2015 Decisive Raiwind Mashwara


The following was a special Mashwara (meeting) held in Raiwind Ijtema on the 15th of November 2015. In the Mashwara, Haji Abdul Wahab Sahab decided to complete the World Shura and asked for nominations for new members. Maulana Saad also attended the Mashwara and expressed his objection to the Idea.

Haji Sahab eventually decided to go ahead with the completion of the Shura by appointing new members to it.

There are 3 parts of Audio.

Part 1 – 2015 Raiwind Mashwara Opening

Maulana Ahmad Bahawalpur [0:00]: It is necessary to have an Ameer in a Mashwara, this has been a historical practice. However, despite this, the real strength of the Mashwara is not the Ameer, but the collectiveness of a Shura. The Ameer is there to follow the path laid out by the Shura. At this time, we ask the Workers (of Tabligh) should look up to those above them. The Prophet Muhammad (SAW) has his own status, Abu Bakr Siddiq has his own status, Umar Farooq has his own status, Uthman has his own status, and all the companions have their own status. But everyone was part of the Shura. So if you look at history and Uthman, in the last six years of his life, some people like Marwan became arrogant and broke the entire system, causing the whole system to falter.

Therefore, my request to everyone, whether you accept it or not, is that there should be a strong Shura with an Ameer everywhere, and the Ameer should move forward with the full Shura. This is one point I want to make. The second point, which is very important, is that we should remain firm on the Tarteeb and Manhaj which were derived from the Quran and Sunnah by our respected elders. There should be no additions or subtractions to it based on personal preferences. The system they created has been perfected and has been used worldwide.

One might think that adding this or that would be beneficial, but by doing so, the original essence of the work is lost. I was talking this morning about what Bid’ah is. Bid’ah is breaking the system established by the Prophet and his companions and adding something of your own, even if it seems good. This only leads to the loss of the entire essence.

Our respected elders like Maulana Ilyas, Maulana Yusuf, and others have established a Tarteeb and Manhaj that has been running for a long time, because of which the Work is spreading throughout the world and progressing uniformly. Everyone should stick to this system. It’s essential to understand that this system is acceptable. A person might think that if they add this or that, it would be better. The point here is that we shouldn’t add anything based on our own opinion. We need to adhere to the method and approach that these people have established from the beginning. This will protect the work, maintain mutual love, maintain unity, and strengthen the work that is growing worldwide.

This is my request to all of you. Accept it if you will. That’s why I have told [name unclear] that the most important thing right now is the protection of the Work, and for its protection, it’s necessary to move forward with the Shura and follow the path laid out by these respected individuals. Because we do the work, and through prayers, Allah is protecting it. When Allah protects, everything will be fine. What Allah will help, all problems will be solved. This is my request to everyone here.

[Further unclear audio is mentioned here]

Haji Abdul Wahab: [Voice unclear]

Maulana Faheem [7:15]: Haji Sahab is saying that previously, he had informed Maulana Saad that in the presence of Hazratji Inamul Hasan Sahab, there were 10 people in the Shura. Now only two of us are left. This message was given to Maulana Saad. He was asking him to come and talk about completing the Shura and filling the vacant positions. We need to work together and through Mashwara. Initially, Maulana Saad expressed a few basic disagreements and had to leave. Maybe they were tired. However, today, he is here on Haji Sahab’s request. Haji Sahab is expressing the need to complete the Shura to 10. They will complete those ten.

Haji Sahab is telling that everyone should write their opinions (of who should be in the 8 Shura) and send it over to us here.

Haji Abdul Wahab [8:11]: [Voice unclear]

Maulana Faheem [8:15]: Haji Sahab is telling that everyone should write their opinions (of who should be in the 8 Shura) and send us the nominations.

Unknown Speaker [8:50]: Please clarify, should all three markaz write their opinions?

Maulana Fahim [8:55]: Yes all three Markaz. Haji Sahab is saying two are here, write 8 names from all three Markazs. During the time of Hazrat Ji (may Allah have mercy on him), there were ten. Out of ten, only two of us are left. So instead of those two, let there be ten from all three Markaz.

Maulana Saad [9:36]: My view is that Haji Sahab, you are the Zimmedar (Accountable person) here, there should be no Shura here. The Shura should only be in Nizamuddin. Now for the Alami (World) Shura, who you will decide into this Shura, I request that InshaAllah we will go to Nizamuddin and we will decide there.

Part 2:

Haji Abdul Wahab [00:00-00:18]: [Voice unclear]

Maulana Faheem [00:18-00:25]: (Haji Sahab is saying that) In our Mashwara, this matter has come up or not, but we have to see that every Muslim loves every other Muslim in the world.

Unknown Speaker [00:25-00:30]: [Voice unclear]

Maulana Faheem [00:30-00:33]: We have to see if everyone wishes each other well.

Haji Abdul Wahab [00:33-00:40]: [Voice unclear]

Maulana Faheem [00:40-00:43]: The more effort a person makes, the more Allah will grant success according to that effort.

Haji Abdul Wahab [00:43-00:49]: [Voice unclear]

Maulana Faheem [00:49-00:53]: And whatever deficiency is seen in this, Allah will forgive it.

Unknown Speaker [00:53-00:56]: [Voice unclear]

Unknown Speaker [00:56-01:10]: The thing is, these people who have come here, I’m not talking about Haji Sahib. (Referring to Maulana Saad’s group) wherever they go, whichever country they go to; Where the Work (of Da’wa and Tabligh) is being done with established methodologies, they will go there and introduce their new (unapproved) methods (of doing the Work).

Maulana Saad [01:10-01:11]: No, we do not start any new Methods.

Unknown Person 1 [01:11-01:18]: They go there and start “Da’wa Taleem Istiqbal” (a new unapproved Method of Tabligh). In this way, (due to the confusion) two groups are formed. This seems to be happening everywhere. What’s the solution for this?

Haji Abdul Wahab [01:18-02:10]: [Voice unclear]

Maulana Saad [02:10-02:11]: Please clarify (what Haji Sahab) said, I didn’t understand.

Maulana Faheem [02:11-03:05]: Haji Sahab is saying that he went to Nizamuddin. There, Arshad Madani Sahib came and advised him to form a Shura before he left. Then he went to Deoband. There too he was advised the same thing. He had also received a letter from one place. Haji Sahab is saying that if such a thing had happened (i.e. if a Shura had been formed), these issues wouldn’t have happened. Allah takes from whom He wants to take work and turns people’s hearts towards him. We should all keep seeking His forgiveness and pray to him. There, he learned that Maulana Saad had claimed himself to be the Amir.

Maulana Saad [03:05-03:06]: Lahawlawala Quwaata Illabillah

Haji Abdul Wahab [03:05-03:19]: [Voice unclear]

Maulana Faheem: (Haji Sahab said that) There, I learned that Maulana Saad has claimed that he is the Amir.

Haji Abdul Wahab [03:19-03:21]: [Voice unclear]

Maulana Faheem [03:21-03:22]:  (Haji Sahab said that) Upon hearing this, I got scared.

Haji Abdul Wahab [03:22-03:24]: [Voice unclear]

Maulana Faheem [03:24-03:25]: I started praying.

Haji Abdul Wahab [03:25-03:32]: [Voice unclear]

Maulana Faheem [03:32-03:36]: When this thought comes to the heart that I am someone great, then I fear that this family (referring to Tablighi Jamaat) will come to an end.

Unknown Person 2 [03:36-04:12]: He (Maulana Saad) said, “By Allah! I am the Amir of the entire Ummah. Whoever doesn’t accept me as Amir will go to hell.”

[Maulana Saad denies all of this in the background]

We have a tape-recording on this, and we also have it in writing. Sanaullah Khan, Maulvi Ibrahim, and everyone else were present there. Ask them and this matter will be made clear. At first, there were no heated arguments. It was he (Maulana Saad) who started it first.

Maulana Saad [04:12-04:29]: If someone talks rudely, what kind of answer does he expect to receive? Why is there no mention about what happened before? Only what I have said is being mentioned here. Haji Sahab, nothing is going on. The Work (of Da’wa and Tabligh) is going well Alhamdulillah.

Haji Abdul Wahab [04:29-04:34]: [Voice unclear]

Maulana Saad [04:34-04:49]: Even I can’t figure out what’s the issue being brought up here. The Work (of Da’wa and Tabligh) we are doing (in India) is going well. By Allah’s grace, those who are doing the work, they are doing the Work (of Da’wa and Tabligh). Those who create discord, they are creating discord. Make Du’a and ask Allah brothers.

[Haji Sahab starts to say something in the background]

Maulana Saad [04:50-04:51]: Yes, Haji Sahab, please speak.

Haji Abdul Wahab [04:51-05:09]: [Voice unclear]

Maulana Faheem [05:09-05:18]: Haji Sahab is saying that everyone should now pray to Allah. Haji Sahab says that Raiwind is connected with every Masjid in the world.

Unknown Person 1 [05:18-05:36]: The issue here is that things have been going on without Mashwara. (For example) If this business of “Dawah, Taleem and Istiqbal” continue without approval and Mashwara, the Work will be affected and everyone will be confused (as to what the correct Methodology of Da’wah and Tabligh is). This good Work (of Da’wa and Tabligh) has started [Voice unclear]. This is what’s happening.

Haji Abdul Wahab [05:36-05:46]: [Voice unclear]

Maulana Faheem [05:46-05:49]: (Haji Sahab says that) Everything is in the control of Allah. Everyone should pray to Allah.

Unknown Person [05:49-06:04]: Once, a Mewati came to cause trouble and fight with some people. I was just sitting quietly at the back and saw the trouble he was causing. I told him by Allah, stop doing this or kill me. Eventually, I persuaded the Mewati to stop. All these fights and troubles are happening because of him (Maulana Saad).

Maulana Saad [06:04-06:07]: Haji Sahab, this whole issue brought up here is a small matter. [Voice unclear]. Please look at the full story.

Unknown Person 1 [06:07-06:17]: I have always been trying to stop these fights and chaos (in Nizamuddin Markaz). You don’t seem to understand this point. Yet you’re attacking us. I’m saying for the last time if this continues, the outcome won’t be good (the work of Da’wa will be affected).

Haji Abdul Wahab [06:17-06:39]: [Voice unclear]

Maulana Faheem [06:39-06:46]: (Haji Sahab is saying that) Everything is in the hands of Allah. Keep making Dua that these situations do not affect the work of Da’wa.

Unknown Speaker [06:46-07:10]: [Voice unclear]

Unknown Person 1 [07:10-07:42]: Has this person gone mad? We, including myself, brought you in front of an Ijtema of one million people after careful deliberation. This is despite Ulema having issues with your speech. (For example) you said that those who teach for money will go to hell. Why do you keep saying these (controversial) things all the time?  Either I have gone mad or you have.

Maulana Saad [07:42-08:08]: We both have gone mad.

[Laughter erupts at this statement. Subsequent sentences are unclear]

Unknown Person 3 [08:08-08:32]: The Prophet (SAW) said that many sects will form in the Ummah, and all sects will go to hell except one. When asked which sect that would be, the Prophet (SAW) said, ‘The one on which follows me and my Sahaba.’ Those who follow will be successful. Everyone should intend to act upon the method and way of the Sahaba. May Allah give us all the ability and keep us in His protection.

Maulana Saad [08:32-08:33]: Insha Allah

Haji Abdul Wahab [08:33-08:44]: [Voice unclear]

Maulana Faheem [08:44-08:49]: (Haji Sahab says) Pray that Allah elevates everyone’s status in the hereafter.

[All individuals] [08:49-08:58]: Ameen

Maulana Ahmad Laat [08:58-09:20]: Divisions can be seen everywhere. People are now complaining there are two groups in every Masjid. One group says one thing, while the other group says another. I was going to South Africa, and on the way, I was reciting the Holy Quran when a verse of the Holy Quran came before me. [A verse from the Holy Quran is recited – unclear]

Part 3:

Maulana Faheem [00:07-00:11]: Haji Sahab says that the Markaz of India is Nizamuddin.

Maulana Faheem [00:13-00:15]: And the Markaz of Pakistan is Raiwind.

Maulana Faheem [00:21-00:24]: And Raiwind has a connection (in the work of Da’wa) with every Masjid in the world.

Maulana Faheem [00:31-00:37]: Any important matter that came to Hazratji (Maulana Inamul Hasan) was never decided before making Mashwara with us (Raiwind) first.

Maulana Saad [00:37-00:40]: Alhamdulillah, we are doing the same.

Haji Abdul Wahab [00:40-00:44]: Today, those at Nizamuddin don’t even make Mashwara with us anymore.

Maulana Saad [00:44-00:52]: No, that is not true. Our brothers are sitting here. We have all come together. You can ask them if any issue is presented in Nizamuddin, even if I am in Bangladesh, it is our habit that we will always make Mashwara. Alhamdulillah.

Unknown Person [00:52-01:12]: Let’s just proceed as how Maulana (Faheem Khan) Sahab has said. The Shura of Pakistan will sit at 10 PM or 9:30 PM, including those from India and Bangladesh and think about forming a World Shura as Maulana (Faheem Khan) has said.

Maulana Saad [01:29-01:34]: So you want to form a Shura. For which place are you forming this Shura?

Haji Abdul Wahab [01:34-01:37]: A Shura for every Markaz.

Maulana Saad [01:37-01:42]: Shura already exists (in every Markaz). Right now, for which place are you forming a Shura? Which place’s Shura do you want to form?

Haji Abdul Wahab [01:42-01:46]: There is currently no Shura in Nizamuddin.

Maulana Saad [01:46-02:52]: When we go back to Nizamuddin, we will form a Shura there. The Shura for Nizamuddin should not be formed here. There should not be any discussion about it here. Issues for Nizamuddin should be discussed in Nizamuddin. Every country has a Shura. Similarly, Nizamuddin too has a Shura. Our work there is done through a Shura. These are all rumours that have spread a negative image of us. All these rumours have spoiled your minds. By the grace of Allah, (in Nizamuddin) no work is done without Mashwara amongst us. These people who do Mashwara with us are present. We consult among ourselves. We decide everything through Mashwara. If any global issue arises, we present it before Haji Sahab. That’s it! I will not allow this to happen. People can say whatever they want here. My decision is that we will form a Shura and all issues will be resolved, nothing else.

Haji Mumtaz [02:52-03:00]: A Shura must be formed here. All this commotion, disgrace, and mess is happening; (the solution is to) Form a Shura. Then we’ll see.

Maulana Saad [03:00-03:02]: All this is happening because you are creating chaos!

Haji Mumtaz [03:02-03:14]: You told us that all discussions about forming a Shura should be discussed here (in Raiwind). Now you say that the Shura should not be formed here, how is this?

In reality, you (Maulana Saad) have become the sole authority in all matters. The work of Da’wa and Tabligh, should not be based on autocracy but collectiveness through Mashwara.

Maulana Saad [03:14-03:19]: We do have Mashwara in the work that we do (in Nizamuddin). I am not the sole authority in all matters. I do not do any work without Mashwara.

Unknown Person 1 [03:19-03:23]: Haji Sahab! In Nizamuddin, Mashwara happens every day and every three months.

Haji Mumtaz [03:23-03:26]: This is all made up. You put your people in charge of the Mashwara.

Maulana Saad [03:26-03:47]: No, this is wrong. This is ignorance of the reality. You are not telling the truth. [Some sentences unclear]. You are creating chaos everywhere!

Haji Mumtaz [03:47-03:53]: Two groups are formed everywhere. [Some sentences unclear]. Please take care of this work (of Da’wah).

Maulana Saad [03:53-04:27]: These are lies to fill Haji Sahab’s ears so he makes the wrong decision. Nizamuddin Markaz is not under Raiwind Markaz. I know everyone who has been involved in this propaganda. I know them all very well. For the past two years, I have been quiet. [Some sentences are unclear].

Haji Mumtaz [04:27-04:32]: You (Haji Sahab) have to make a decision today because this place (Nizamuddin Markaz) has been turned into a battle arena.

Maulana Saad [04:32-04:33]: There’s nothing like that there.

Haji Mumtaz [04:33-04:41]: Mewatis have been brought there to engage in quarrels and harassing others. There’s chaos and discord. Even pushing and attacking others are happening there. We have been witnessing what is going on there. We haven’t spoken up on it until now. (Remember) We also have been handling your ‘Musafaha’ issue three times now.

Maulana Saad [04:41-04:42]: No, no (this is all untrue)

Haji Mumtaz [04:42-04:43]: I have personally requested some Mewatis to go back and seek forgiveness (for being involved in the chaos).

Maulana Saad [04:43-04:46]: This (collective) Musafaha is a Bid’ah.

Haji Mumtaz [04:46-04:57]: [Voice Unclear]. Before, he (Maulana Saad) himself asked to be part of the (collective) Musafaha. So at that time, it was permissible. Now, it is a Bid’ah… 

Unknown Maulana Saad Supporter [04:57-04:58]: Hey Mumtaz!

Haji Mumtaz [04:58-05:08]: Haji, you keep quiet. Tell us, why was it permissible before and why is it now a Bid’ah? [Some sentences unclear]

Maulana Saad [05:08-05:40]: Haji Sahab! Why didn’t you ask me first (before deciding to complete the World Shura)? This is wrong. Absolutely wrong. Why didn’t you ask me first? We are both responsible together. Did you call me and say that this issue needs to be put in Mashwara? He is talking about Bid’ah (which is not relevant here). I will absolutely not accept this (decision to complete the World Shura). I respect you. You are older than even my grandfather. But this is not the way.

[Haji Abdul Wahab’s says something but the words are unclear at this time, but Maulana Saad responds]

Absolutely not. There’s nothing like that. In my place (Nizamuddin), the Work (of Da’wa and Tabligh) is going on very well by the grace of Allah. All these people sitting here are those whom I regularly make Mashwara with. They are all witness here that I don’t do any work without Mashwara. They are all witnesses.

Unknown Person 3 [05:40-06:03]: When a Shura is made, such as here, 15 to 17 people are appointed. This is a Shura. In Nizamuddin, there is no Shura. It seems that only 4 to 5 people sit in front and make the Mashwara. [During this, Maulana Saad is heard denying in the background saying there is nothing like this]. There is no appointed Shura. Shura has to be appointed. Without proper appointments, there is no Shura.

Maulana Saad [06:03-06:04]: No, no, it’s nothing like that.

Unknown Person 3 [06:04-06:13]: [Two sentences unclear] Ask Brother Farooq Sahib. Let him testify whether there is a Shura in Nizamuddin or not. Who are the people in this Shura and what are their names? There’s nothing like it there.

Maulana Saad [06:13-06:15]: Haji Sahab! This is all untrue.

Unknown Person 3 [06:15-06:23]: Nothing of the sort is happening there. Ask Khalid Sahib, and Farooq Sahib. Maulvi Ibrahim Sahib has even said that the condition of Nizamuddin Markaz has become so bad that he feels like leaving and going back to Gujarat.

Maulana Saad [06:23-06:26]: No, no, these are all talks. They are just rumours.

Unknown Person 3 [06:26-06:32]: You keep saying that these are all talks. For four years… [The sentence is unclear]

Unknown Person 4 [06:32-06:40]: I am ready to swear [The rest of the sentence is unclear].

Maulana Saad [06:40-06:47]: Haji Sahab! Don’t worry about these issues. We will resolve it when we go back to Nizamuddin.

Unknown Person 3 [06:47-07:00]: Tell us, Brother Farooq Sahab and Maulana Ahmad Laat Sahib. Tell us if there are any appointed Shura in Nizamuddin. Tell us! Khalid Siddiqui Sahab! You all should testify here. A Shura must be appointed. There are no names of Shura members (because there is no Shura at all). In a Shura, its members are always appointed. A Shura is appointed.

Maulana Saad [07:00-07:01]: Then we will appoint them.

Unknown Person 3 [07:01-07:04]: No, no. The Shura appointment must be done right here. (We know very well that) There will be no appointment made there.

Maulana Saad [07:04-07:05]: Are you the responsible person for this Work (of Da’wah and Tabligh)?

Unknown Person 3 [07:05-07:14]: Yes, I am a responsible person for this! Please speak with respect! Look at how he’s talking! (Someone starts interjecting in the background) You, please shut up! Be silent. Look at how he is talking!

Unknown Person 4 [07:14-07:16]: Look at how YOU are talking! You three who have come from Delhi.

Unknown Person 3 [07:16-07:17]: You be quiet!

Haji Abdul Wahab [07:17-07:21]: [Voice unclear]

Unknown Person 3 [07:21-07:25]: This is our work. I know very well because this is our work. (At Nizamuddin Markaz) police keep coming, fights keep happening.

Maulana Saad [07:25-07:26]: Who calls the police there?

Unknown Person 3 [07:26-07:29]: What? It’s because of you the police keep coming!

Unknown Person 4 [07:29-07:31]: So many brothers are here and yet it seems that you alone keep talking and talking!

Unknown Person 3 [07:31-07:41]: You keep quiet! Please be silent! Brother (referring to his friend), please say something as well.

Unknown Person 4 [07:41-07:47]: Respect the elders. Let them speak. [Voice unclear]

Unknown Person 3 [07:47-07:57]: I will sort this out and talk further with you when I reach Delhi [Voice unclear]

Unknown Person 5 [07:57-09:04]: People from Raiwind, Nizamuddin, and Kakrail (Markazs) are all present here. The Shura that Hazratji Inamul Hasan had formed was for these three places and brothers were appointed for it. Hazratji had formed a Shura consisting of 10 members. As you have stated, 8 members out of those have passed away. Here, Haji Sahab and Maulana Saad Sahab from Nizamuddin are present. Now there can’t be any better opportunity than this where representation from Raiwind, Kakrail, and Nizamuddin are present. Now you (Haji Sahab) are the eldest and also the most experienced in the Work (of Da’wa and Tabligh). May Allah keep your shadow over us for a long time. There is a need for this Shura which Hazratji (Inamul Hasan) had formed with 10 members. Now, only two members of that Shura remain. One is you (Haji Sahab) and the other is Maulana Saad Sahab. Now, at this time, we are all gathered and there can’t be a better opportunity than this. As you have stated some additions should be made to this Shura so that it is complete. They will handle the Work (of Da’wah and Tabligh) throughout the entire world.

Maulana Saad [09:04-09:11]: Haji Sahab! Raiwind Shura is in place, Nizamuddin Shura is in place, and Bangladesh Shura is in place too.

Unknown Person 5 [09:11-09:42]: Of the Shura that Hazratji (Inamul Hasan) had formed, now, only two are left. The Shura should be completed. In your presence, that Shura should be completed. All the responsible people are present here. Maulana Ibrahim is also here. If there’s a need for an opinion, Maulana Ibrahim can be called and his opinion can be taken. The Shura which Hazratji had formed consisted of 10 members. Alhamdulillah, the entire Ummah followed the Shura of 10. Now in your presence, since all the responsible people are here, the Shura should be completed. Please do something regarding this.

Maulana Faheem [10:33-11:00]: Haji Sahab has said that our work is with [voice unclear]. Keep praying. May Allah accept.

Haji Abdul Wahab [11:00-11:06]: [voice unclear]

Haji Sahab’s Final Decision

Haji Sahab made the final decision to proceed with the Shura completion adding new members. The other things decided were:

  • No new changes to the Manhaj and Tarteeb (Constituition and Methodology) should be initiated either at Nizamuddin, Raiwind or Kakrail without the approval of this Shura. This was a reinforcement of a previous 1999 agreement.
  • Any new changes to the Manhaj and Tarteeb (Constituition and Methodology) must require complete unanimity of the shura. This is to maintain collectivity. This too was a reinforcement of a previous 1999 agreement.
  • If any Shura member passed away, the vacant position will replaced through the consensus of a minimum two third of the Shura.

The following names were appointed.

  1. Maulana Ibrahim Dewla (Nizamuddin)
  2. Maulana Yaqub Saharanpuri (Nizamuddin)
  3. Maulana Ahmed Laat (Nizamuddin)
  4. Maulana Zuhairul Hasan (Nizamuddin)
  5. Maulana Nazrur Rahman (Raiwind)
  6. Maulana Abdur Rahman (Raiwind)
  7. Maulana Ubaidullah Khurshid (Raiwind)
  8. Maulana Zia ul Haq (Raiwind)
  9. Maulana Qari Zubair (Kakrail)
  10. Maulana Rabiul Haque (Kakrail)
  11. Wasiful Islam (Kakrail)

An official appointment letter was written. See: 2015 World Shura Appointment Letter

Is Haji Sahab’s Shura decision valid?

Maulana Saad’s followers argue that Haji Sahab’s Shura decision was invalid because Maulana Saad did not approve it. This is incorrect because:

  • Haji Abdul Wahab Sahab was the Faisal (decision maker) of the Mashwara and decided to expand the Shura. This is the system which Tablighi Jamaat uses. A Faisal decides after listening and considering the opinion of the Mashwara members. It is not based on majority votes though it is a commom practice that the Faisal will generally decide based on what the majority feels. In this Mashwara it was clearly seen that the majority favoured the continuation and expansion of the existing Shura
  • Maulana Saad himself allowed Haji Sahab to be the Faisal.
  • The World Shura is not a new Usool. It was already established by Maulana Inamul Hasan (the third Ameer of Tabligh) and had been running for the pass 20 years prior.

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