mostly Ulema) know more? Tablighi Jamaat have been running under a Shura since 1995. Were they all disobeying Allah since then?

          Gujeratis? The same can be said about Mewatis, Pakistanis or even Malays

  7. In the elders section of others Nizamuddin you missed a lot of individuals.

    Mufti Navalur Rahman (Chicago)
    Mufti Akhoon (New York)
    Mufti Mohammad Farhan (New York)
    Mufti Usama Islam (Kakrail)
    Engr Haji Abdul Muqeet (UK) [Passed away in 2019 or 2020 maybe]
    Mufti Saffat Anwar (Melbourne Australia)

    1. Thank you for the suggestion. For foreign countries, we limit the list to those that were active in Jamaat, Zumindar/Leaders appointed by Hadratji Inaamul Hassan, and known leaders before the Ikhtilaaf.

      Most mufti’s you mentioned are not active in Tabligh. They are just famous. Mufti Akhoon for example is very controversial. He uses people’s dreams to justify M Saad’s actions. Dreams are personal and cannot be used as Daleel in Islam. People only see him as an authority due to his fame in Social Media.

      Usama Islam is not a Mufti. He is the son of Wasiful Islam and is relatively new to this effort.

      Engr Haji Abdul Muqeet is the only active elder in the list you mentioned. If I mention him I will have to mention all the other Shura’s of UK as well. I have already mentioned Haji Bostan and Ishaq Patel.

      InshaAllah, I will find more info on this.

  8. This is a PDF page and website link that shows all details and evidence that debunks Alame Shura, the entire politics & conspiracy, and to prove the rightful leadership of Hazrat Maulana Saad. These are all proven authentic sources from the elders of Tablighi Jamaat.

    The Plot To Destroy Nizamuddin Markaz.

    Part One – The Plot To Destroy Nizamuddin Markaz.

    Part Two – The Failures Of the Alame Shura.

    Part Three – The Rejection of the Alame Shura In The Light of Quran and Sunnat.

    Part Four – The Role Of Deoband in Helping The Alame Shura



  9. Asalam ‘aleykoum,

    Jazakumullah kheir for your good work, that’s so clear and only blind people are unable to see the evidences.

    I’m amazed how supporters of maulana saad are unable to see.

    May Allah gives us all hidayate and protects us from hate and fanatism.

  10. مولانا سعد ، أراه ضالا مضلل، غير مخلص، متكبر، مرائي، لا أرى فيه خيرا، اتهم أنه له علاقة مع اليهود فى إسرائيل وان عنده علم ناقص، يعلم ما لا يعلم ومالا يفهم، لديه قلة خبرة وقلة ذكاء، ليس عنده شيء إلا أن لديه مال كثير جدا والمنافقون حوله
    ، أنه يفسر القرآن برأيه ويخطئ فيه والعلماء أكثرهم ساكتون وأن الحكومة الهندية والصالة سواها مع مولانا سعد
    اسئل الله أن يصلح يهدأ أو يخرجه اخراج من جماعة التبليغ المباركة، يخرجه الله اخراج الابد ولا يرجع ليص الناس
    آمن يا رب العالمين

  11. اللهم اجعلنا متحدين ودمر كل ضال ومثل
    اللهم اجعلنا من الذين يعملون هذا العمل العظيم بالاخلاص والسلام عليكم ورحمه الله وبركاته
    Sayyed Noor

  12. Saad sab adna hamarey sathi key pair ke dhool ke barabar bi nahi. Ameer banne ke chahat mein is admi ne ummat mein fasad paida kar dala. Allah hifazat kare ummat ko iske fitne se.

  13. This very unfortunate situation of division has caused damage on a scale where corona pandemic incl. the world natural disasters for the past many decades are of atoms weight in comparison.
    The Tablighi jamaat has become a laughing stock – full of theory but no practical honesty in brotherhood and what follows.
    The elders on both sides will be facing a harsh time in the hereafter, as they are the ones that have the ummah – brother against brother, sister against sister. I have been neutral for a long time but have now concluded that the tarteeb of Nizamuddeen, Raiwind, Kakrel & Dewsbury approach must not change – like it or not. Only the break-out fraction is insisting in a change. For sure they will be held accountable!
    This division breaks our hearts, especially for us living in Europe that are facing tough times already.
    We constantly make dua to Allah the Almighty that he brings the division to an end and unity again prevails in the same state as before insha´Allah. We owe this to each other.

  14. The publishers of this website has erred terrible and has deviated from the way of thr very same elders they revere and post about . None of our elders approve of photography yet you post pictures of our elders even those who have passed away and note that these images have been taken without our elders knowledge. Allaah will hold you accountable, this behavior is no different than that of ml saad which you condemn.

    1. Are you from South Africa? You must know that a lot of Ulema from the Shafii school of thought allows digital pictures. There are limits in deen. When we go above the limits, it’s called Taqwa.

      1. Let’s not go into technicalities, the view on photography is simple and the stance has remained the same by all our akaabireen and elders. This is not the way of the ulema e deoband. The daleel that our ulema have for the prohibition of “digital photography” is stronger, however even if there was a valid difference of opinion, do any of those ulema who you are posting agree to photography? If the answer is in the negative then will you not he held liable in the court of Allaah for posting their pictures without their consent ? And if this is the case then how is it different that you’re disobeying the same elders the same way ml saad has and you’re transgressing laws of deen in the same way? My comment was not to argue or debate, I have fulfilled my duty of commanding the good and prohibiting the evil
        It is up to you whether you take heed of the advice or not

        1. Just revisiting this comment. Letting you know that we have removed pictures on this website. Your admonishing us is well appreciated. May Allah reward you for this.

  15. Please note moulana Sulaiman katani of south africa is not a Shura member or elder of South africa
    Moulana may be a famous and well known aalim who is with the Shura group but moulana is not an elder of the country

    1. Darool Uloom Deoband India ka Fatwa bhi Molana saad ke khilaf h Molana saad apne Bdo ke Raste se Hatte ja rhe h

    1. Waalaykumsalaam. Please note that we are not the official site of Tablighi Jamaat. However, we are happy to answer any enquiries you have with regards to Masturat Jamaat

      1. Actually i want to know the reason why unmarried girls above 30 years of age are not allowed to go for sehroza with thr father or brother? And also can I have guidelines/ rules and instructions to be followed in masturat jamaat Jazakallah khair

        1. As far as we know, this is incorrect. Unmarried women are allowed to join their brother/father for Sehroza (Masturaat) Jamaat. The rules for Sehroza are a little relaxed. In your case, the girl may have been disallowed for other reasons (according to local mashwara).

          Bear in mind however, to go out in Mastoorat Jamats more than 10 days, a girl can only go with her husband. The wisdom for this are many. For example, to avoid another Jamaat member from taking the unmarried girl as his second wife, etc

          1. Is it possible if i get rules and regulations in black n white plz?? Because different people say different things ..

          2. There is no such thing as a black and white regulation. Also what applies in one country may be different to another depending on circumstances.

  16. Alhamdulillah, may Allah unite both the sects of jamat. May Allah give hidayah to ML Saad to accept the shura.
    The concept of shura with rotational Faisal is good and I believe will be more effective.
    Mir Sharjil
    Sultansha Markaz Bangalore

  17. Its a test for everyone. May Allah guide all the Maulanas back to the one and original markas. Let us all work together without critising one another. This effort is only to please Allah.

  18. Salaam,
    I heard there is some sort of Ijtimah at Fawkner from 7-9 June 2024.
    Is this correct? Can someone guide me to the right person probably a WhatsApp Number? I live in Perth and want to attend but no one here knows about it. A Jamah from Oman was here and they indicated this to me.

  19. the tabligh will be more beautiful and correct if you daawa teaching to the people is the quran and the ahlulbayt 12 imamah of the prophet Mohammad peace be upon him and his entire family not the quran and ahlu sunnah wal jamaah which is not mentioned in the quran and the true hadith of prophet Mohammad sawa. the only thing mentioned in the quran and true hadith should be followed after the prophet is gone the quran and his ahlul bayt 12 imamah.

  20. the jamah tabligh will be more beautiful and correct in every where if your daawa teaching to the people is on the quran and the Sunnah and the 12 imamah of the prophet Mohammad peace be upon him and his family, not the quran and sunnah wal jamaah which is not mentioned in the quran and the true hadith of prophet Mohammad sawa. the only thing mentioned in the quran and true hadith should be followed after the prophet is gone the quran and his ahlul bayt 12 imamah. From Nigeria

  21. Assalamualaikum brother’s good or
    We.we.saying good?
    How come he saying that those
    Don’t follow me go to jahannam

  22. It’s very sad that our elders cannot be united so that the Ummah can be united.
    Seems to me its all about pride and ego. The damage that this split has caused the ummah is not repairable. The number of saathes that have left the work is shocking and sad. Where is the kham and fikr which these elders have been lecturing to us from the mimbers, where is the ikram e muslims. Why have they allowed this to happen?
    why have they not put the ummah 1st instead of themselves and self interests?
    How can they expect the same level of respect from the common saathees that they once had?
    A very sad state of affairs

      1. OK so if that’s the case why didn’t the united elders let the individual continue, so as to avoid such irrepairable damage to the ummah and the work of Dawah. What have they achieved except division and ill feeling. It’s now 2 parties each competing for numbers. The soul of the work has been lost and all because of disagreements (amongst elders). Why could they not resolve issues privately instead of announcing to the world.

        If the roots are not firm how can the tree and grow and bear fruit.
        When an individual knows he is innocent, he won’t feel the need to shout his innocence from the rooftops at every occasion, conversely the guilty WILL feel the need.

        1. What do you do if your opinion/suggestion is not accepted in a Mashwara (meeting)? Do you leave the organization, make your own group and cause the oraganization to split?

          1. The group as a whole thinks about the bigger picture and the long term impact of the final decision on the organisation. Is it better to create confusion and reputational damage and split the client base OR present a united front for the sake of the company and future growth and maintain customer loyalty.
            In this case case “the elders” decided to leave and set up their own company.

          2. The Mashwara system is the due process in Tablighi Jamaat. A decision maker (called Faisal) makes a decision. The decider in this case was Haji Abdul Wahab Sahab. It is an unwritten rule that the decision maker will always decide based on where the majority stands.

            So it happens that one person was unhappy with the (majority) decision and leaves the organization. It is ultimately his right but the damage he has done… the blood is on his hands.

    1. He was upset with the decision of the Mashwara when they decided to expand the Shura (which means he will not be the next Ameer).
      He no longer attends the Global Mashwaras anymore and is no longer connected with his elders and teachers.

      When someone doesn’t appoint me as the leader, I will throw a tantrum and leave the organization for this. Is this how a humble person should act? Why should the elders even consider him as the leader now?

  23. Assalamualaikum Admin,

    You have presented useful information, however for a fair view, I think you should add a few more names under the Indian Elders (lesser) for the Maulana Saad side such as Mufti Shahzad. He is similar in rank and in terms of time spent in the effort to Mufti Shafeeq Bangalore, which you have added on the shura side

    This is not taking any side, this is just so your website presents a more fair view.

    1. Waalaykumsalam, thank you for the insight. You are right, we have confirmed that Mufti Shafeeq is not as senior as what we thought. We will remove him from the list. As for Mufti Shehzad, we have multiple sources to confirm that he was never known as an elder. He is a troublemaker (sorry to say this). You can have a look at the Nizamuddin Ramadhan 13 Incident, where Maulana Ibrahim himself confronted him for using violence.

      1. Personally, I feel that for a fair view you should move Ml Shamim to Indian Elders (senior). He used to give Bayanat in Ijtema before the split alongside Maulana Zubair, Maulana Ahmed Laat, Bhai Farooq etc. For example, have a look at this Bayan from this 2011 Malaysia Jord:

        Yes he is now completely pro-advocating for Nizamuddin but you cannot deny that he was considered one of the elders before the split.

        Also, I feel that in order to present a fair view, apart from Mufti Shahzad, you may consider adding the following names under the Indian elders (lesser) section for the Maulana Saad side:
        1) Maulana Shaukat
        2) Mufti Zahirul Islam
        3) Mufti Sajid
        4) Maulana Jamshed
        5) Maulana Abdus Sattar
        6) Maulana Yusuf bin Saad

        This is only as you have included names such as Maulana Yaseen Mewati on the Indian elders (lesser) section for the Shura side. I have spoken to Shura elders who themselves have said they do not associate with Maulana Yaseen Mewati due to his extremism in attempting to malign Maulana Saad. He does not give any bayanat in Ijtema etc, yet you have included him

        As for “others” section, you may consider including names such as Mufti Rizvi and Br Abdullah Chong (Malaysia) for the Maulana Saad side

        1. A bit disappointing that the admin is ignoring this. There is no issue with the admin of the site taking a stance and supporting a side, but I feel that the information presented to the reader should be fair and not biased so that the reader is able to come to their own conclusion without any misinformation/bias

          1. Sorry, we receive many comments and missed this one. I have taken some of your suggestions accordingly.

            Jazakallah Khair for the feedback.

  24. لسلام عليكم

    I went for the shabe jummah in one of the 5 Aalami Markaz in Nerul, Mumbai and it was closed due to low attendance. There is no more shabe jummah in this markaz.

    Also, one of the responsible of aalim shura, Maulana Abdul Rahman has left Mumbai and shifted to his native town Gujrat.
    Could you please confirm ?

    جزاك اللهُ خيرًا

  25. Who selected new shura ?..
    Shura does not exist in 1400 years of Islamic history; Hazrat ji Inamul Hasan rah appointed a committee to select a leader like Hazrat Umar radhiyallahu anhu because he definitely takes a decision from the Hayats Sahabah but shura committee not select an Ameer among them so Allah decided Hazrat ji Maulana Saad Sahib db as aalame Ameer .If Ijtimaayat is required then unity under Amir is necessary. This is the guidance of the Sahabah..
    (The Muslim nation is not an orphan and never will be)

  26. This individual, TJ Admin, is a creator of fitna, defaming the names of pious people, and even Maulana Saad’s wife has not been spared. Allah is watching. You continue to highlight the 1995 Agreement, but why didn’t the Shura members change when each of them passed away, one by one? Why wait until the very end? Even if that was the case, why was Maulana Saad’s proposal not considered? He was an old member of the Shura and had rejected the idea of re-establishing the Shura. The truth is that the so-called Shura members today, in a clever and cunning move, made a decision when Haji Abdul Wahhab Sahab was in old age and had him sign it during that time. This decision was opposed by Maulana Saad, as he was a younger member. Remember, it’s not about being young or old. So why did the respected Maulana Inamul Hasan appoint Maulana Saad? These are cunning people. Maulana Saad is the Amir, and he will continue to lead; the entire world still follows the Nizamuddin leadership. Even recently, in Ethiopia, an Ijtema with 20 to 30 lakh people was held, and everyone is with Nizamuddin. Stop beating around the bush with the 1995 Agreement.

    1. I’m not sure what else to respond. The 1995 Shura agreement is as clear evidence as it can get. It’s also backed by clear testimonies from elders like Haji Sahab. The 2015 Raiwind Mashwara is also evident that Maulana Saad was never appointed as the Ameer.

      If you want to give your life to Maulana Saad ignoring these evidences, there is nothing much we can do. We are still united as Muslim brothers and apart from Da’wa and Maulana Saad, there are many things we have in common. Khair.

  27. Aslamalycum
    Jazakallah khair for your information. However, a judge makes decision after listening/reading points of view of both parties. You need to refer the viepoint of competing Jamaat so that a prudent person may make an informed decision.

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