Habib Umar on Maulana Saad

Habib Umar bin Hafiz (حبيب عمر بن حفيظ) is an Islamic Scholar and a well-known Tasawwuf/Sufi master from Yemen. During a gathering in Indonesia, without mentioning any name, he openly criticized a ‘big person‘ in Tablighi Jamaat, who was an ‘impressive speaker‘ but ‘disconnected himself from his teachers‘, and has now ‘deceived himself‘. This is… Continue reading Habib Umar on Maulana Saad

Darul Uloom Deoband’s Rejection of Maulana Saad’s First Rujoo

Below is the translated letter issued by Darul Uloom Deoband on 8/12/2016, just two days after they issued their first Fatwa on Maulana Saad on 6/12/2016. The original Urdu letter: [Translation] The Rujoo of Maulana Muhammad Saad Kandhlawi and the response letter from Darul Uloom The (first) Rujoo letter received from Maulana Muhammad Saad Saheb… Continue reading Darul Uloom Deoband’s Rejection of Maulana Saad’s First Rujoo

Maulana Saad Bhopal Ijtema: Musa (AS) failed to have the necessary condition of heart

This is our English translation of a document prepared by a team of ulema concerning Maulana Saad Bhopal Ijtema 2023 Bayan. The team was led by Mufti Khizr who is the principal of Jamia Farooqia Harivar, Karnataka, India. Download Original Urdu Document Introduction Preamble: Maulana Saad claims that despite being informed directly by Allah SWT,… Continue reading Maulana Saad Bhopal Ijtema: Musa (AS) failed to have the necessary condition of heart

Jameah Mahmoodiyah South Africa – It is not permissible to regard Maulana Saad as Ameer in Deen

QUESTION: We are sending you some excerpts from M Saad’s Bayaan. Please study it and give your opinion regarding it, whether these statements conflict with or conform to the Shariah. Furthermore, since M Saad has not accepted the Shura and the working method that was formed by the TJ Elders at the Raiwind Ijtema, should… Continue reading Jameah Mahmoodiyah South Africa – It is not permissible to regard Maulana Saad as Ameer in Deen

Darul Ulum Moinul Islam on Maulana Saad

Darul Ulum Moinul Islam, Chittagong, has issued their stance on the misguidance of Maulana Saad and their support to Darul Uloom Deoband’s Fatwa MUFTI AHMAD SHAFIMohtamim (Principal)Al-Jamiatul Ahlia Darul Ulum Moinul Islam Hathazari, Chittagong, Bangladesh, Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhuI hope you are busy with religious endeavors. May Allah SWT accept all your efforts. The Ulema of Bangladesh… Continue reading Darul Ulum Moinul Islam on Maulana Saad

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