
Tablighi Jamaat: 100 Years of Da’wa and Reviving the Ummah

Bismillah-irrahmaan-irraheem. This site provides a comprehensive and authentic Tablighi Jamaat History from its humble beginnings, expansion, and preservation. We provide full citations from reliable sources. Tablighi Jamaat (aka Tableegi Jamat / Tablig Jamat / Tableeq Jamaat / Tabligi Jamaat / Tabligh Jamaat) is the unofficial name given to the largest Islamic movement in the world with an estimated 100 million followers. It focuses on reviving the Muslim Faith (Iman) and returning to the Sunnah of the Prophet SAW.

Tablighi Jamaat started on November 1926 (Jumadal-Awwal 1345). On November 2023 (Jumadal-Awwal 1445), Tablighi Jamaat reached 100 years old by the Islamic Calendar.

Side Note: For those who just want to know about the 2014 Tablighi Jamaat Split Crisis, please read the following article: 3 Reasons Why Tablighi Jamaat Split & How it was Reunited

Tablighi Jamaat: The Chronology of Events

This chronology has been taken from authentic sources + compilations of Maulana Abdurrahman Cirebon Indonesia. Maulana Abdurrahman had the opportunity to be the Khadim (Close confidant) of Maulana Inaamul Hassan. He is currently one of the Shuras of Indonesia, the country with the largest Muslim population in the world.

1886 Maulana Ilyas Kandhalawi bin Maulana Mohammad Ismail was born in Kandla, Muzaffar Nagar, UP, India.

Source: Sawanih Hadrathji Tsalits, I/14

Maulana Ilyas came from a very pious family. Maulana Ilyas’ father, Maulana Mohammad Ismail, was known to wait on the streets to serve thirsty labourers water. He would then pray 2 Rakaat Salaat thanking Allah for giving him the opportunity to serve. One day, he met some labourers from Mewat looking for work. He asked them how much they would earn from such work and offered them the same amount if they would learn Kalima and Salat from him instead. They agreed and since then almost 10 Mewati students would always remain with him at all times. Such was the start of the Madrasa at Banglawali Masjid.

Source: Life and Mission of Maulana Ilyas, pages 4-5

Maulana Ilyas’ brother, Maulana Mohammad, never missed a single Tahajjud prayer for 16 years before his death. He died in Sajdah while performing Witr Salat.

Source: Life and Mission of Maulana Ilyas, page 18

Maulana Ilyas’ mother, Bi Safia, would daily recite Durood Sharif 5000 times, Ism-i-Zaat Allah 5000 times, Bismillah-irrahmaan-irraheem 1000 times, Hasbunallahu-wani’mal wakil 1000 times, Manzil and several other Zikrs thousand times daily. During Ramadhan, on top of all this, she would recite the whole Quran plus another 10 juz every day. She would thus complete 40 times recitations of the Holy Quran in Ramadhan.

Maulana Ilyas was her favourite child, and she would say to him, “How is it that I see figures resembling the Sahaba moving along with you?’

Source: Life and Mission of Maulana Ilyas, page 7

Maulana Ilyas himself too was a man of great piety. It was said that he would often remain in solitude for hours in the Zikr of Allah. While he was in Nizamuddin, he would at times stay for hours till mid-day at the Gate of Arab Sara, a place where the great Wali of Allah, Hazrat Nizamuddin Aulia used to worship.

Source: Life and Mission of Maulana Ilyas, page 20

1898 February 2 – Shaykhul Hadith Maulana Muhammad Zakariyya Kandhalawi bin Maulana Mohammad Yahya was born, coinciding with 10 Ramadhan 1315 Hijri. He was the nephew of Maulana Ilyas.

Source: The seerah of Maulana Yahya page 294

1898 February 26Maulana Ismail (Maulana Ilyas‘ father) passed away.

Source: Life and Mission of Maulana Ilyas, page 5

1917 March 20Maulana Yusuf Kandhalawi bin Maulana Ilyas was born.

Source: Sawanih Hadrathji Tsalits, I/80

1918 February 8Maulana Ilyas (32 years old) took residence at the Banglewali Masjid. During that time, it was only a small masjid with a small room inside it. It was surrounded by thick forest. There was no tap water source and water had to be brought from elsewhere. Only 4 to 5 people used to pray there which were all his students. Maulana Ilyas used to spend a lot of time in the Masjid doing Zikr.

Source: Sawanih Hadrathji Tsalits, I/24

Food at the Madrasah was so meagre that they had to starve many times, but Maulana Ilyas bore it all with a cheerful heart. The extreme poverty made no Impression on him as what worried him was the prospect of abundance and prosperity.

Source: Life and Mission of Maulana Ilyas, page 19

1918 February 20 Maulana Inamul Hasan Kandhalawi bin Maulana Ikramul Hasan was born in Kandla, Muzaffar Nagar, UP, India. He was the nephew of Maulana Ilyas.

Source: Sawanih Hadrathji Tsalits, I/172

1922Haji Abdul Wahab was born in New Delhi, India. He was among the first five people who pledged allegiance to Maulana Ilyas to give his whole life to Tabligh. He is also the fourth Caliph of the Sufi Tharekat Maulana Shah Abdul Qadir Raipuri. Currently, he is one of the pioneers of Tabligh, whose Sanad (chain) is connected with all the three Ameers of Tabligh (Maulana Ilyas, Maulana Yusuf, and Maulana Inamul Hasan)

Source: The Life of Shaikh Zubayr, Page 156

1920sMaulana Ilyas was perturbed to see the general ignorance and irreligiousness of Muslims in general, even among Darul Uloom Students. Once, a young man was presented before Maulana with the laudatory remark that he had completed the study of the Quran in such-and-such a Maktab of Mewat. Maulana Ilyas was shocked to find that his beard was shaven and no one could know from his appearance or dress that he was a Muslim.

Source: Life and Mission of Maulana Ilyas – S Abul Hasan Ali Nadwi

1926 April 29Maulana Ilyas (40 years old) went Hajj together with several Alims.

Source: Sawanih Hadrathji Tsalits I/31

Mecca (Old Picture)
Mecca Old Picture

1926 July 20 Maulana Ilyas’ Hajj group was supposed to return to India on this day but Maulana Ilyas felt so perturbed and uneasy that he felt a strong urge to stay longer in Madinah.

Source: Sawanih Hadrathji Tsalits, I/31

1926 – One night, in the Holy City of Madinah, Maulana Ilyas fell asleep inside the Prophet’s Mosque in Raudhah. Maulana Ilyas dreamt the Holy Prophet SAW telling him to “Return to India for Allah SWT will take work for you”.

Source: Sawanih Hadrathji Tsalits, I/31

1926 NovemberMaulana Ilyas returned to India from Hajj and officially started the work of Tabligh at the age of 40.

Source: Sawanih Hadrathji Tsalits, I/31

1930 – Inamul Hassan, who was his student (13 years old), started joining Maulana Ilyas in his Da’wah trips and also as a Muqim (resident) of Nizamuddin.

Source: Sawanih Hadrathji Tsalits, I/222, 248

1930 April 28Maulana Ilyas presented the effort of Dawah to Darul Uloom Saharanpur (for the first time) at the Madrasah’s yearly event.

Source: Sawanih Hadrathji Tsalits, I/33

1932 – The first ever jamaat was formed 6 years after Maulana Ilyas first started the work of Da’wah and Tabligh. The 2 jamaats were:

  • Maulana Hafiz Maqbul’s Jamaat – Sent to Kandhla
  • Maulana Dawood Mewati’s Jamaat – Sent to Saharanpur

Source: Sawanih Hadrathji Tsalits, I/40

1933 April 25Maulana Ibrahim Dewla was born in Devla, Jamboosar, Bharuch district, Gujarat.

Source: Discourses Of Maulana Ibrahim Dewla

1934 August 2 – A Mashwara was made on how this effort was to be conducted. Maulana Ilyas (48 years old) and Maulana Zakariyya (36 years old) conducted the Mashwara. This is the Mashwara where 6 points of Tabligh were agreed upon (It is to note that originally Maulana Ilyas had up to 60 points). As of today, the 6 points of Tabligh are:

  1. Kalima
  2. Salat
  3. Ilm and Zikr
  4. Ikraamul Muslimeen
  5. Ikhlaas
  6. Da’wah and Tabligh

Source: Sawanih Hadrathji Tsalits, I/36

1939 November 8 – Maulana Haroon Kandhalawi bin Maulana Yusuf bin Maulana Ilyas (father of Maulana Saad) was born.

Source: The Tadzkirah of Maulana Haroon, Page 23

1941 May 28 – Maulana Talha, son of Maulana Zakariyya was born.

Source: The Life of Shaikh Zubayr, Page 133

Maulana Zakariyya's House where Maulana Talha was born
Maulana Zakariyya’s House where Maulana Talha was born

1941 November 30 – The first ever Ijtema was conducted at Mewat where 25,000 attendees came. A lot of great Ulema came as well including Maulana Ahmad Madani and Mufti Kifayatullah

Source: Life and Mission of Maulana Ilyas, Page 62

1942 – The first ever Masturat (Ladies) Jamaat was formed where Maulana Dawud Mewati was the Amir. Several Ulemas including Maulana Yusuf and Maulana Inamul Hasan at first did not agree with such a Jamaat. However, after being given the explanation and the full Tarteeb (methodology) of such Jamaat, they have fully supported it since.

Source: Sabilul Khoirot fiJama’atil Mutanaqqibat, Page 262

1944 JanuaryHaji Abdul Wahab (22 years old at that time) went to Nizamuddin Markaz for the first time and joined the work of Da’wa. He was able to be in the company of Maulana Ilyas for 6 months before Maulana Ilyas passed away.

Source: The Life of Maulana Zubayr, Page 156

1944 May to July – Throughout that month, Maulana Ilyas’ illness got worse day by day.

The Elders and prominent scholars at that time had a common concern among them, namely; If Maulana Ilyas passes away, who will replace the leadership of the Da’wah and Tabligh Jamaat after his death?

On those nights, almost all the prominent scholars, such as; Shaykh Abul Hasan Ali Nadwi, Maulana Shah Abdul Qadir Raipuri, Maulana Zhafar Ahmad Usmani, Hafizh Fakhruddin, Maulana Khalil Ahmad Saharanpuri, and other scholars who loved him, both those who were in contact with Maulana Ilyas in preaching or personally, gathered and spent the night in the Nizamuddin Markaz mosque.

In the view of these scholars, the most suitable to replace the emirship of Maulana Ilyas in the Congregation of Da’wah and Tabligh is Shaykhul Hadith Maulana Zakariyya. He is the only person who is qualified to replace Maulana Ilyas as the emir of the Jamaat Da’wa and Tabligh, both in terms of knowledge, spirituality, practice, high degree, and wisdom.

Then the respected scholars came to Shaykhul hadith Maulana Zakariyya (46 years old) and conveyed their views to him. Maulana Zakariyya gently refused and replied, “You don’t need to worry about this as Allah SWT will arrange it.”

Source: Sawanih Hadrathji Tsalits, I/68

1944 July 11 – Two days before Maulana Ilyas passed away, Maulana Ilyas called Maulana Zakariya and Shaykh Abdul Qadir Raipuri to consult. After gathering, in the consultation, he said in front of the scholars and religious figures, “Immediately choose the people who will replace me after my death. I want them to pledge allegiance in front of me. There are six people of my choice; Maulana Hafiz Maqbul, Maulana Dawud Mewati, Maulana Ihtisyamul Hasan, Maulana Yusuf Kandhalawi, Maulana Inamul Hasan, Maulana Sayyid Ridho Hasan Bhopali. Personally, I propose Maulana Hafiz Maqbul, because he has long been involved in both Dhikr and this effort.”

Maulana Shah Abdul Qadir Raipuri on the other hand proposed Maulana Yusuf as the next Amir of Da’wa and Tabligh. When these two options appeared, Maulana Ilyas said, “Who can deal with the Mewatis better than Yusuf?”. Based on those considerations, Maulana Abdul Qadir Raipuri finally decided Maulana Yusuf to be the Ameer of Da’wa and Tabligh. Maulana Yusuf was 27 years old at that time.

Maulana Ilyas said, “If this is indeed your choice, then may Allah SWT grant goodness and blessings. Before my heart did not feel calm, but now my soul feels very calm. I hope that after my departure, this work will continue to go well.”

Then Maulana Zakariya and Maulana Ilyas wrote on a paper given to Maulana Yusuf; “I authorize you to take Bay’ah from people.”

Source: Sawanih Hadrathji Tsalits, I/65

Maulana Ilyas gave permission to take Bay'ah in writing to Maulana Yusuf
Maulana Ilyas gave permission to take Bay’ah in writing to Maulana Yusuf (Illustration only)

1944 July 13Maulana Ilyas passed away in Banglawali Masjid and was buried outside the core of Banglawali mosque, Nizamuddin. Maulana Yusuf was appointed and sworn in as the second Amir of Da’wa and Tabligh through the consultation of all the members of Da’wa and Tabligh. Maulana Zakariyya ceremoniously put Maulana Ilyas’ turban on Maulana Yusuf’s head. The first Bayan of Maulana Yusuf was under a tree, in the courtyard of Banglawali Masjid, Nizamuddin. 

Source: Sawanih Hadrathji Tsalits, I/66

Tablighi Jamaat History

Tablighi Jamaat: The Era of Maulana Yusuf

1946 – Maulana Yusuf sent the first ever Jamaat to work specifically during Hajj season in Saudi Arabia.

Source: Sawanih Maulana Yusuf, Page 411

1946 – Maulana Yusuf sent Maulana Ubaydillah Belyawi to stay locally in Madinah and start the work of Da’wah there amongst Arabs. He was later succeeded by Maulana Saeed Ahmad Khan.

Source: Life of Maulana Zubayr, Page 148

1947 August 15 – The conflict between India and Pakistan erupted. Thousands of Muslims left Islam out of fear. Many lives were lost. All the Mashaikh prayed and cried to Allah SWT. A large party from Mewat took refuge in Nizamuddin Markaz. Hadhratji Maulana Yusuf, Maulana Manzhur Nu’mani, Maulana Habiburrahman Ludyanwi, and Maulana Zakariyya decided that Muslims should not leave India. Either they stay or die. Maulana Zakariya was instrumental in urging the fatwa council to issue a fatwa for Muslims not to leave India. If this fatwa had not been issued, perhaps today there would be no more Muslims in India.

Source: Sawanih Hadhratji Tsalits, 1/121, 129

1947 August – Maulana Yusuf sent many die-hard Jamaats to call Muslims who became Murtad back to Islam. These Jamaats put their life in danger and were ready to be martyred in the Path of Allah.

Source: Sawanih Maulana Yusuf, Page 306

1947 August 24 – Maulana Yusuf sent a die-hard Jamaat to migrate to Pakistan and establish the effort there. Haji Abdul Wahab Sahab was part of this Jamaat. The Jamaat wrote a letter detailing their dangerous journey where they hid under the seats and inside the toilet.

Haji Abd Wahab (25 years old at that time) from there onwards took residence at the Raiwind Markaz in Lahore, Pakistan.

1947 September 15 – Maulana Yusuf’s wife passed away during Sujood (Prostration) while performing Maghrib Salat. Their son, Maulana Haroon was only 8 years old at that time.

Source: Tadzkirah Maulana Haroon, Page 31

1947 December 26 – The first ever Ijtema was held in Karachi after Pakistan’s separation from India.

Source: Sawanih Maulana Yusuf, Page 380

1948 March 13 – An Ijtema was held in Pakistan which Maulana Yusuf attended for the first time after Pakistan’s separation from India. During this Ijtema, a decision was made that the Markaz of Pakistan would be Raiwind, Lahore.

Source: Sawanih Hadhratji Tsalits, I/106

1948 December – Maulana Zakariyya completed the book Fadhail Sadaqat

Source: Answering the Objections on Fadhail Amal, Page 15

1950 March 30 – Maulana Zubair Ul Hassan Kandhalawi bin Maulana Inamul Hasan was born.

Source: Ahwal wa Atsar, Page 29

1954 January 11 – The first Ijtema was held in Dhaka, East Pakistan (before the formation of Bangladesh). Maulana Yusuf and Maulana Inamul Hassan attended the Ijtema.

Source: Sawanih Hadrat Maulana Yusuf, Page 385

1954 April 10 – The first ever Raiwind Ijtema was conducted

Source: Sawanih Hadrat Maulana Yusuf, Page 376

1960 – Maulana Yusuf published the first copy of Hayatus Sahaba

Source: Sawanih Hadhratji Tsalit, I/165

1962 August 16Maulana Shah Abdul Qadir Raipuri passed away. He was not only a famous Sufi Shaikh but was also the Amir of the third walking Jamaat from Delhi to Saudi Arabia where in that Jamaat was also a young Maulana Saeed Ahmad Khan.

Source: Ahwal wa Atsar, Page 89

1965 April 12 – Sheikh Maulana Yusuf died in Lahore at 14.50 on Friday. He was 48 years old at that time. Maulana Inamul Hasan recited Surat Yasin by his side. Maulana Yusuf continued to recite the Shahadat until his last breath. He was buried next to the maqam of his father, Maulana Ilyas.

Source: Sawanih Hadhratji Tsalits, I/274

Maulana Inamul Hasan’s Era

1965 April 12 – A Mashwara was conducted by Maulana Zakariyya. From that Mashwara it was decided that Maulana Inamul Hasan was to be appointed as the third Amir of Da’wa and Tabligh. The result of the Mashwara was announced by Maulana Fakhruddin Deobandi, after Maulana Umar Palanpuri’s Bayan (Talk).

Source: Sawanih Hadhratji Tsalits, I/274

1965 AprilA Fitna emerged. There was a group of Mewati people who wanted Maulana Harun bin Maulana Yusuf (26 years old) to be the next Ameer of Da’wa and Tabligh. This group, along with some people from Delhi, urged Maulana Zakariyya to change his decision after the Mashwara. They continued to urge him through letters and exhortations. They even accused Hadrat Maulana Zakariyya of oppressing Maulana Harun. Maulana Zakariyya remained firm on the decision of the Mashwara. People said: ‘Maulana Inamul Hasan is not like Maulana Yusuf’. Hadrat Maulana Zakariyya replied, “It is true, but after Maulana Yusuf, you will never find an Amir like him (Maulana Inamul Hasan).”

Source: Sawanih Hadhratji Tsalits, I/276, 277

1965 – Maulana Harun accepted willingly – Maulana Harun himself was happy and not at all lured nor influenced by the insistence of those who wanted him to be Amir. He accepted the decision of the Mashwara with an open heart. He even gave Bayans (Talks) on the importance of obeying the Mashwara’s decision, and whatever the decision is, that is the right one.

Source: Sawanih Hadhratji Tsalits, I/277

1965 April 3 – The Bay’ah to Maulana Inamul Hasan started. One of the reasons why Maulana Inamul Hasan was chosen to be the Amir of the Da’wah and Tabligh is because he was Maulana Yusuf’s closest friend, from childhood til death. In addition, Maulana Inamul Hasan was also a direct student of Maulana Ilyas. He accompanied Maulana Ilyas on most of his da’wah journeys, thus understanding the ins and outs and the work of da’wah.

Source: Ahwal wa Atsar, Page 31

1965 May 10Maulana Saad Kandhalawi bin Maulana Harun was born.

1967 August 21Maulana Inamul Hasan made his first Dawa Safar abroad after being appointed the Amir of Da’wa and Tabligh. It was the Sri Lankan Ijtema held between the 26 to 30 August in Colombo.

Source: Ahwal wa Atsar, Page 159

1967 November – The first ever Tonggi Ijtema was conducted in East Pakistan (before the formation of Bangladesh).

Source: Sawanih Hadhratji Tsalits, II/452

1969Maulana Ibrahim Dewla went for his 1-year Khurooj at the age of 36 to Turkey, Jordan, and Iraq. The Khurooj extended to 19 months.

Source: Discourses of Maulana Ibrahim, Page 36

1971 March 26 – The separation of Bangladesh from Pakistan. Many Muslims lost their lives.

Source: Sawanih Hadhratji Tsalits, I/441

1973 April 23 – Maulana Zakariyya migrated to the Madinah Al Munawwarah at 75 years old.

Source: The Life of Maulana Muhammad Yahya al-Kandahlawi, Page 307.

1973 September 28 – Maulana Harun Kandhalawi bin Maulana Yusuf (Maulana Saad’s father) passed away at the age of 35 after a sickness engulfed him and was treated in the hospital for 13 days. His Janaza prayer was led by Maulana Inamul Hassan, 55 years old. At that time, his son, Maulana Saad was 8 years old.

Source: Ahwal wa Atsar, Page 379

It was suspected that Maulana Harun was affected by Black Magic as before his death, he was perfectly fine. His disease came without any pre-symptoms. He would cough out Black Goo.

Without any basis, rumours began to emerge that it was Maulana Inaamul Hassan himself who administered the Black Magic. Maulana Inaamul Hassan was emotionally hurt due to the baseless accusation. What made it worse was some of the accusers were from the family of Maulana Harun himself, such as Maulana Harun’s wife, Khalida (i.e. Maulana Saad’s mother). Khalida was the daughter of Maulana Izharul Hassan.

It was recorded in a letter that at one point he could not stand the baseless accusations anymore that he consulted Maulana Zakariyya. He asked him whether it be a good idea for him to migrate to Madinah (Saudi) like how Maulana Zakariyya migrated as well. Maulana Zakariyya told him to be patient and stay in Nizamuddin. He obeyed this.

1974 August 9 – Maulana Zubayr (age 25) began a one-year going in the path of Allah.

Source: Sawanih Hadhratii Tsalits, I/239

1978 February 10 – Maulana Zakariyya (who was living in Madinah) officially permitted Maulana Zubayr to accept Bay’ah for his Tareeqa (Sufi Order). The ceremony was conducted in front of Masjid Nabawi.

Source: Ahwal wa Atsar, Page 98

Masjid An Nabawi (Old Photo)

Maulana Zubayr has obtained the Ijazat (Certification) of Tareeqa (Sufi Order) from 4 Mashaikhs: (1) Maulana In’amul Hasan, (2) Maulana Zakariyya, (3) Maulana Sayeed Abul Hasan Ali Nadwi, and (4) Maulana Iftikhar-ul Hasan. This, by any standards, would make him an ‘over-achiever’ in the world of Tazkiyya due to his extreme piety and dedication.

Source: Ahwal wa Atsar, Page 107

1980 July 27 – Maulana Hafiz Maqbul Passed away. He was the Amir of the first ever Jamaat formed by Maulana Ilyas in 1932 and was the preferred choice of Maulana Ilyas as his successor (next Amir). However, Maulana Shah Abdul Qadir Raipuri decided on Maulana Yusuf instead.

Source: Ahwal wa Atsar, Page 387

1982 May 24 – Maulana Zakariya Kandhalawi passed away in Madinah al-Munawwarah (84 years old), He was buried in ‘Jannatul Baqi‘ the grave of the Sahaba. The last words from his mouth were; ‘Allah….Allah”. He died at 17:40 before Maghrib and was buried after Isha on the same day.

Source: The Life of Maulana Muhammad Yahya, Page 308

Tablighi Jamaat History
Baqi Cemetary

1983 November 4Raiwind Ijtema in Pakistan was conducted which all the senior elders attended. During that Ijtema, the concept of having a Shura System for Tabligh was first introduced by Maulana Inamul Hasan during the World Mashwara which was conducted a week after the Ijtema on November 12.

Source: Ahwal wa Atsar, Page 311, Page 450

From then onwards, Maulana Inamul Hasan established Shuras in all places in India and many parts of the world.

Source: Letter written by Maulana Shahid Saharanpuri to Maulana Saleemullah Khan

1993 May 20 – Maulana Inamul Hasan’s condition worsened. He collapsed in Mecca. Since 1990, this was the seventh time he collapsed.

Source: Sawanih Hadhratji Tsalits, III/440

1993 May – During the Hajj season, in Mecca, Maulana Inamul Hasan gave a talk to Mufti Zainal Abidin, Maulana Saeed Ahmad Khan, Haji Afdhal, Haji Abdul Muqit, Haji Abdul Wahab, and several other Elders: “You know my health is getting worse due to my illness and I don’t have the same vitality anymore. This work has already spread all over the world and is now becoming hard for me. For this, I want to form a Shura that will help the work of Da’wa.” 

Source: Dakwah wa Tabligh Azhim Mehnat ke Maujudah Halat, Page 15,16

1993 June 14 – At Nizamuddin Markaz, all the Elders gathered in Maulana Inamul Hasan’s room. They were: Maulana Saeed Ahmad Khan, Mufti Zainal Abidin, Haji Afdhal, Haji Abdul Muqit, Haji Abdul Wahab, Maulana Izharul Hasan, Maulana Umar Palanpuri, and Maulana Zubayr. 

Hadratji Maulana Inamul Hasan said to those present, “You already know my health condition now. My health continues to decline, while this work continues to increase. I can’t handle this work by myself anymore. We have to work together.” Then he said, “From now on you are my Shura. And add two more; Miyaji Mehrab and Maulana Saad. By Allah’s will, with these ten Shuras, this work will continue to go well.”

The Shura was thus established: (1) Maulana Saeed Ahmad Khan, (2) Mufti Zainal Abidin, (3) Haji Afdhal, (4) Haji Abdul Muqit, (5) Haji Abdul Wahab, (6) Maulana Izharul Hasan, (7) Maulana Umar Palanpuri, (8) Maulana Zubayr, (9) Miyaji Mehrab Mewati, and (10) Maulana Saad.

Source: Dakwah wa Tabligh Azhim Mehnat ke Maujudah Halat, Page 16

1993 June – The rotation of Faisal. After the Shura was formed, Maulana Saeed Ahmad Khan asked Maulana Inamul Hasan in front of all the appointed Shura, “When you are here, you are our Amir and Faisal. But if you are not there, how will we make a Faisala?”. Maulana Inamul Hasan replied, “Choose a Faisala from amongst yourselves alternately.”

Source: Dakwah wa Tabligh Azhim Mehnat ke Maujudah Halat, Page 12

Why Maulana Saad was included despite never spending time in the Path of Allah

Maulana Inamul Hasan deliberately included Maulana Saad in the Shura, as he wanted to avoid any problems from the Mewat people. It was feared that a similar problem would arise as what happened after the death of Maulana Yusuf. At that time, Maulana Saad was 26 years old and had not spent any time on the Path of Allah, yet he had already been appointed into the world Shura.

Until today Maulana Saad has never spent any time in Jamaat

Source 1: C Amaantullah’s Detail Explanation.

Source 2: Haji Abdul Wahab Sahab, Raiwind Ijtema 2017 (Maulana Saad has not spent even 40 days in the Path of Allah)

Maulana Inamul Hasan never intended to make his son, Maulana Zubayr, his successor. He wanted to show that this work was not based on descent, lineage, or relatives, even though Maulana Zubayr was highly qualified to be the next Amir of Da’wa and Tabligh. Maulana Zubayr had spent a year in the path of Allah. He had also participated in various Safars (travels) of his father and was a student of Maulana Zakariyya too. At the same time, he obtained the Ijzazat (permission) to take Bay’ah for both of them. Despite all these qualifications, Maulana Inamul Hasan did not appoint him as his successor but instead formed a Shura.

Maulana Ibrahim Dewla was not appointed into the Shura as he was not always available in Nizamuddin Markaz and spent most of his time in long Khuroojs (In the Path of Allah)

1994 March 31 – Maulana Inamul Hasan fainted while taking Bay’ah at the Ijtema in Hyderabad due to deteriorating health.

Source: Ahwal wa Atsar, Page 148

1994 June 22 to July 2 – Maulana Inamul Hasan made a Safar to England for an Ijtema’ in Dewsbury. This was Maulana Inamul Hasan’s last Safar abroad, apart from Hajj and Umrah. Approximately 80,000 people were present in the Ijtema.

Source: Sawanih Hadhratji Tsalits, III/139

1995 March 29 – Maulana Inamul Hasan performed Hajj with all the Shura. That was the last Hajj performed by Maulana Inamul Hasan during his lifetime in which he performed Hajj 17 times.

During this Hajj, a Mashwara was made in which it was decided that Maulana Inamul Hasan and the entire Shura would go on a long Safar from Sri Lanka to Australia.

Source: Ahwal wa Atsar, Page 183

1995 June 6 – The Ijtema of Muzaffar Nagar, UP, India was the last Ijtema attended by Maulana Inamul Hasan. In his last Bayan, the first thing he said was (after praising Allah and salutations to the Prophet SAW) “Allah does not look at family and lineage at all, Allah SWT only looks at a person’s actions. If a person has good deeds, then he is close to Allah SWT. On the other hand, if a person whose deeds are bad, then indeed he is far from Allah SWT”

Source: Sawanih Hadhratii Tsalits, III/365

Tablighi Jamaat: The Era of the World Aalami Shura

1995 June 10 – At 1.20 am Hadratji Maulana Inamul Hasan passed away at the age of 77. His last words were “Shukr to Allah.” and that was his last breath. His Janaza was prayed for by half a million people from all over the world and was buried next to Maulana Yusuf.

Source: Sawanih Hadhratji Tsalits, III/368, 369

1995 June 10 to 12 – The entire Shura (from India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh) gathered at Nizamuddin’s Markaz for a Mashwara that took 3 days. The key outcomes of the Mashwara were as follows:

  • From now onwards, the responsibility of patronizing the work will not be on one individual; but a (World) Shura
  • Those who reside in Nizamuddin from the (World) Shura will be members of the Nizamuddin Shura. They will manage the work there.
  • Bay’ah (Oath of allegiance) will be stopped in Nizamuddin

Source 1: Tablighi Markaz Nizamuddin Kuch Haqaiq, Page 3

Source 2: Ahwal wa Atsar, Page 421

Source 3: Dr Khalid Siddiqui’s Letter

Source 4: Maulana Yaqub’s letter

Source 5: Haji Abdul Wahab’s statement/letters

Haji Abdul Wahab, 72 years old then, vividly recollects the events of this Mashwara:

“We sat in a Mashwara after the demise of Maulana Inamul Hasan. Saad said that if I am appointed as Amir, those who want Maulana Zubayr will disconnect themselves (from this effort). If Maulana Zubayr is made Ameer, those who want me will disconnect themselves (from this effort). Therefore this effort must be run by Mashwara and Bay’ah will not occur there. This matter was agreed upon”

Source: Haji Abdul Wahab Sahab (Audio), Raiwind November 2016

1995 June – At that moment, there was a matter of disappointment from those who wanted Maulana Zubayr to be the next Amir, considering the various qualifications that he had. Maulana Zubayr however did not show any disappointment let alone any anger that he was not appointed as Amir. Seeing that Maulana Zubayr himself accepted the decision with open arms, the matter eventually subsided.

Source: Tablighi Markaz Nizamuddin Kuch Haqaiq, Page 3

At that time, Maulana Saad was 30 years old. Other than the people of Mewat, he was not well known within Tabligh. He had not yet obtained Ishlahi Ta’alluq (having a Shaykh to be his spiritual guide) and had never gone in the Path of Allah, other than participating in Ijtemas. It is to note that until now he had not spent even 40 days in the Path of Allah as testified by Haji Abdul Wahab and Chaudry Amanatullah (Shura of Nizamuddin Madrasah)

Source: Tablighi Markaz Nizamuddin Kuch Haqaiq, Page 3

1995 – It has been recorded that in the few years after the demise of Maulana Inamul Hasan, Maulana Saad used to say:

The enemies of Da’wa are two: Shaykhul Hadith Maulana Zakariyya because he did not make my father Ameer; and the second enemy is Maulana Inamul Hasan

Maulana Saad, 1995

Such words were venomous and angered many.

Source: Ahwal Wa Atsar, Page 425

1996 – Maulana Zubayr was appointed Shaykhul Hadith Madrasah Kashiful Uloom Nizamuddin. Although Maulana Zubayr was the only person in Nizamuddin’s, who obtained Ijazah(permission) to take Bay’ah from his father as well as from Maulana Zakariyya, he never took Bay’ah from anyone until the end of his life. He honoured the 1995 mashwara/agreement.

Source: Ahwal wa Atsar, Page 106, Page 421

1996 – All Shura elders went on a Safar from Sri Lanka to Australia. This Safar was to honour the decision from Maulana Inamul Hasan before his death to go to these countries. During the Safar, many Mashwaras were made between the Shura members.

Source: Ahwal wa Atsar, Page 183

1996 August – Maulana Izharul Hasan passed away. He was the most senior Shura of Nizamuddin Markaz. He was also the Imam of the Masjid, headmaster of Nizamuddin Kasyiful Uloom Madrasa, Sheikhul Hadith, and Manager of Nizamuddin Markaz. After his death, Maulana Saad took over Markaz’s treasury and finances. Until now, the financial accounts of Nizamuddin Markaz are only known to Maulana Saad and have never been audited.

Source: Tablighi Markaz Nizamuddin Kuch Haqaiq, Page 4

1997 May – Maulana Umar Palanpuri passed away. He was often called the ‘Voice of Tabligh’, or ‘Mutakallim of Tabligh’.

Source: Tabligh Markaz Nizamuddin Kuch Haqaiq, Page 5

1997 August – Miyaji Mehrab passed away.

Source: Tabligh Markaz Nizamuddin Kuch Haqaiq, Page 5

1998 – All the Shura elders went on a Safar to several African countries, namely; Kenya, Malawi, Zambia, Mozambique, Zimbabwe, South Africa, Re-Union, Madagascar, and Mauritius. During the trip, the Faisal of the Mashwara always rotated between them.

Source: Ahwal wa Atsar, Page 190

1999 October 18 – A world Shura member, Haji Abdul Muqit passed away in Bangladesh. He was alive during the time of Maulana Ilyas.

Source: Maujudah Ahwal kiWadhahat se Muta’alliq, Page 13

1999 November 15 – A world Shura member, Maulana Saeed Ahmad Khan passed away in Madinah Al Munawwarah and was buried in Jannatul Baqi.

Source: Ahwal wa Atsar, Page 319

1999 – Of the ten Shura members, 5 have passed away and 5 were left, namely: Mufti Zainal Abidin (Faisalabad Pakistan), Haji Afdhal, Haji Abdul Wahab, Maulana Saad, and Maulana Zubayr.

1999 December 31Maulana Syed Abul Hasan Ali Nadwi passed away. He was in the direct company of Maulana Ilyas.

Source: Ahwal wa Atsar, Page 409

2000 – All elders of the 5 remaining Shuras went on a Safar to America and Europe. This year also, two Shura members passed away, namely: Mufti Zainal Abidin and Bhay Haji Afdhal. 3 Shura Members were left, which were Haji Abdul Wahab, Maulana Saad, and Maulana Zubayr. Haji Abd Wahab was the most senior of the three as he was with Maulana Ilyas.

Source: Ahwal wa Atsar, Page 321

2000 to 2014 – Since the death of Mufti Zainal Abidin and Haji Afdhal, there have been proposals from various parties to add the number of Shura members. Such proposals were always delayed with various issues being brought forward.

Source: Maulana Ahmad Mewati, khadim of Maulana Zubayr

2001 November 2The first-ever criticism of Maulana Saad‘s speech came in the form of a letter from Maulana Muhammad Ishaq Utarwi addressed to Maulana Saad, Maulana Zubairul Hasan and Maulana Iftikhar ul Hassan. The letter raised concerns about Maulana Saad’s speech on 2nd November 2001. In that Bayan, Maulana Saad propagated an incorrect understanding of Iman. He also falsely said that ‘Allah said this…..’, attributing something which Allah SWT himself never said! Na’uzubillah!

Source 1: Maulana Saad se Ulama Umat ke Ikhtilaf ki Bunyadi Wujuhat, Page 7 8

Source 2: Moulana Saad – Wifaaqul Ulema Al Hind, Page 6-7

2002 – Maulana Saad started distributing Muntakhab Ahadith.

Source: Ahwal wa Atsar, Page 359

2004 May 15 – One of the World Shura members, Mufti Zainal Abideen passed away in Faisalabad, Pakistan.

Source: Tadzkirah Maulana Zubayr, Page 127

2005 April 11 – One of the World Shura members, Haji Afdhal of Pakistan passed away.

Source: Dakwah was Tabligh Azhim Mehnat ke Maujudah Halat, Page 18

2005 – A letter of complaint came to Darul Uloom Deoband from a prominent Kanpur scholar who criticized Bayan Maulana Saad. In his letter, he concluded that this Da’wa Jamaat has turned into a distinct sect. This complaint shocked the Ulama of Deoband.

Source: Darul Ulum Deoband ke Mauqif, Page 17

2006 September 12Maulana Saad for the first time instructed people (the audience at Nizamuddin Markaz) to start reading Muntakhab Ahadith in Ijtimai Amaals. This was a high alert and almost all the elders at Nizamuddin raised concerns on this. Such a large change in the Tarteeb (Methodology) of the work was done without Mashwara. Maulana Saad ignored all concerns and continued to ask brothers to include Muntakhab Ahadith in Ijtimai Amaals.

Source: Ahwal wa Atsar, Page 460

2010 January – The Tongi/Bishwa Ijtema was for the first time conducted in two phases due to a large number of attendees.

Source: Banglapedia – Viswa Ijtema

2014 March 18 – Shaykhul Hadith Maulana Muhammad Zubayr passes away in Banglawali mosque, Nizamuddin while at Dr Ram Manohar Lohia (RML) Hospital, Delhi. He was 63 years old at the of his death. When he was about to be taken to the hospital, he said, “Bring me the Ihram cloth, I want to perform Umrah.” His family said, “No, you are to go to the hospital.” He said, “No, I want to perform Umrah. Bring me an Ihram cloth.”

Maulana Zubayr went to the Hospital with the intention of Umrah. When leaving Nizamuddin, he said, “Assalamu’alaikum. Goodbye, Nizamuddin.” 

When he was alive, one of his prayers was, “Ya Allah, take my life away before Fitna befalls Nizamuddin.”

Hundreds of thousands of Muslims attended his funeral prayer led by Maulana Iftikharul Hasan Kandhalawi (his uncle). 

Source: Jejak Dakwah Melawan Fitnah, Page 75

After Maulana Zubayr’s Demise

Assalamualaykum, before reading further, please understand that we aim to preserve the true history of Tabligh, no matter how bitter it is. As generations come, this history may be forgotten. We do not promote hate, and certainly not backbiting. See our article ‘Backbiting vs Warning‘. No matter how bad a Muslim is, he is still our Muslim brother. We love and hate only for the sake of Allah.

2014 November – The Fitna of Tablighi Jamaat Split started after Maulana Zubayr’s demise. It was decided in the world Mashwara by Haji Abdul Wahab that the recitation of Du’a and Musafaha (a ceremonial farewell handshake before a person goes out in the Path of Allah), which Maulana Zubayr usually did was to be replaced by his son Maulana Zuhairul Hassan to honour his father’s legacy. Maulana Saad was very upset with this decision.

During Raiwind Ijtema, in front of all the Elders, Maulana Saad again brought up his dissatisfaction concerning the Musafaha which was to be shared with Maulana Zuhair. He did not want to share it with anyone else. Further details: Read: Maulana Saad aggressively demands Musafaha

Source: Ahwal wa Atsar, Page 76

For more comprehensive info SEE: 3 Reasons Why Tablighi Jamaat Split

2014 December – During Bhopal Ijtema, when people asked Maulana Zuhair to sit on the stage for Musafaha, Maulana Saad was so angry that he left the stage.

Source: Tablighi Markaz Nizamuddin Kuch Haqaiq

2014Maulana Saad made a treacherous move by starting Bay’ah (taking the oath of allegiance) towards himself at Nizamuddin Markaz. This was a direct violation of the 1995 agreement. What was even more worrying was that he was doing the Bay’ah under the name of Maulana Ilyas whom he never met nor received Ijazah (permission).

Source: Maujudah Ahwal ki Wadhahat se Muta’alliq, Page 21

2014 – Maulana Saad was known to be delivering many speeches that were critical of the Ulema. These speeches were highly criticized. Many letters came to Darul Uloom Deoband which criticized the Bayans of Maulana Saad in Ijtema and his general talks. The contents of his Bayans were contrary to the Ijma of the Ulama and are often filled with Ghuloo’ (exaggeration in Islam).

Darul Uloom Deoband carried out an investigation that took a few years. First, they collected evidence and witnesses on Maulana Saad’s offences. Next, they sent a letter to Maulana Saad to reprimand him before publishing the Fatwa as they wanted to protect his honour, as well as the good image of the work of Da’wa. They waited for a considerable period but Maulana Saad did not give any response.

Source: Mawqif Darul Ulum Deoband, Page 5, 20

2014 to 2015 – All the senior elders of the Nizamuddin Headquarters constantly warned Maulana Saad to be careful in speaking, especially when giving Bayan in front of the public. One of the principles of Da’wa and Tabligh is not to discuss contemporary issues, or Islamic jurisprudence and to avoid four things, which are ‘Comparing’ (Taqabul), ‘Condescending’ (Tanqish), ‘Criticizing’ (Tanqid), and ‘Rejecting’ (Tardid).

Maulana Ibrahim Devla (82 years old), who was Maulana Saad’s teacher had always invited him to do Mashwara before delivering his Bayan. Unfortunately, Maulana Saad never took heed.

Maulana Saad felt uncomfortable with all the criticism of him. He started a two-month Tarteeb for his Hirasah (personal security). Many unknown youths came from Mewat. Most of them had never spent a single day in the path of Allah. They exhibit little manners and have a thug-like attitude. Their numbers averaged over a hundred people. Their job was not only to look after Maulana Saad but to also spy on anyone who was not in line with him.

Source: Tablighi Markaz Nizamuddin Kuch Haqaiq, Page 13

2015 August 18 – After the closing of the Old Workers Jod of Uttar Pradesh in Nizamuddin Markaz, Maulana Saad’s guards created a ruckus. They forbade and expelled those who wanted to do Musafaha (Ceremonial Hand Shake) with Maulana Zuhairul Hasan.

Further details: Maulana Saad aggressively demands Musafaha)

Source: Tablighi Markaz Nizamuddin Kuch Haqaiq, Page 10

2015 August 20 – During Shabguzari night at Nizamuddin Markaz, the responsible brothers of Delhi were provoked. At that time there was a commotion in Nizamuddin Markaz between the people of Delhi and Maulana Saad’s guards. Maulana Saad’s guards have adopted this attitude of extreme suspicion. Whenever the slightest evidence comes about a person maligning Maulana Saad, such a person will be beaten up.

Source: Tabligh Markaz Nizamuddin Kuch Haqaiq, Page 10

2015 August 23 – As the situation got more and more chaotic, a group of Senior Elders (Including Maulana Ibrahim & Prof Sanaullah) went to address their concerns during the Markaz Mashwara which Maulana Saad was conducting. They raised concerns about the thugs that were controlling Nizamuddin Markaz. However, before they could speak, they were directly criticized and threatened and a commotion erupted. At that moment Maulana Saad proclaimed, “..I am the Amir. By Allah, I am the Amir of all of you…” A believer said, “Who made you Amir?!” He was silent. Then the people said, “We refuse.” He said angrily, “You all go to hell (Jahannam)…!”

Source: Audio Recording Maulana Saad Proclaims himself Amir of the Ummah

2015 September – During Fajr Bayan, Maulana Saad said, “Within the four walls of this room, there is no Amir except me.” His speech was opposed by Maulana Yaqub in the next Bayan. The next day, Maulana Saad returned to give Bayan and said, “That person who said there is no Amir (referring to Maulana Yaqub), is Majnun (Crazy). There is no Amir here except me.”

Note: Maulana Yaqub was not just Maulana Saad’s teacher, but the teacher of his father, Maulana Haroon as well.

Source: Maujudah Ahwal ki Wadhahat se Muta’alliq, Page 23

2015 October – Various advice and warnings to Maulana Saad were completely ignored. Because of this, the Elders of Nizamuddin’s headquarters gathered. They agreed to write a letter in Ijtemai to Maulana Saad. In the letter, they mentioned their concerns concerning the condition of Nizamuddin, his controversial Talks that have offended the Ulema, his Ideologies which are Ghuloo (extremism) in da’wa, etc.

The letter was signed by; Dr Khalid Shiddiqi, Bhay Faruq Ahmad Bangalore, Prof Tsanaullah, Prof. Abdurrahman, Maulana Ismail Ghodrah, and Maulana Abdurrahman.

Source: Majmoo Khutoot, Letter 5, Page 55

2015 November 15Raiwind Ijtema, Pakistan. Due to the chaos that had engulfed Nizamuddin Markaz, many elders agreed that the way to straighten this out was the completion of a strong World Shura.

A special Mashwara was conducted in Haweli in Raiwind. Haweli is a building where all the elders are accommodated during Raiwind Ijtema. Those who were present were approximately 30 people from Raiwind, 25 people from Nizamuddin, around 7-10 people from Bangladesh. Haji Mumtaz who was Maulana Saad’s foster father was also present.

In that meeting Haji Abdul Wahab requested nominations for the new World Shura members. Maulana Saad strongly rejected both the addition of the World Shura.

Maulana Saad said to Haji Abdul Wahab, “This is unnecessary. I do not agree with this. There should not be any discussion about it here. Issues for Nizamuddin should be discussed in Nizamuddin!” Haji Mumtaz, who was also present at the Mashwara, objected and said, “(When we were back in Nizamuddin) You told us that all discussions about forming a Shura should be discussed here (in Raiwind). Now you say that the Shura should not be formed here, how is this?” Maulana Saad said, “There is already a shura (at Nizamuddin Markaz)”. When asked who the shura was, Maulana Saad replied: “We will immediately form them when we return“.

Source: Actual 2015 Raiwind Mashwara Audio and Translation

Haji Abdul Wahab, who was the Faisal (deciding chairperson) of the Mashwara, however proceeded with the appointment and addition of 11 new World Shura members. The Shura members were now:

  1. Haji Abdul Wahab, 93 years old [Existing Member]
  2. Maulana Saad (Nizamuddin), 50 years old [Existing Member]
  3. Maulana Ibrahim Dewla (Nizamuddin), 82 years old
  4. Maulana Yaqoob (Nizamuddin)
  5. Maulana Ahmed Laat (Nizamuddin)
  6. Maulana Zuhairul Hasan (Nizamuddin)
  7. Maulana Nazrur Rahman (Raiwind)
  8. Maulana Abdur Rahman (Raiwind)
  9. Maulana Ubaidullah Khurshid (Raiwind)
  10. Maulana Zia ul Haq (Raiwind)
  11. Maulana Qari Zubair (Kakrail)
  12. Maulana Rabiul Haque (Kakrail)
  13. Wasiful Islam (Kakrail)

An agreement was drafted and eventually signed by all members except Maulana Saad and Wasiful Islam.

The agreement also stipulated that all World Shura members who are based in Nizamuddin will also form the Shura of Nizamuddin.

Source: World Shura Appointment Letter

It was also asked in the Mashwara regarding Maulana Saad declaring himself the Amir of the Ummah (on 23/8/2015). Maulana Saad denied it. An audio recording of his speech was then mentioned in which he replied that he was angry at that time.

Source 1: Actual 2015 Raiwind Mashwara Audio and Translation

Source 2: Tablighi Markaz Nizamuddin Kuch Haqaiq, Page 14

2015 November 16 – Disappointed and angry Maulana Saad immediately left Raiwind out of anger before other elders.

Source: Tablighi Markaz Nizamuddin Dehli Kuch Haqaiq Kuch Waqiat, Page 11

2015 November 17 – Maulana Saad gathered all his followers at Nizamuddin Markaz, and before them, he said: “There was no shura formation there (Raiwind Ijtema). I was insulted there. Some workers from Delhi insulted me as well. You guys should boycott them all.”

Maulana Saad was so upset and angry that he did not allow any Jamaats into Nizamuddin markaz for several days. This was the first ever ‘Strike’ in Nizamuddin Markaz’s History as it had never happened before. Maulana Saad also ordered announcements to be made at Masjids around Delhi not to go to Nizamuddin Markaz temporarily. From the end of November to the beginning of December, Nizamuddin Markaz was very quiet even on its Shabguzari Night and was only attended by foreigners.

Source 1: Dr Khalid Siddiqui’s Testimony – Majmoo Khutoot Letter 8

Source 2: Tablighi Headquarters Hadrat Nizamuddin Dehli Kuch Haqaiq Kuch Waqiat (p12)

2015 December 6 – Not even a month has passed did Maulana Saad formed his own Shura for Nizamuddin Markaz, although he was strongly opposed to it before. The Shura included his 22-year-old son, Maulana Yusuf Bin Saad. He was to be the only Amir with no alternating Faisal. His Shura were: (1) Maulana Saad, (2) Maulana Ibrahim Dewla, (3) Maulana Yaqub, (4) Maulana Ahmed Laat, (5) Maulana Zuhairul Hasan, (6) Maulana Yusuf bin Saad, (7) Maulana Abdus Sattar, (8) Miyaji Azhmat (9) Dr Abdul Aleem.

Source: Tablighi Headquarters Hadrat Nizamuddin Dehli Kuch Haqaiq Kuch Waqiat, Page 12

2015 December – Throughout this month, without Mashwara (resolution), Maulana Saad replaced the responsible person in some areas with people of his choice. He dismissed those who were not in line with him.

Source: Tablighi Headquarters Hadrat Nizamuddin Dehli Kuch Haqaiq Kuch Waqiat, Page 12

A baseless slander was fabricated by Maulana Saad’s followers that the people of Gujarat; including Maulana Ibrahim Dewla, Maulana Ahmed Laat, and others, wanted to take control of Nizamuddin Markaz and seize power from Maulana Saad. This was a dangerous and baseless slander as for the first time, the notion of seeking power and favoring a particular race was attributed to the senior elders.

From here onwards, lies, slanders, twisted facts, and violence have become the habit of Maulana Saad’s followers.

Source: Tablighi Markaz Nizamuddin Kuch Haqaiq, Page 13

After the Nizamuddin Bloodshed

2016 June 19 – 13 Ramadan 1437 – The first-ever bloodshed occurred in Nizamuddin Markaz. A group of hoodlums who were in the service of Maulana Saad decided to purge Nizamuddin Markaz. In a neatly crafted plan, most of the foreigners were first sent out in Jamaat. The rest were not allowed to come downstairs. The front gate was locked from the inside.

It was just after Ifthar (the breaking of Fast after Ramadhan). All of a sudden, about a hundred gangsters stormed Nizamuddin Markaz. Anyone who was not in line with Maulana Saad was severely beaten. Some of the elder’s rooms were severely vandalized and even the furniture was destroyed.

No fewer than 15 people stormed Maulana Zuhair’s house and vandalized it. The door of the house was broken into pieces. In this terrifying environment, Maulana Zuhairul Hasan could not go to the Masjid to conduct Taraweeh. His family spent the whole night in a state of fear and terror; no arrangement could be made for Sehri (a meal before dawn in Ramadhan) the following morning.

A few of these people reached the first floor (where the rooms of Maulana Yaqub and Maulana Ibrahim were), broke the lock of two rooms, and stole the belongings inside. One of these rooms was used by Maulana Ahmad Laat’s guests. When Maulana Ahmad Laat came to know of this open barbarism, he left the very next day and returned to his hometown.

Blood splattered everywhere. The screams of the women and the cries of frightened children were heard from inside the Nizamuddin Markaz residential complex. The gangsters also went to the shops outside Nizamuddin Markaz. Any shop related or belonging to Gujaratis was ransacked and destroyed. The commotion caused some people to be injured and rushed to the hospital. Some were so severely beaten that they had to be rushed to the ICU.

Police came and Nizamuddin Markaz was temporarily closed. Instead of acting against these rioters, Maulana Saad did hardly anything. He just complained to the police about local residents who were not in line with him. His explanation did not match the slightest description of what happened, let alone give justice to the victims.

On this very day, the fabrics of morality, Ikramul Muslimeen, compassion, love, and honouring Muslim brothers have been shredded into pieces.

Source: Tablighi Headquarters Hadrat Nizamuddin Dehli Kuch Haqaiq Kuch Waqiat, page 13.

See Nizamuddin’s first-ever bloodshed: The day our elders left.

2016 June 20 – Local newspapers and media were instantly filled with the headline ‘Bloodshed at Nizamuddin’.

One of the victims was a family member of Maulana Ubaidillah Belyawi who made an audio statement regarding the incident. The sanctity of Nizamuddin Markaz crumbled into pieces due to the ambition and vengeance of a single person.

Several scholars came to Maulana Saad, including Mufti Abul Qasim Nu’mani, and Maulana Salimullah Khan. Even Maulana Arshad Madani (well-known Senior Mufti of Darul Uloom Deoband) had to beak his Iktikaf in the last ten days of Ramadan to meet Maulana Saad to solve this problem. All their pearls of advice were ignored by Maulana Saad. They all returned with deep disappointment. Maulana Arshad Madani himself claimed in an Audio recording that “It is clear that Maulana Saad did not get proper Tarbiyyah (Good character upbringing)

Source 1: Tablighi Headquarters Hadrat Nizamuddin Dehli Kuch Haqaiq Kuch Waqiat, page 13,14.

Source 2: Maulana Arshad Madani Audio at 5:26 “Maulana Saad did not get proper Tarbiyyah”

2016 July 17 – As all advice was ignored by Maulana Saad, some of the senior elders wrote a letter to Maulana Saad. Among the contents of the letter are:

“The sanctity of Nizamuddin over the past century has been destroyed due to the recent event. It has been incorrectly perpetuated as a leadership conflict when in fact, it is a conflict between the correct and approved pattern and doctrine of the work and the unapproved innovations of but a single person. For so long we have been trying to solve this problem, but now your followers have left the matter to a group of hooligans who use violence and physically abuse anyone who does not agree with you. The crux of the problem is that the elders who have been in the work since the era of Maulana Yusuf and Maulana In’amul Hasan have pleaded for the effort to continue according to the approved and original pattern and doctrine of the work, under the supervision of (the approved) Shura, while your followers want to impose your total unconditional leadership.”

Maulana Ilyas had always felt uncomfortable if the effort were to continue under a single Amir. No one is free from shortcomings, and over time, these shortcomings will increase. The solution to the current problem, as suggested by Maulana Ilyas, is the existence of a special Jamaat (group of people), where the work will continue its guidance and supervision. This is our stand and the stance of locals and elders abroad. The innovations you introduced were never approved nor did they exist in the periods of the previous 3 Hadratjis (leaders). We brought this to your attention repeatedly as this issue is already dividing us. May Allah save us from the threat that Maulana Ilyas has forewarned us: ‘If the Usool (Doctrine) of this work is violated, then the fitnas which would have taken centuries to come, would come in a matter of days’. The signs are visible now.

Secondly, you have made statements in your talks that contradict the madhab (school of taught) and the Ijma (majority consensus of the scholars). These statements are echoed and practised by your followers. The Ulama are very concerned about the direction in which this effort is heading due to this. You also criticize religious institutions and some personalities. Our previous elders have always advised us to avoid any remarks that criticize, demean, and negatively compare others so that this effort is open to everyone.

Allah SWT has revived this effort through Maulana Ilyas; has explained this effort through Maulana Yusuf in the light of the Qu’ran, Hadith, and lives of the Sahaba; and has preserved the pattern and expanded this effort through Maulana Inamul Hassan. If it is deemed necessary to change the pattern of this effort, the change must be made through the unanimous agreement of Shura from all three countries (India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh).

We are at the end of our lives and want to state that we do not agree with the current conditions of the effort (in Nizamuddin). That is why we are no longer attending the quarterly Mashwaras (meetings). This effort needs to be run under the supervision of the Shura, otherwise, we lose the experienced old workers who do not agree with the way you are changing this effort.

Tabligh is the purpose of our lives and Nizamuddin is our homeland. If things get better, InshaAllah, we will immediately return to Nizamuddin. Today, workers from around the world are busy talking about what’s happening in Nizamuddin instead of doing the actual work. Every Mashwara is about Nizamuddin. May Allah remove the suffering from our hearts and return us to the right Fikr (worry and concern) of deen. Ameen.

Signed By: Maulana Ismail Ghodrah, Maulana Abdurrahman Mumbay, Maulana Uthman Kakosi, Haji Faruq Ahmad Banglore, Muhsin Ottoman Luknow, Prof Tsanaullah Khan Aligarh, Prof Abdurrahman Madras.

Source: Majmoo Khutoot, Letter Number 14, Page 93

2016 July 18 – Due to the abuse received from a baseless slander that he wanted to be the new Amir of Tabligh, Maulana Zuhairul Hasan wrote a letter that states:

I would like to humbly state that I have never desired to become an Amir and have never demanded it. How can I do so when my late father, Maulana Zubairul Hasan sbرحمۃ اللہ علیہ, in his whole life, never claimed and aspired to be one? He always obeyed local and world Mashwarahs. As such, how can I dare to claim IMARAT (leadership)?

Source: Ahwal Wa Atsar, Page 77

Over time, it became more and more clear that the desire to be the Ameer of Tabligh came only from Maulana Saad. By the will of Allah, Maulana Zuhair’s good name was cleansed from this evil slander.

Source: Ahwal wa Atsar, Page 78

2016 August 12 – Even though all his colleagues left, Maulana Ibrahim Dewla still hoped that the effort of Da’wa could be saved in Nizamuddin Markaz.

However, Maulana Ibrahim would often receive threats from Maulana Saad’s fanatics. They would frequently ask him; “Maulana, if you don’t feel at home here, just leave”

Finally, Maulana Ibrahim decided to leave Nizamuddin Markaz. Maulana Saad’s fanatics threatened Maulana Ibrahim to leave quietly and dare not reveal the incidents in Nizamuddin. They fabricated a rumour that Maulana Ibrahim left due to illness.

Source: Tablighi Headquarters Hadrat Nizamuddin Dehli Kuch Haqaiq Kuch Waqiat, Page 14

2016 August 15 – Fake rumours on why Maulana Ibrahim Dewla departed from Nizamuddin began to spread. Maulana Ibrahim Dewla wrote a letter addressed to all the workers of Tabligh. He denied all rumours as to why he left Nizamuddin.

Source: Maulana Ibrahim Dewla’s Letter

2016 August 27 – Maulana Yaqub, who was the oldest elder in Nizamuddin and the teacher of both Maulana Saad and Maulana Harun (Maulana Saad’s father), finally wrote a letter reprimanding Maulana Saad.

Source: Maulana Yaqub’s Letter

2016 October 13 – Saudi Arabia Elders (led by Sheikh Ghassan Madinah and Sheikh Fadil Makkah) went to meet Maulana Saad following an agreed meeting. They wanted to mediate a discussion between Maulana Saad and the Elders and resolve their differences. The Elders came from all over India following this call.

Maulana Saad however refused to meet the elders. Instead, he made a threatening remark to the Arab Elders: “If they ever open up the topic, I will be upset and my voice will be loud. If that happens, this Markaz will be full of Mewatis within an hour. They won’t be able to leave my room, let alone leave the Markaz“.

The next day, the Arab Elders Jamaat were visited by the police saying they received complaints of terrorists. They were shocked!

The meeting thus did not happen and both the Arab elders and ex-Nizamuddin elders left in sorrow.

Source: Sheikh Ghassan Madinah & Sheikh Fazil Makkah’s Letter

2016 November 13 – Raiwind Ijtema, Pakistan. Despite the many invitation requests to attend and resolve the current issues with the work, Maulana Saad refused to attend the Raiwind Ijtema. All senior elders came to Raiwind Ijtema except him.

In the presence of delegations from Nizamuddin, Kakrail, and Raiwind, Haji Abdul Wahab said:

“No Amiraat will work. What has been agreed upon is what will take place (referring to the 1995 agreement). Yesterday, the people of Nizamuddin came and I spoke to them. If in Saad’s desire, there is this thing “I am Ameer”, “I am someone”, and everyone makes Bay’ah to him, even so, no car will move (a metaphor referring that it will not work). What has been agreed upon is what will happen. I have told the people of Nizamuddin: The members of the Mashwara came to me and after discussing with them, I am in agreement with them. When there were problems from various countries, Maulana Yusuf told me, that my Shura members were not here, some were in Mecca and some were in Pakistan. The decision will only be made when everyone gathers.

We sat in a Mashwara after the demise of Maulana Inamul Hasan. Saad said that if I am appointed as Amir, those who want Maulana Zubayr will disconnect themselves (from this effort). If Maulana Zubayr is made Ameer, those who want me will disconnect themselves (from this effort). Therefore this effort must be run by Mashwara and Bay’ah will not occur there. This matter was agreed upon. Do you understand? Stop acting big and stop taking Bay’ah. He (interpreter referring to Haji Abdul Wahab) told them “All of you (referring to the People of Nizamuddin) should go (back) to Nizamuddin, and there, make dua to Allah Pak, and when you get there, whatever that has been decided by Mashwara, continue on that. And keep making Du’a. Oh Allah, keeping the entire humanity in front, whatever I’m supposed to do, please put that in my heart!”

Source: Haji Abdul Wahab’s Statement (Audio Recording)

2016 NovemberDarul Uloom Deoband sends a letter to Maulana Saad reprimanding him and informing him of their intention to release a Fatwa on him. They felt it was fair to give him a chance and protect his name and honour before releasing the Fatwa.

Source: Maulana Saad’s Rujoo (Inkishaf Haqeeqat, Da’wah and Tabligh Crisis)

2016 November 30 – Maulana Saad sent an official letter to Darul Uloom Deoband to perform Rujoo (retract his statements). However, Darul Uloom Deoband was not satisfied with the letter as in this letter, he tried to defend his errors. He also accused Darul Uloom Deoband of having bad thoughts about him and being against the work of Da’wa. He writes:

This lowly one considers it a very disappointing matter the ill thoughts that important people like yourselves have, who are responsible for an International academic centre. This ill thought, regarding the ideologies, positions and methods of this lowly one and his associates, show uncooperativeness with the blessed effort of Dawah and Tabligh and its Markaz.

Maulana Saad’s First Rujoo Letter, November 30

Source: Maulana Saad’s First Rujoo

2016 December 6Darul Uloom Deoband could not accept Maulana Saad’s first Rujoo letter and officially published their first fatwa against Maulana Saad.

Source: Darul Ulooms Deoband’s First Fatwa on M Saad, Maulana Saad’s Rujoo

2016 December 11 – Maulana Saad sends a second Rujoo letter to make amends with Darul Uloom Deoband. Darul Uloom was satisfied with this and sent a delegation to meet Maulana Saad two days later.

By the will of Allah, in a turn of events, while the delegation was on the journey to meet Maulana Saad, Darul Uloom Deoband received shocking evidence (with Audio) that Maulana Saad had just repeated his controversial statements with regards to Prophet Musa AS in the Fajr Bayan that very day! The delegation was called back.

Source: Maulana Saad’s Second Rujoo

2016 December – Mazahirul Uloom Saharanpur, the birthplace of Tabligh, also issued a fatwa/stance on Maulana Saad in support of the Darul Ulum Deoband’s fatwa. It was signed by 8 scholars, including Maulana Salman Saharanpuri who is the father-in-law of Maulana Saad.

Source: Mazahirul Uloom Saharanpur’s Fatwa on M Saad

2016-2018 – We have collected a count of 40+ fatwas/stances that have been released by different institutions worldwide against Maulana Saad. They have raised concerns about the damage he has done and the fact that he has strayed from the path of the Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jamaah.

Source: Collection of 40+ Fatwas aginst Maulana Saad

2017 – A “fake” Rujoo letter was circulated to undermine and put a bad name on Darul Uloom Deoband. This “fake” Rujoo letter was falsely claimed as Maulana Saad’s actual Rujoo letter. In this letter, it is seen that Maulana Saad has sincerely apologised and even stated that he wanted to work with the Shura.

Source: Inkishaf Haqeeqat, p10

2017 September – The top most senior Ulemas of Bangladesh decided to put their weight into the matter. A meeting was held between them, government representatives, Shura of Kakrail, and Darul Uloom Deoband linked scholars. To force a peace reconciliation, they made a condition for Maulana Saad. He can only enter Tongi Ijtema if the following are met:

  • Maulana Saad must reconcile and come to the Tongi Ijtema together with Maulana Ibrahim and Maulana Ahmad Laat.
  • Maulana Saad must complete his Rujoo with Darul Uloom Deoband.

Source: Inkishaf Haqeeqat, p22

2017 November 11Raiwind Ijtema, Pakistan. Maulana Saad was not present. However, an envoy from Nizamuddin came which consisted of Maulana Shaukat, Mufti Shehzad, and Bhai Mursalin. Haji Abdul Wahab gathered approximately 500 responsible brothers and Shuras from all over the world at Raiwind Markaz at 11:00 am. Haji Abdul Wahab explained the Ikhtilaf. After reading some sayings of Maulana Yusuf (the second Amir of Tabligh), he said,

The people of Nizamuddin Markaz must repent and make Istighfar now. All of you should not go to Nizamuddin. Nizamuddin Markaz is not like before. Nizamuddin has been controlled by those who do not go out in the Path of Allah. Not even (Maulana) Saad has ever been out 40 days in the Path of Alah.”

Source: Haji Abdul Wahab’s Statement, Raiwind Ijtema, November 2017

2018 January 10Maulana Saad was not allowed to attend Tongi Ijtema, Bangladesh. The reason was that Maulana Saad did not fulfil the entry conditions set in September 2017, by the topmost Ulemas of Bangladesh.

  • Maulana Saad failed to initiate even the slightest attempt at reconciliation with Maulana Ibrahim and Maulana Ahmad Laat.
  • Maulana Saad was still considered a person who deviated from the path of Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jamaah. He had not completed his Rujoo with Darul Uloom Deoband.

Maulana Saad however entered Bangladesh with a tourist visa from Thailand. When this maneuver was known, the Ulemas were outraged as this was seen as defiance and disrespect to the direction of the senior Ulemas of Bangladesh. Thousands of Ulemas protested the arrival of Maulana Saad and blocked all exits from the Shahjalal airport, Dhaka.

Wasiful Islam secretly took Maulana Saad out of the Dhaka airport using a back route into Kakrail Markaz. When this maneuver was discovered, thousands of Ulemas surrounded Kakrail Markaz and blocked all ways out of the Markaz.

Source: Dhaka Tribune

2018 January 11 – The 53rd Tongi Ijtema, Bangladesh started. As there was an overwhelming wave of protests on Maulana Saad’s arrival, the Bangladesh government banned Maulana Saad and his followers from leaving Kakrail Markaz.

Source: Dhaka Tribune

2018 March 20 – Questions came from various countries regarding the cause of the crisis. Due to this, the senior most elders led by Haji Abdul Wahab Sahab made a clear statement and Ultimatum:

“The solution to this problem rests solely on one individual

(1) Maulana Saad must accept the Shura and accept a shared rotating Faisal (Deciding chairperson) between them.

(2) The effort of Tabligh must be retained in the approved and original pattern and doctrine of Maulana Ilyas, Maulana Yusuf, and Maulana Inamul Hasan. Maulana Saad must not introduce any changes without the approval of the Shura.

(3) Maulana Saad must stop propagating statements and ideas to which Darul Uloom Deoband has objected. He should do whatever it takes to make amends with Darul Uloom Deoband.”

Signed by: Haji Abdul Wahab, Maulana Ibrahim Dewla, Maulana Zuhairul Hasan, Maulana Abdurrahman Mumbai, Maulana Ubaidullah Khurshid, Bhai Hashmat Ali, Chaudhry Muhammed Rafiq, Maulana Muhammed Yaqub, Maulana Ahmed Laat, Maulana Nazur Rahman, Maulana Zia ul Haq, Maulana Uthman Kakosi, Maulana Ehsanul Haq, Maulana Ahmed Batlah, Dr Ruhullah, Bhai Babar Javed, Mian Muhammed Anwar, Bhai Irshad Ahmed, Bhai Fida Muhammed Piracha, Prof Muhammad Shahid, Bhai Bakht Munir, Bhai Sultan Iqbal, Bhai Naushad Baig, Bhai Muhammed Ali, Dr Manzur Ahmed.

Source: Haji Abdul Wahab’s Joint Letter

2018 November 18Haji Abdul Wahab Sahab passes away after contracting Dengue Fever. Such death emulates a Sunnah of the Holy Prophet SAW who also passed away due to high fever. He was 96 years old at the time of death.

Haji Abdul Wahhab Janaza was led by Maulana Nazrur Rehman, who was 90 years old at that time. Thousands of people attended Haji Abdul Wahhab’s funeral prayers.

There were several witnesses of a beautiful fragrance emanating from Haji Abdul Wahhab’s grave. Maulana Makki Al Hijazi claims that the fragrance was proof that Allah SWT wants us to know that he was a man of truth (Ahlul Haq) despite many who have denied and slandered him (due to his strong stand during the Tablighi Jamaat Crisis).

Source: Meray Haji Sahab (Biography of Haji Abdul Wahab)


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