Maulana Saad’s Treacherous Violation of the 1995 Agreement


When discussing Maulana Saad’s wrongdoings, his controversial speeches and deviation from Ahlu-Sunnah Wal Jamaah as pointed out by Darul Uloom Deoband and other fatwas are often quoted.

The truth is, these mistakes are just the tip of the iceberg. Maulana Saad made one move that caused the biggest damage to the 21st Century Ummah.

Assalamualaykum Brothers, before reading further, please understand that our aim is to preserve the true history of Tabligh, no matter how bitter it is. As generations come, this history may be forgotten. We do not promote hate, and certainly not backbiting. See our article ‘Backbiting vs Warning‘. A lot of M Saad followers are just following their local affiliations and are InshaAllah, sincere in their Da’wa. We pray that Allah SWT makes them understand that their support of a controversial figure is slowly damaging the work of Tabligh. Regardless, we are all Muslim brothers. We love and hate only for the sake of Allah.

The 1995 signed agreement made it impossible for Tablighi Jamaat to split

We need to understand that it was IMPOSSIBLE for Tablighi Jamaat to split. Why? Because in 1995, all 10 Shura (governing council) members, including Maulana Saad, signed and agreed there be no more Ameer, but a Shura instead.

The details of the agreement are as follows:

  • From now onwards, the responsibility of patronizing the work will not be on one individual but a (World) Shura
  • Those who reside in Nizamuddin from the (World) Shura will be members of the Nizamuddin Shura. They will manage the work there.
  • Bay’ah (Oath of allegiance) will be stopped in Nizamuddin

Haji Abdul Wahab, 72, vividly recollects the events of this Mashwara. He mentioned it in the November 2016 Raiwind Ijtema:

We sat in a Mashwara (meeting) after the demise of Maulana Inamul Hasan. Saad said that if I am appointed as Amir, those who want Maulana Zubayr will disconnect themselves (from this effort). If Maulana Zubayr is made Ameer, those who want me will disconnect themselves (from this effort). Therefore this effort must be run by Mashwara and Bay’ah will not occur there. This matter was agreed upon.

Haji Abdul Wahab Sahab, Raiwind, 2016 (Audio)

Maulana Yaqub also wrote in his letter on 28 August 2016:

The Shura established during the time of Hazratji RA had unanimously decided to stop the practice of Bay’ah, with written proof having all signatures of the shura established during the time of Hazratji RA.

Maulana Yaqub’s Letter.

The agreement was signed and verbally announced. Copies were not distributed to the public. There were however too many witnesses to this agreement including Haji Abdul Wahab, Maulana Yaqub, Dr Khalid Siddiqui, etc. Even many of Maulana Saad’s core followers do not deny this agreement.

Source 1: Tablighi Markas Hadhrat Nizhamuddin Kuch Haqaiq, Page 3

Source 2: Ahwal wa Atsar, Page 421

Source 3: Maulana Yaqub’s letter

Source 4: Haji Abdul Wahab’s statement

Source 5: Dr Khalid Siddiqui’s Letter

There is, however, a current misinformation being spread. They claim that since there is no hard copy of the signed agreement, therefore the agreement did not take place. This is false because, in Islam and general law, a verbal agreement with witnesses is sufficient for an agreement to take place. There were just too many witnesses to this agreement.

Bay’ah was stopped in Nizamuddin

Before the Shura, many people would go to Nizamuddin to pledge allegiance (Bay’ah) to the spiritual leader there. This concept of Bay’ah was borrowed from Sufism/Tareqas. During a Bay’ah ceremony, a person pledges to do certain good deeds and not commit certain sins under the guidance of the Sheikh. The Sheikh does not need to be an ‘Ameer’ but it is common that such a person is regarded to have the highest position in the Tabligh.

The hereditary chain of Bay’ah is very important. The Sheikh must learn from another Sheikh and that Sheikh from so-and-so Sheikh. This chain is usually traced up to Rasulullah SAW.

The Sheikh accepting Bay’ah must be given Ijaza (Permission) from the other Sheikh through his chain. When he receives this Ijaza, he becomes what is known as the Khalifa of the chain.

Maulana Zubair was the only person who could accept Bay’ah under the previous Ameer

It is extremely difficult to be awarded the Ijaza to accept Bay’ah under a spiritual chain, especially from prominent Sheikhs. Only a select few would receive it after undergoing extreme spiritual training and exercise.

Source: Maulana Zubair’s extraordinary achievement – Ahwal wa Atsar, p98

Maulana Zubair was an exceptional person in this regard. He was not only awarded the Ijaza under Maulana Zakariyya’s chain but was also, the only person, awarded Ijaza under the previous Ameer, Maulana Inamul Hasan’s chain.

Source: Maulana Zubair’s training in Ahwal Wa Atsar, p106

As Maulana Zubair was the most qualified to be the next Ameer, Maulana Saad heavily suggested to stop Bay’ah in 1995

The 1995 agreement prohibited Bay’ah. This is because such would signify the existence of a single Ameer. As mentioned by Haji Abdul Wahab Sahab, it was Maulana Saad himself that heavily pushed the idea for this.

This was a sinister move by him. If Bay’ah was to continue, it was clear that only Maulana Zubair would be qualified to do so. Maulana Zubair had received the direct Ijaza from his father, Maulana Inaamul Hasan (the third Ameer of Tabligh), and also Ijaza from Maulana Zakariyya Khandhlawi.

Source: Maulana Zubair’s Ijaza – Ahwal Wa Atsar, p106

Maulana Saad treacherously violated the 1995 agreement, restarting Bay’ah after Maulana Zubair passed away in 2014.

In 2014, after the demise of Maulana Zubair, Maulana Saad treacherously violated the 1995 agreement by restarting Bay’ah in Nizamuddin. This Bay’ah was a proclamation of a new Amir. No notice and no Mashwara was made with the then-existing world Shura Haji Abdul Wahab, nor with the elders of Nizamuddin.

There is an audio recording of Maulana Saad proclaiming himself as the Ameer and cursing those who don’t accept him to Jahannam (hell).

Source: Audio recording of Maulana Saad cursing the elder

There is no 2-sided argument! Maulana Saad is CLEARLY at fault.

With this evidence alone, it is concluded that Maulana Saad is the one to be blamed. There is NO two-sided argument. It is but a single man’s treacherous action that has damaged the great effort of Da’wa. The 1995 resolution clearly states there be no more Bay’ah and no more single Amir. Maulana Saad violated this. It is as simple as that.

Note: The author would like to point out that he went through this shift of paradigm. At first, without any knowledge, the author simply assumed the ikhtilaaf was a two-sided argument. Since the Sahaba also had disagreements, both of them have their side of the story, right? Well if that’s the case, does it mean that every disagreement between Islamic bodies in the future means that both are right, without looking into the evidence? Where is justice then?!

Darul Uloom Deoband has recently released a Fatwa with regards to Maulana Saad. They pointed out that one cannot simply derive conclusions based on the stories of the Sahaba (such as the conflict between Ali RA and Mu’awiya RA) without applying the correct methods of Sharia.

Was the 1995 agreement a “Temporary”?

One misinformation being spread was that the 1995 agreement was “temporary”. With this statement alone, one can ask:

  1. If it was temporary, how long is this “temporary” arrangement? What were the terms and conditions of the arrangement?
  2. If it was temporary, was it clearly stated that once all Nizamuddin Shura members pass away, the last remaining Nizamuddin Shura would automatically become the World Ameer?
  3. If it was temporary, was it also stated that the appointment of the World Ameer does not need to be ratified or approved by the World Shura?

There are so many loopholes to this ‘temporary’ claim.

The agreement clearly states there be no more Ameer and no more Bayah. Maulana Saad violated both these terms. What’s sad is that he did this at the expense of damaging and dividing Tablighi Jamaat.

Maulana Saad had to enforce his leadership by force

There were too many loopholes to Maulana Saad’s absurd claim as the new World Ameer. Many elders did not agree with him. Due to this, on the unfortunate day of 19 June 2016, Maulana Saad did the unthinkable: He initiated a violent purge on Nizamuddin Markaz. This barbaric act was done on the 13th night of Ramadhan!

Anyone who was not in line with Maulana Saad was severely beaten. Blood splattered everywhere. 14 people were so severely beaten that they had to be rushed to the ICU. The screams of the women and the cries of frightened children were heard from inside Markaz’s residential complex. Even the Hufaz and the Ulema were not spared.

We have written a separate article on this: Nizamuddin Markaz’s First Ever Bloodshed – The day our elders left.

Maulana Saad’s treachery has damaged the largest Islamic Movement of the 21st Century

Maulana Saad’s treacherous violation has damaged the largest Islamic Movement of the 21st Century. He took away a large portion of the 100 million+ workers of Tabligh. Many devotees have even stopped doing Tabligh altogether seeing the Fitna that was caused.

In our humble opinion, this is one of the most destructive Fitna of the 21st Century. The effect is a big blow to the largest Islamic movement of this era. All due to one man’s ambition to be the Ameer (leader) at whatever cost.

May Allah SWT protect us all.


  1. All your explanation heard but in Jew methodology, to spread all what u call fault of Muslim is worst more than the offense u think he has committed. The decision of everything is in hand of Allah. Let’s Allah decide, let’s both sides continue with their effort, All mighty Allah decision will follow but our sincererity matter most. Jazakallahu Khair

    1. Actually, it is permissible to inform the errors of someone who has caused destruction at a large scale to the Ummah. See the article: Backbiting vs Warning against a deviant. Also, ask yourself, are all these 30+ fatwas from various Darul Ulooms, are they all backbiting M Saad??

      What is backbiting is when one spread the errors of localized individuals, who have not caused widespread damage to the Ummah.

      If you have been in this effort for a long time and have lived your whole life for this effort, how is it possible to see this effort being disunited? Having two groups will only cause confusion. Let us unite upon the truth.

  2. How can the “Effort to bring Deen Alive” not have one amir when they have taught us from the beginning that etaad of amir is the key to the work, now what has happened. When Ml Inaamul Hassan passed away he previously appointed 10 persons to “choose an amir from amongst them” true or not? They could not complete the task and it is said that Miagee Mighrab Saab was crying as he was Fasel of Mashura, that the task could not be completed. Please Help!!!!!

    1. Salam Brother, I have explained this on the website

      Maulana Inaamul Hasan made the Shura on 14th June 1993 two years prior to his demise. He passed away on 10th June 1995. Maulana Inaamul Hasan’s exact words were ‘The purpose of the Shura is to help progress the work further’. The Shura was never tasked to select a new Amir. M Saad himself has never laid claim to this technicality.

    2. Source 1: Dakwah wa Tabligh Azhim Mehnat ke Maujudah Halat, Page 15-16
    3. Source 2: Maujudah Ahwal ki Wadhahat se Muta’alliq, Page 11
    4. Just think about it. If there was a mention of selecting an Amir then the Shura would have honored it. Instead, they signed the 1995 agreement, which agreed there should be NO MORE AMIR.

      Finally, brother, EVEN IF Maulana Inaamul Hassan wanted an Amir to be selected, the mashwara after he passed away decided not to. So we just follow mashwara. All elders agreed and signed the 1995 agreement!

      Hope this clarifies. May Allah guide us all. Jazakallah Khair.

    5. Also to point out brother Shadley, the effort has been running under Shura since 1995.

      It’s not that there is no Ameer, the Ameer during mashwaras rotate between them.

      We have Shura in many masaajid-level and country-level efforts. Ameers are made in turn.

      There is nothing wrong with that.

  3. Any disputes in islam must be resolved in accordance with kitab and sunnah so As we know in any previous Islamic history there is no time that the ummah was led by shura raher a single ameer and meshura aswell it is impossible to unite ummah without a single ameer according to me we have to accept Allah’s selection prophet Muhammad (s.a.w) said that leadership is from qureysh as that is confirmed by correct chain maulana saad is from qureysh and also he is the only person left from those maulana Inaamul hasan(third aneer) had appointed like aliy(r.a)when khelifa umer(r.a) appointe six sahaba their ameer was abdurrahman ibn auf and then he appointe two from them (aliy and uthman (r.a)) this means after this the rest four has no role on imara and he appointe uthman as an ameer when uthman passed there was no shura again but from the previous two appointees the left one was aliy bacame an ameer(may Allah guide us to straight path )

    1. Yes, in Islamic Khilafah there should be only one Ameer. But the effort of Tabligh is not an Islamic Khilafah. It is a Da’wa organization. The effort was agreed to be run under a shura since 1995. Were the elders committing sin since then?

      In the past, many organizations were run by a Shura where the Ameer rotates. We have Shuras at the country level, district level and etc. M Saad himself has appointed Shuras in many countries. Isn’t he committing a sin?

      Finally, I agree that any disputes in Islam must be resolved in accordance to Quran and Sunnah.

      The Sunnah is to follow Mashwara and honor agreements. Ali RA did not revolt against the Shura for selecting Usman RA.

      M Saad on the other hand violated the 1995 agreement as mentioned in this article and did not accept the 2015 Mashwara decision. If he so wanted to be Ameer, put it in Mashwara and let the Shura decide. If the Shura says no, accept the decision! It’s as simple as that. We do that all the time in Jamaats!

      1. Assalamu alaykum warahmatulahi wabarakatuhu my brother. No, they were not committing a sin as it was difficult to appoint a single ameer at that time. As you said Tabligh is a Dawa organization. If so, in what way can it be led by a Shura when
        our prophet (s.a.w) said that even when three persons go out for travel let them appoint one of them as an Ameer (Ameer is not only in Khilafa)? It is easy to make a Shura in a small number of Jamaa than in a large organization (like Tabligh) but our prophet (s.a.w) orders us even in three single persons.

        In a Shura, all thirteen respected elders will have different points of view as they are only Human. It is impossible to lead the effort of Da’wa in one unified Fikr. Even if their intention is good, each of them will try to practice their own Ijtihad. In this way, the Ummah will not be united. We have Shura at country level, yes, but there is still a single Ameer (ahlul Faysala). Does Shura means discussion only? There needs to be a decision, and who makes the decision? Let’s say if all thirteen respected elders exist, who will make a faysala? Surely one of them isn’t it? You see the Shura itself does not exist without a single Ameer. Wallahu a’alam may Allah SWT show us the truth for us to follow.

        1. Wa’alaikumsalam Brother, I agree that Ameer is essential as per the Hadith of Rasulullah SAW. As mentioned before, again and again, the Shura has an Ameer. The Ameer rotates between them. We do this in our local work where the Ameer rotates sometimes weekly, monthly, or even daily. Alhamdulillah, the effort has been united since 1995 under a Shura with a rotating Fayshal. Who knows in the future the Shura will decide on an Ameer as there is nothing wrong with having a single Ameer.

          The issue is not Ameer vs Shura. The issue is M Saad did many things (like declaring himself Ameer) without Mashwara/approval.

          Never in Tabligh do we nominate ourselves to be Ameer, let alone go against Mashwara to be Ameer. We always humble ourselves.
          M Saad also made many changes to the Usool. His ruthless act is the cause of the current disunity. Alhamdulillah, more and more people are opening up to this.

          It’s ok brother to make a mistake. It’s a test for all of us. We need to keep our hearts clean. Those who are in the wrong need to humble themselves to the truth. Just imagine what new Muslim reverts go through… They have to sacrifice everything when they accept Islam. Allah SWT is giving people like you a chance to perform this great act of sacrifice. As you know, Jannah is not cheap.

          Anyway, before it’s too late, Ramadhan Mubarak

          1. My brother, firstly if you say we have to keep our hearts clean you need to be open to accept others idea it is unlawful to change other’s idea why did you remove the idea? if shura is the solution it must be from all countries elders as there are many elders who spent their lives in the effort of Dawa why not from other countries? You have said that the issue is not shura vs ameer. I know that we also have shura in our masjid with weekly rotating ameer no proplem because in masjid even in country level we don’t have our own ideology we simply follow what is released from the top but from the source, there must be one fikr so the ummah will be united. The changes to the Usool are not fitna because Tabligh itself did not exist before. Maulana Ilyas(r.a) revived this effort of Dawa he hadn’t completed everything at his time. He tried his best and he explained his goal for this effort of dawa as said his goal was to return the ummah to the level of the Sahaba where the messenger (S.a.w) left. Currently M Saad is also trying to push this forward. So we cannot say changes to the Usool is a Ditna rather to see if the changes to the Usool fits with Sharia or not. May Allah guide us all. Alright Alayna waalaykum.

    1. As mentioned in the article, the agreement is currently kept in Nizamuddin. No copies were distributed, unlike the 1999 agreement which was distributed to all workers Worldwide.

      There are many witnesses to this agreement including Haji Abdul Wahab, Ml Yaaqub, etc. There were no ‘additional clauses’ like M Saad should be Ameer or Shura should be disbanded, etc. If there were, all the Elders would’ve honored it or MS himself would’ve made noise on this. On the contrary, we see many MS die-hard supporters are kept in the dark with regard to the 1995 agreement.

      Ultimately, our evidence is the statement of our elders.

      It is highly unlikely that all the Elders are lying and M Saad alone is telling the truth!

  4. More than 20 years ago, Hadhratji Maulana Inamul Hassan Saab (Rah) before his death made a council of Shura (referred to Elders Jamat) by selecting few members from all over the world. This council was also referred as Ahle-Hal-wal-Aqad consisted of:

    1. Respected Maulana Saeed Ahmed Khan Saab (Rah)

    2. Respected Mufti Zainul Aabideen Saab (Rah)

    3. Respected Maulana Omar Palanpuri Saab (Rah)

    4. Respected Maulana Izhaar ul Hasan Saab (Rah)

    5. Respected Maulana Zubair ul Hasan Saab (Rah)

    6. Respected Miyaji Mihrab Saab (Rah)

    7. Respected Haji Abdul Wahab Saab (Rah)

    8. Respected Haji Engineer Abdul Muqeet Saab (Rah)

    9. Respected Haji Afzal saab (Rah)

    10. Respected Moulana Saad saab (DB)

    The Ameer and Faisal (Decision maker) of this Elders Jamat was Hadhrat Miyaji Mihrab saab (rah). Hadhratji Maulana Inaam ul Hasan saab (Rah) wanted to follow the footsteps of Hadhrat Omar bin Khattab (radhi Allah anho) so that this Jamat should make an Ameer for the effort of Dawat after his demise. Hence after the demise of Hazratji (Rah) this Jamat stayed in Markaz and Mashwarahs were done for 3 consecutive days. Subsequently a jamaat of 3 Zimmidaar/Ameers were chosen instead of a Single Ameer due to certain settings, and situations. These 3 Zimmidaar/Ameer were:

    1. Respected Maulana Izhaar ul Hasan saab (Rah)

    2. Respected Maulana Zubair ul Hasan saab (Rah)

    3. Respected Maulana Saad saab (DB)

    This was accomplished even though some Ulama/Ahle Ilm were not gratified with this decision. In contrary to the situation Maulana Mufti Aashique Ilahi Bulandsheri (Muhajir Madani) said that “Ameer should only be one”.

    The mentioned above Zimmidaar/Ameers use to be Ameer/Faisal (decision maker) turn by turn. After few months, Respected Moulana Izhaar ul Hasan saab (Rah) passed away. Since then the remaining two Elders used to be Faisal (decisionmaker) turn by turn and whenever one of them was away the other elder used to be the Ameer. Never did it happen that the (Elders) jamaat ever came together for Mashwarah to add a third individual in the list of Ameer/Faisal(decision makers).

    It is apparent that after the demise of Respected Hadhrat Moulana Zubair ul Hasan saab (Rah), Hadhrat Moulana Saad saab (DB) is the only standing decision maker in Markaz-Nizamuddin.

    Now the real Sunnah is being revived. As Rasulullah ﷺ has said (to nearest meaning): If there are three of you, make one among you an Ameer. (reported by Bazaar).

    Ulama have explained this hadith by providing few analogies, if 3 people are travelling or are in a jungle/desert, one should be selected as their Ameer. So Tablighi Jamat which does not consist of ONLY 3 people but in millions which are spread all over different towns, villages, cities, and countries working for extraction of evil, and spreading of virtue, should this Jamat not have an Ameer?

    In order to keep up the unison, unity, and unanimity among the Muslims, an Ameer has to be followed. The hadith of Rasulullah ﷺ is the evidence necessary to pursue the fact that it is an obligation on Muslims to choose an Ameer for themselves. (Neel-ul-Awtaar)

    In contradiction to the present Ameer, if anyone would like to become an Ameer, Rasulullah ﷺ has admonished of such a person in the most undesirable reprimanding. Hadhrat Maulana Saeed Ahmed Khan Saab (Rah) several times used to say with great regret “Alas! We were not able to choose a single Ameer.”

    The successors of Tabligh do not have the right to overturn the decision made by the predecessors of Tabligh. The Elders Jamat which was made by Hadhratji Maulana Inam ul Hasan Sab (Rah) got together for only one time in Markaz Nizamuddin for the sole purpose of deciding the Ameer and never again did they got together for any other purpose.

    Rather they left this world doing Tabligh while Obeying their elders. Thus, all the actions by the “Elders Jamat” made by Hadhratji, provides us incumbent evidence that proves this Elders Jamat was only made to serve the purpose of choosing an Ameer. In similar fashion, the shura made by Hadhrat Omar (Rad) fulfilled the purpose of choosing an Ameer and then stayed in the obedience of the selected Zimmidaar/Ameer.

    The practice of making a Jamat consisting of various Zimmidaar/Ameer in the form of Shura, where the decision is made turn by turn is not acceptable in ISLAM. Neither it has been portrayed by Rasulullah ﷺ while sending Jamaats nor it has been proved by the lives of Sahaba-Ikram (Rad). Moreover, the Four-Imams have not mentioned it to be a recommended practice in their respective Schools of thought.

    Alhamdullilah, since his inception, Maulana Saad Sahab (Db) is following the footsteps of our Elders Maulana Ilyas Sahab (Rah), Moulana Yousuf Sahab (Rah) and Moulana Inamul Hassan Sahab (Rah). An Ameer has the right to add/edit /subtract some working methodologies in order to elevate the workers to another level (like Moulana Yousuf Sahab (Rah) introduced Hayaatus Sahaba and Maulana Inamul-Hassan Sahab (Rah) introduced 5 A’maal – these methodologies are way of work and Shariah is not being hampered)

    Ahle-Batil want to destroy the importance, reputation, and Markaziyat (Obedience to Markaz with collectiveness) of Nizamuddin. They plan to corrupt the effort of Tabligh, and root it out from the world. Due to the same reason, people are rising against Markaz Nizamuddin, and Maulana Saad Sahab (DB), working on assassinating his character by spreading rumours.

    “It is a plea from the entire Ummah to stay against the propaganda created by the media and Ahle-Batil and make special du’as for the protection of the Markaz-Nizamuddin. Furthermore, everyone needs to increase their daily effort, infiradi a’maal, put on an effort to join the Ummah towards unity, and Ijtimaiyyath (collectiveness).” Mufti Saeed Omar Hashmi Mazahari-Qasmi

    1. I am giving you 3 reasons why M Saad is not the Ameer as he was never appointed nor approved by Mashwara. This is the bottom line that you need to answer. Your lengthy explanation only serves to confuse the weak-minded.

      M Saad is not the Ameer as he was never appointed nor approved by Mashwara

      1. There was a signed agreement which Maulana Saad himself signed: No more Ameer and no more Bay’ah in Nizamuddin
      2. There was already a leading council (Shura) which Haji Abdul Wahab was part of. Going against a functioning organization causes disunity.
      3. Finally, even without the agreement, Ameer needs to be appointed and approved in Mashwara. M Saad did not get the Shura’s approval to be Ameer nor start Bay’ah as well.

      You are saying that we are causing Fitna. Are you also saying that the Ulema Institutions and all the Senior Elders like Ml Ibrahim, Ml Ahmad Lat & Hj Abd Wahab are all causing fitna too? (See fatwas from Deoband, Saharanpur, and 30+ more, the elders letters: Ml Ibrahim, Ml Yaqub’s Letter). Our deen is simple. Just follow the Ijma of the Ulema, and we are safe. InshaAllah.

      1. There was an original shura which Maulana Inamul-Hassan Saab made to decide who the next Ameer will be, they couldn’t decide an Ameer. If people wanted to make a new shura, why didn’t they come to nizamuddin and make mashwera, nizamuddin is the world markaz, any major decision need to be decided there, not in raiwind, this agenda of creating a new shura was to change the world markaz from nizamuddin to raiwind.

        Second of all, from the lives of Sahabah, can you show me where there was a shura that managed the whole world?

        In the narration discussing the scenario before the pledge of allegiance was
        “taken at the hand of Hadhrat Abu Bakr ~, Hadhrat Saalim bin Ubayd states
        that someone from the Ansaar said, “(Why do we not appoint) A leader from
        amongst us (Ansaar) and another from amongst you (Muhaajireen).” Hadhrat
        Umar ~.~ responded to this by saying, “Two swords in one sheath!? They
        will never fit.” (2)
        (2) Bayhaqi (Vo1.8 Pg.145). This was the opinion of Umar RA regarding having just 2 Ameer’s, imagine what Umar RA would say about having a whole shura where the Ameer is rotating.

        Maulana Yusuf Saab RA says that our work is according to Hayatus Sahabaah, according to Hayaatus Sahabaah, there is no basis of a shura.

        Also another thing,, this is the audio of Maulana Yusuf Motala RAH regarding making maulana saad as Ameer.

        Also, if you’re talking about deobands fatwa, the aalmi shuraa should stop masturaat effort as deoband and many senior ulama have issued a fatwa against the masturaat effort.

        1. You are very confused, brother, and bringing up so many red herrings i.e. non-issues that don’t answer the bottom line. I am not here to argue but to clarify things InshaAllah. I’m going to make this simple for you. Answer this:

          Was M Saad approved by the Shura to be the Ameer?

          1. I’m not here to argue either, yes, Maulana Saad was the only one left from the 3 Ameers that were decided, so when the 2 Ameers passed away, the only Ameer left now is Maulana Saad. Shaykh Zakariya wanted Maulana Saad to be the next ameer, maulana Yusuf Motala said this.

            anyways, please answer this: please show me from the lives of Sahabaah where a shura was managing the whole world, as our work is according to hayatus sahabah…

          2. That is wrong ya Akhi. Yes, all Shura members in Nizamuddin passed away but Haji Abdul Wahab who was part of the Shura was still alive, thus the Shura was clearly intact. In 2015, it is clear that the Shura did not approve M Saad as the Ameer.

            I will answer: Yes, Sahaba selected the Ameer-ul-mu’mineen, but it was never at the expense of going against the existing administration/Shura. The Sahaba always abide by Mashwara. Can you imagine if Ali RA revolted against the Shura and Usman RA for not selecting him as the Ameer?

            You really can’t see this, can’t you?

        2. Nailed it. They will never share the true 1995 agreement and only say that it’s hidden in Nizamuddin because they want to demean the status of Hazrat ji Maulana Saad sahab.

          1. Salam Brother. Are you claiming that all the senior elders who have spent most of their life in Da’wa are involved in a conspiracy to deny M Saad Ameership? We know the contents of the 1995 agreement based on testimonies of these elders. Are you saying all these elders are wrong and M Saad alone is right?

            If you wish to pluck things from the sky, and entertain baseless conspiracy theories, you can start by talking about M Saad Sahab’s large mansion house and the fact that he has not spent time in the Path of Allah. At least these things have evidences to support it.

            Please brother, think carefully. Ask Allah SWT for guidance.

      2. Yes those who have abandoned the Amir (Sheikh Saad Khandlawi) and created a second party caused the dissension and are doing something else, not Tableegh. They know it, you know it and Allah (SWT) knows best. You are doing nothing more than misguidance and work of Shaytaan here, creating further disunity. May Allah (SWT) guide you to the truth. Ameen.

        1. Do you read Urdu? I suggest you have a look at one of our best sources, Ahwal Wa Atsar by Shekhul Hadith Maulana Shahed Saharanpuri. Download it here.

  5. Haji Abdul Wahab saab never gave permission for the new shura to be formed, the only shura that was done through the proper mashwera was Maulana Inam ul Hasan’s shura that he made to decide on the next Ameer.

    If Maulana Saad left nizamuddin markaz and started his own thing, that’s fitna, Maulana Saad still remains in Nizamuddin Markaz. If the elders stayed in nizamuddin markaz and agreed to be under Maulana Saad saab’s imaarat, there would be no split. And what Maulana Saad Saab is pushing towards is seerah.

    1. If you have to fabricate facts about Haji Abdul Wahab then there is nothing else we can talk about here.

      Haji Sab was the first elder who truly stood up against M Saad. He made direct claims such as M Saad has not even spent 40 days.

      My dear brother, I myself used to be a follower of M Saad but my heart did not feel right. Why should I waste my time propagating the Fitna and cause further disunity to Tabligh?
      I had to go against my pride, apologize to many people, and accept that I was wrong
      I humbly ask you to do the same. Ask Allah SWT for clear guidance. May Allah SWT guide us all.

  6. Assalamu alykum brother,
    May Allah reaward you for yr efforts for exposing fitnah of Molana Saad saheb on Tabligi jamaat.

    I have read your all content & try to spread in my circle. Majority of Mo. Saad followers are intellectually blind & illiterate.

    Please do try to translate your work in Hindi language & please do create a podcast in urdu & share all information chronologically.


  7. 1. M Saad sb never declared himself ameer to Shura or any responsible elder in tabligh

    2. If sk Enam ra made a shura to run the work after him. Why these 9 persons more than two days in mashwara as to who shd be amir?

    3. The so called 1995 agreement is a figment of some people’s imagination. If not produce it.

    4. Sk Abdul Wahab sb told bro. Wasiful Islam and m Saad sb that he made no shura.

    5. When bro Wasiful Islam asked sk Abdul Wahab sb ra how he signed the letter of so called Alami shura when a signed document exists by 10 member shura made by sk enam(ra) (to assist him) that no imo decision will be made without concurrence of the signatories ? Sk Abdul Wahab sb replied “then we shd make mashwara again witness dr nadeem Ashraf and m Fahim. No such mashwara took place.

    6. The so called Alami shura never came into existence through mashwara. The proposal was put forward by bro Faruk of Banglore. Because there was shouting and commotion by rowdy people brought by some elders of india, the mashwara was disrupted. No other mashwara took place. If there was pls tell us time date place and names of attendees and who made this faisla.

    7. Sk Saad sb and his followers are following teachings of three past elders. It is the followers of the so-called shuarai nizam who have left mainstream tabligh and caused a rift in the ummah. This shura I nizam was unheard of till 2015 Riwand Ijtema , a new bidat in tabligh.
    Alhamdulillah 8o% tablighis worldwide are with m Saad sb and nizamuddin.’

    May Allah give us all hedayat.

    1. Assalamulaykum brother,
      We have answered your comments in RED

      1. M Saad sb never declared himself ameer to Shura or any responsible elder in tabligh

      If M Saad is not Ameer, then why are you following him as your leader?

      2. If sk Enam ra made a shura to run the work after him. Why these 9 persons more than two days in mashwara as to who shd be amir?

      It is incorrect to say that just because a decision takes too long to make then the decision invalid. If anything it makes the decision stronger.

      3. The so called 1995 agreement is a figment of some people’s imagination. If not produce it.

      See the Elder’s statements

      4. Sk Abdul Wahab sb told brother Wasiful Islam and M Saad sb that he made no shura.

      We also heard that M Saad flew to the moon and the moon told M Saad he is the Ameer of the Ummah 🤣🤣🤣. Sorry Brother, please forgive us. If people can pluck things from the air, so can we.

      5. When bro Wasiful Islam asked sk Abdul Wahab sb ra how he signed the letter of so called Alami shura when a signed document exists by 10 member shura made by sk enam(ra) (to assist him) that no imo decision will be made without concurrence of the signatories ? Sk Abdul Wahab sb replied “then we shd make mashwara again witness dr nadeem Ashraf and m Fahim. No such mashwara took place.

      Here you are quoting the statement from Wasiful Islam, who does not have the credibility from both parties. He is a controversial figure and has allegedly embezzled crores of $$$. Secondly, even if what you said is true, did Haji Sahab said the Shura is invalid? He simply ask people to do mashwara if they’re not happy. There is a Mashwara of all elders 3 times every year. One can go to any of the Mashwara and bring up the matter.

      6. The so called Alami shura never came into existence through mashwara. The proposal was put forward by bro Faruk of Banglore. Because there was shouting and commotion by rowdy people brought by some elders of india, the mashwara was disrupted. No other mashwara took place. If there was pls tell us time date place and names of attendees and who made this faisla.

      I’m sure you have seen the signed letter by Haji Sahab himself

      7. Sk Saad sb and his followers are following teachings of three past elders. It is the followers of the so-called shuarai nizam who have left mainstream tabligh and caused a rift in the ummah. This shura I nizam was unheard of till 2015 Riwand Ijtema , a new bidat in tabligh.

      The Shura has been operating since 1995 until M Saad violated the 1995 agreement

      Alhamdulillah 8o% tablighis worldwide are with m Saad sb and nizamuddin.’

      Yes, in 2014…. but it’s 2023 now… Since then, many have: read Ml Ibrahim’s letter, read Ml Yaqub’s Letter, Seen M Saad’s violence, Saw MS Saad’s house, Listened to Hj Sahab’s statements, and MOST IMPORTANTLY… read the 40+ fatwas on M Saad!

      May Allah give us all hedayat.


  8. “His ruthless act is the cause of the current disunity”
    These are the words coming out of the mouth of a Muslim regarding an alim?
    Your ignorance knows no bounds.
    Let me ask you some simply questions..
    1. If Shura is really better then Amir then maulana Ilyas, maulana Zakaria (who selected the next Amir), maulana Yousuf , maulana Inam where all wrong for selecting and supporting an Amir!! Along with 1000’s of ulema of the time.
    2. Why only 3 Faisal were selected?
    Why not rotate the Faisals between all the shura members or Mia Ji Maihrab made that mistake too. If the Shura was selected for running the work then why have a mushwara at all? Select one Amir per week or month and have a zoom call because Pakistani elders cannot come to Nizam Uddin for mushwara.
    3. In the above comments there is some person who calls himself “Dr Farouk” ( to legitimize his knowledge)
    Makes ghibah of millions of Muslims as uneducated and illiterate and advices Mr “TjAdmin” to translate this to Hindi and Urdu meaning English is a language that proves your intellect!!! So where Sabaha illiterate and ignorant as well?
    (May Allah forgive us)
    4. If the above statements does not open your senses then let me propose something…
    Go to your masjid and declare yourself as Amir and see how many follow you. You would be lucky if they don’t beat you. You think someone can just declare themselves as Amir and millions from every country will just start following you? Unless you are on some kind of drugs you will have to agree that millions follow Hazrathji Maulana Saad Saab today!!!
    This is really above your mental fortitude and deeni knowledge.
    Do the work and be humble. Basic portion of the work is the same so follow whoever you want and stop senseless websites.

    Finally all elders; Hazrathji maulana Saad Saab, Maulana Ibrahim Saab and others are worth respecting and may Allah accept thier qurbani.
    The best thing you can do is delete your website and make istegfar and make dua to Allah to unite the Ummah.

    1. Assalmualaykum Brother, thank you for the comment. Allow us to answer your comment directly in RED. This is what you wrote:

      “His ruthless act is the cause of the current disunity”
      These are the words coming out of the mouth of a Muslim regarding an alim?

      Please understand that our aim is to preserve the true history of Tabligh, no matter how bitter it is. As generations come, this history may be forgotten. We do not promote hate, and certainly not backbiting. See our article ‘Backbiting vs Warning‘. No matter how bad a Muslim is, he is still our Muslim brother. We love and hate only for the sake of Allah.

      Also to note Maulana Saad is not an Aalim as he did not complete his studies as testified by the Management Shura of Nizamuddin Madrasa himself

      Your ignorance knows no bounds.
      Let me ask you some simply questions..
      1. If Shura is really better then Amir then maulana Ilyas, maulana Zakaria (who selected the next Amir), maulana Yousuf , maulana Inam where all wrong for selecting and supporting an Amir!! Along with 1000’s of ulema of the time.

      This is not a question of whether Shura or Ameer is better. As mentioned in the 1995 agreement, Shura was the agreed upon administration. M Saad violated this agreement

      2. Why only 3 Faisal were selected?
      Why not rotate the Faisals between all the shura members or Mia Ji Maihrab made that mistake too. If the Shura was selected for running the work then why have a mushwara at all? Select one Amir per week or month and have a zoom call because Pakistani elders cannot come to Nizam Uddin for mushwara.

      That is wrong Akhi. In a 1996 resolution, the 3 faisals were expanded to 5 Faisals. Miyaji Mehrab and Maulana Umar Palanpuri was included in this rotation as well.

      3. In the above comments there is some person who calls himself “Dr Farouk” ( to legitimize his knowledge)
      Makes ghibah of millions of Muslims as uneducated and illiterate and advices Mr “TjAdmin” to translate this to Hindi and Urdu meaning English is a language that proves your intellect!!! So where Sabaha illiterate and ignorant as well?
      (May Allah forgive us)

      We have never said anything like that nor do we know who this Dr Farouk is. We are mostly from Indonesia and Malaysia. We have endured to write in English to help those who don’t speak Urdu. From English, this website can be easily translated into Spanish, French and Arabic as well.

      4. If the above statements does not open your senses then let me propose something…
      Go to your masjid and declare yourself as Amir and see how many follow you. You would be lucky if they don’t beat you. You think someone can just declare themselves as Amir and millions from every country will just start following you? Unless you are on some kind of drugs you will have to agree that millions follow Hazrathji Maulana Saad Saab today!!!
      This is really above your mental fortitude and deeni knowledge.
      Do the work and be humble. Basic portion of the work is the same so follow whoever you want and stop senseless websites.

      If numbers are justification for what is Haq and Baatil then Mirza Ghulam had many followers. He had Darul Uloom graduate Ulemas as well with him. Christianity have millions of followers too.

      Seriously let’s all make Istighfar. From your IP Address, we have realized that you are from the USA. What we see is that many Saad followers living in rich Western countries have this superiority complex, i.e. some kind of mental disorder. Just relax brother. It’s okay to lose. It’s okay to make mistakes. You don’t have to win all the time. If Tabligh is an integral part of your life then please take time to evaluate the Shura position as it clearly the Haq. See elders testimonies, the fatwas and the violence of Nizamuddin as a start

      Finally all elders; Hazrathji maulana Saad Saab, Maulana Ibrahim Saab and others are worth respecting and may Allah accept thier qurbani.
      The best thing you can do is delete your website and make istegfar and make dua to Allah to unite the Ummah.

      There is no doubt that M Saad is a Muslim brother. Though it was through him the effort of Da’wa has been broken apart. All for what? To declare oneself Ameer? At the expense of violating agreements?

      Do you also not see who is the the one disuniting the Ummah? How can the Ummah unite upon falsehood, deviation from Ahlus Sunnah and breaking agreements? We can only unite upon the truth!

  9. Obviously you don’t read your post.. copied from post…

    Dr. Farukh
    June 25, 2023 at 10:27 am
    Assalamu alykum brother,
    May Allah reaward you for yr efforts for exposing fitnah of Molana Saad saheb on Tabligi jamaat.

    I have read your all content & try to spread in my circle. Majority of Mo. Saad followers are intellectually blind & illiterate.
    Please do try to translate your work in Hindi language & please do create a podcast in urdu & share all information chronologically.

    Qalu Salama” (قالوا سلاما): ‘When the ignorant address them, they say: “Salam”

    I am not even sure if you ignorant guys are Muslims or just paid con artist who try to pickup hot topics and gain some traction to thier agenda!!!

    1. Assalamualaykum Brother, we are aware of his comments but we do not know who he is (Dr Farokh).

      Now referring to your last comment, Nauzubillah! how can you even doubt others as Muslims? You have gone really low Akhi

      I think we should all evaluate why we are doing this work of Da’wa. If it is about “My Group” vs “Your Group”, i.e. numbers… then this is no more than a soccer match.

      Our aim is to preserve the effort of Da’wa from being diconnected from the Ulema, being destroyed by one man who has violated agreements and refuses to follow Mashwara.

      If you just denounce this person, everything will go back to normal. Why support someone who is not even the legitimate Ameer? See the elder’s testimonies. Could they all be lying? THINK!

      Has your affiliation blind you that much?

      May Allah SWT guide us all

  10. I think this man’s children will be greater fitnah than him because he is just telling lies about Hazratji Mowlana Saad DB.

      1. Go on brother, your effort to deen is really priceless, i am amazed to see the level of your true knowledge, patience, musculinity(raising voice against
        May Allah (S.W.T) give strength and guide us to the righteous path.
        Ameen, Ya Rabb’al Aalameen.

    1. Wa-alaikumussalam wa-rahmatullahi wa-barakakuh.
      Brother, you are not a stupid. You are spreading these words consciously.
      Only advice is if you don’t believe me, just wait for few years and see what happens with your children.

  11. Secondly, this man’s children might make his life hell in the Earth because he is just telling lies about Hazratji Mowlana Saad DB

  12. Brother,
    Jazak Allah khairan for sending me these links.
    I read these.
    These are life changing advices.
    In Shaa Allah subhanahuwatay’ala I will do aamal on these.
    Have you noticed that Abdul Wahhab sab said “his generation will be destroyed”.
    This is the advice of a really great experienced man.
    I hope:
    I fear:

    Choose what is best choice for you.
    Speak to your mum, dad, wife and children.

    1. Barakallah Fiik Akhi. From your answer, we can presume that you are neutral with regards to this Ikhtilaf. As mentioned, most of us here are from Malaysia/Indonesia, and we (including myself) used to be supporters of M Saad Sahab. We have found the evidences overwhelming for the Shura whilst M Saad relies on hearsay and unconditional support/obedience

      As for being neutral, while it is more ‘Politically Correct’, this has been explained in a joint letter from our elders:

      There was an option to continue with this wrong trend, thereby supporting the wrong in place of the right just to avoid “Fitnah” (disunity). However, this hypocritical approach would have all our capabilities, time, and wealth spent for the cause of the establishment of Baatil (wrong things) rather than the Haq (right things) in this world.

      To put it bluntly, if I am to support the wrong group, I am indirectly establishing Baatil and destroying Tabligh.

      Hope this clarifies.

  13. Having taken time to read through the two sides of the arguments, those in Support of Maulana Saad and against him, I can more aligned with this administrators Supporting the Aalamin Shura. Firstly they are truthful in bringing Maulana Saad Supporters Comments which they may decide not to publishing we would be left with their own view, they did not do that rather they take their time to answer questions with adequate punctures of MS Supporters . The Most Basic one is Amir is always Appointed, So who appoints Maulana Saad. Non of his Supporters have been able to answer this with Convictions except that he is the Last Man, even if this is taken, Doesn’t it need to be Ratified? Who Ratifies his Amirship.
    Secondly Malaysian and Indonesia does not Share tribal of family relatioship with any of the two parties thus their the opinion may be advanced as Neutral.
    Also the Adm said they first Follow the Sentiments Maulana Saad Sells to the Whole World Initially but they have to recant on seen and hearing better Evidences to the Family Card Maulana Saad and his followers were Expounding.
    Lastly, I also agrees with the Adm that Character of a person Matters a lot in making decisions on whether to follow him or not.
    Allaah SWT describe the Character of Rasullullah SAW as the Best, What are the Character of Maulana Saad and his lone Supporter Wasiful Islam. CONTROVERSIES UPON CONTROVERSIES
    Tabligh Leaders lives the Life of Abstinence and Zhud, Maulana Saad lives Contrary to this, Where are the Respect to be given to the Elderly and Ulamas, its Missing in his Life. To Sum it up you cannot sell a Bad Product or nearly impossible to retain a Market for a Bad Product, even if you have to gather Best Marketers in the World.
    The Product may be bought once, but when later its content is discovered to be Bad , People will eventually abandoned it. That is exactly what is happening to Maulana Saad Ideologies Worldwide.

  14. I’ve never understood any of you guys.
    All i can get is,
    First you guys had a Amir/leader/chief
    Then you switched to Board of Directors kind of system (why??) which was so noob that they did not add new members to the board till the very end.(what were they waiting for? someone to snap?)
    Finally when nearly all board members are gone, some guy says that he will fill the all the vacant seats in the board , someone says he will be the chief,old system returns.
    Then starts mudslinging and according to what i have read ,brawling and all.
    Bro you guys are not smart at all.

    1. 😂😂😂 It’s funny how you put it. Actually, compared to how other Islamic movements have split, Alhamdulillah, the Tablighi Jamaat split is pretty straightforward. The culprit is pretty clear. And it’s only two parties. Try compare that to the the Salafi splits or even Ikhwanul Muslimeen splits. They are heavily fractured.

      As how this article (the 1995 agreement) says, the Shura is the legitimate administration. Whether it was filled earlier or later does not invalidate the agreement.

      To understand why it was never filled up earlier, you have to understand how Maulana Saad have tried to prevent it. How he has always thrown tantrums in Mashwara. I invite you to read Ahwal Wa Athar (link here), a 500+ page book written by Maulana Zakariyya’s grandson Ml Shahed Saharanpuri. Jazakallah Khair.

  15. Assalamualaikum,
    No matter how much you try to misguide people that guy Maulana Saad Sb. is just busy with Tablighi and is prevailing to people’s heart with Ikhlas ♥️
    We will follow our Ameer, even if you betray from his amarat.
    He was the last Faisal remaining that time and he knew what was to be done and he did accordingly.

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