Maulana Saad’s unapproved changes to the work of Da’wa


One of the reasons why we should not follow Maulana Saad’s version of Tabligh is due to the unapproved changes he has made to the original Manhaj (method/path/doctrine) of Tabligh.

NOTE: Before reading further, please understand that our aim is to preserve the history of Tabligh, no matter how bitter it is. As generations come, this history may be forgotten. We do not promote hate, and certainly not backbiting. See our article ‘Backbiting vs Warning‘. No matter how bad a Muslim is, he is still our Muslim brother. We love and hate only for the sake of Allah.

The biggest change was his new ideologies which will the Jamaat out of Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jama’ah, turning it into a new sect.

Maulana Saad has introduced many extreme ideologies that would take Tablighi Jamaat out of the Maslak of Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jama’ah (Maslak here means ‘Path’ / ‘Mazhab’ or School of thought). See a list of his ideologies in recorded speeches here. Many Fatwas have been issued against him.

Tablighi Jamaat has always bound itself to the Maslak of Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jama’ah. It has always been connected to the Darul Uloom Institutions and is just another movement within Sunni Islam. It is not and never be a separate Islamic sect. Darul Uloom Deoband mentioned this in their 2016 Fatwa:

Jamaat-e-Tableegh is a purely Deeni Jamaat, which cannot be left to operate in a manner that is ideologically and practically apart from the majority of the Ummah and the Akaabir. The Ulema-e-Haq can never be unanimous nor can they adopt silence over disrespect to the Ambiyaa’ (AS), deviant ideologies, ‘Tafsir Bir Raay’ and whimsical explanation of the Ahaadeeth and Aathaar, because, these types of ideologies will, later on, cause the entire group to deviate from the path of truth as has happened to some Deeni and Islaahi Jamaats.
If immediate action is not taken, there is fear that a great portion of the Ummah, which is affiliated with the Tableegh Jamaat will succumb to deviance and take on the form of a Firqah Baatilah

Deoband Fatwa 2016

As of today (2023), we have collected more than 40+ Fatwas against Maulana Saad complaining about his misguided ideologies. Yet until today, there is not a single counter Fatwa from any prestigious Darul Ulooms defending Maulana Saad.

Unauthorized changes cause disputes and disruption

Every organization in the world whether it is a business or religious organization has a change process. One cannot simply change anything without proper approvals as doing so will cause disputes and disruption to the organization.

List of changes introduced by Maulana Saad without approval

Below is the list of changes that M Saad has tried to introduce to Tablighi Jamaat before the 2014 Split.

#1 – Introducing new Ideologies out of Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jama’ah

This is by far the most concerning and dangerous change done by Maulana Saad. We have covered this in the above topic, but we will repeat it here for those who skim through this article.

Tablighi Jamaat has always bounded itself to Maslak of the Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jama’ah. It is a movement within Sunni Islam. It is not and never was a sect in Islam. Maulana Saad’s Ideologies have been condemned by many of the Ulema. These Ideologies would deviate Tablighi Jamaat out of the Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jama’ah, eventually turning Tablighi Jamaat into a new sect. See a list of his ideologies in recorded speeches here.

Maulana Ibrahim Dewla, who is the most respected Shura of Tabligh stressed this point in his departure letter from Nizamuddin Markaz after the 13 Ramadhan tragedy:

This Jamat of Tableegh is bound by the Maslak of Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jama’ah with regard to the explanation and interpretation of the matters of Deen and Shariah. Similarly, they are bounded by the Jamhoor Mufassirin in pronouncing the Tafseer of any Ayah of the Quran, Jamhoor Muhaddisin in pronouncing the explanation of any Hadeeth and the opinion of Jamhoor Fuqaha in derivations from the lives of the Prophet SAW and the Sahabah RA

Maulana Ibrahim Dewla’s Letter

As of today (2023), we have collected more than 40+ Fatwas against Maulana Saad complaining about his misguided ideologies. We have also compiled some of his most deviated statements.

Worst, since he is the absolute Ameer and his son is his deemed successor, his version of Tabligh is nothing more than a personality cult where one family controls all.

#2 – Introducing Muntakhab Ahadith in Ijtimai Taleems

In 2006, Maulana Saad, who claims to write Muntakhab Ahadith, openly encouraged the public to read the book in Ijtimai (Group) Taleems and gatherings.

Tablighi Jamaat has always been strict in their Usool (rules/procedures). On of the reason is to prevent the deviatiosn from the Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jama’ah especially in the matters of the interpretation of Deen. Muntakhab Ahadith is a book of “Hadith Translations” with almost no explanations. Since the majority of people are simple-minded and non-Alims, Muntakhab Ahadith has opened the door for dangerous self-interpretation of hadiths and self-styled ijtihads (See 3 reasons to not read Muntakhab Ahadith).

The use of Muntakhab Hadih was also never approved by the World Shura.

#3 – Gradually replacing Daily Da’wah with \ DTI (Da’wah, Taleem, and Istiqbal)

Spending daily time giving Da’wah is one of the core activities for Tablighi Jamaat. Members are encouraged to spend at least 2.5 hours daily on this. They would go out giving Da’wah with worry and concern to the people in their locality.

In 2014, Maulana Saad introduced the practice of DTI (Da’wah, Taleem, Istiqbal) as the gold standard to replace daily Da’wah activities. In a DTI session, a minimum of seven brothers are required. One group reads Ta’leem in the Masjid while the other group goes outside the Masjid to call people to the Ta’leem session.

One of Maulana Saad’s controversial ideologies is his claim that giving Da’wah outside the Masjid is against the Sunnah (see: M Saad wrongly claims that it is against Sunnah to give Da’wa outside the Masjid). This ideology is against the Ijma (consensus of the scholars).

Maulana Saad has made DTI the ‘gold standard,’ and daily Da’wah (the regular 2.5 hours) is seen as inferior. Due to the strong emphasis on DTI, some Masjids have abandoned their local Da’wah efforts altogether. They gather at one large Masjid just to achieve the numbers needed for DTI, resulting in the neglect of their local work.

This practice (of DTI) was also never approved.

#4 – Long Jamaat Stays

Tablighi Jamaat has always restricted the stay in one Masjid to only 3 days (Sometimes 4 days which include transportation). Exceptions rarely occur.

Maulana Saad however has made it the ‘Gold Standard’ for Jamaats to stay in a Masjid as long as possible. He claims that the standard stay of 3 days in a Masjid is ‘pointless’ and produces no results. His idea is that a Jamaat must stay in a Masjid as long a possible until results are produced in the area.

The problem is that Jamaat’s are human beings. A member can have bad habits and make simple mistakes. When they stay in a Masjid for long durations, these habits and mistakes are repeated and noticed by the locals. Soon local Masjid attendees will eventually complain to the Masjid Committee. Sadly, this practice has resulted in many Masjids being permanently closed for Jamaats.

Above all, this change was never approved by the World Shura.

#5 – Abolishing Professional Gatherings

Maulana Saad has abolished Jords (Gatherings) for Professional or specific groups of people e.g. businessmen, Railway Workers, etc. This used to be a good means to synergize Da’wa with certain segments of society.

He claims that such a move creates sectarianism in the society.

This abolishment was never approved by the World Shura.

#6 – Whole Night Ibaadah

Maulana Saad has encouraged the practice of whole night Ibadah during Khurooj. Jamaat members will take turns on a shift so there are always people staying up in worship the entire night.

While this sounds beautiful, this practice has a major flaw. People who are not used to this won’t get enough sleep. They will be tired and moody (angry) throughout the day. People going to Jamat for the first time may feel burdened and not go anymore. It is important to understand that optional night worship needs to come from one’s self, not forced upon.

This practice was also never approved by the World Shura.

#7 – Changing the Shabguzari Night (aka Shab-e-Juma)

Maulana Saad has discouraged bringing new people to the Shabguzari Night (aka Shab-e-Juma). The Shabguzari night has been changed to the night of Fikr (worry and concern). It is strictly for old workers, and not to bring new brothers. This was a big move as the Shabguzari Night was always a means to introduce new brothers to the work of Dawah. Such a change would be devastating to the work.

This practice was never approved by the World Shura.

#8 – Monthly Ijtema to replace monthly Maswara

Maulana Saad has replaced the monthly Mashwara in place of a monthly Ijtema. Before, a monthly Mashwara was conducted amongst brothers to discuss the present state of the Effort (i.e. Karguzari), Jamaat movements and new targets (Azaim).

Maulana Saad has however changed this simple Mashwara into a full-fledged Ijtema where he emphasizes the importance of showing numbers, inviting the public and keeping track of attendance.

Such practice was never approved by the World Shura.

#9- One-year khurooj requirement for Reading Hayatus Sahaba in Markaz Programs

Maulana Saad made a requirement for Ulamas to spend 1 year in the path of Allah before they are allowed to read Hayatus Sahaba at Shabguzari Programs (Markaz night programs). This requirement was never approved.

Ironically M Saad himself has not spent any time in the Path of Allah. Yet, he reads Hayatus Sahaba daily at Nizamuddin Markaz.

#10 – Five(5) months Khurooj for Indians

M Saad set a strict requirement for Indians going overseas to spend 5 months instead of the regular 4 months. This massive change was never approved. People who were accustomed to spending 4 months every year stopped their practice as they found the extra month an additional burden.

It is to be noted that in Pakistan, 7 months is required for those going overseas. This practice was approved during the lifetime of Maulana Yusuf, who was the second Ameer of Tabligh through Mashwara. The 5 months for India, however, was never approved by the World Shura.

#11 – Six(6) months yearly khurooj for active workers

Maulana Saad has encouraged the ‘Actively Leading’ workers to spend 6 months in Jamaat every year instead of 4 months. He cited that 4 months is for normal people, but 6 months is for the ‘Active’ workers. Such a change was never approved by the World Shura.

#12 – Five(5) Amaal of Masturat

Maulana Saad introduced the 5 Amaal of Masturat as the new gold standard for home Taleems. The 5 Amaals are Mashwara, Taleem, Tilawah Quran, 6 Sifat Muzaraka, and Tashkeel. One disadvantage of this is the tendency to jam all 5 amaals into a standard 30-minute Taleem sitting. With this, the reading of Kitaab, the main source of spiritual upliftment, slowly diminished.

This change was never approved by the World Shura


  1. Dear brother,
    (i) Please remove pictures of our elders. They died. I am sure they would be very unwilling to put their pictures online. Still today, some Hadith are apparent where pictures are discouraged. You may disagree with that but our effort truly guides us to avoid pictures.
    (ii) Please consult with any senior brother of the Shura. I am sure they will not approve this kind of website. Please remove this website.
    (iii) Please work. This is a work. It is not a political party that you try to establish with argument.
    May Allah guide us all.

  2. Aslm brother.
    Alhamdulillah, uv done a great job.
    Through this, we r able to understand and also to explain to other people the great harm ml saad has done to this work.
    And many, Alhamdulillah, are understanding and starting to do the work again on the true pattern.

    Plizz, continue with this work.
    And make sure, niyyat is to pleas allah

  3. There’s no Haram in following Ml.Saad, should the Dawat works is wrong… against the etiquette as prescribed by Allah & Rasul then Ml. Saad will answerable & accountable for that

    But we follow Ml. Saad is to ensure unity in Ummah which is far more important of all etiquettes

  4. If 4 months, 7 months are not against Quran and sunnah, why 5 months has a problem? I can answer all the points like this. Brother! Stop politicizing the division. If you don’t like sk. Saad’s way, do your own way, no problem. But don’t leave this efforts and criticizing the ulema’s.

    1. The issue of 5 months (and almost all other issues) is that it was never approved in Mashwara before he made the change.

  5. Asslamualikum jazakalah khair
    I want to clarify one thing
    About 4 hr taeelem introduced by maualana saad is it so
    From before itself in markaz we are hearing that?
    Could you plz clarify the source

    1. Waalaykumsalam, we do not know when the 4-hour Taleem was introduced. As you mentioned, we too do not think that this came from Maulana Saad. The standard is 2.5 hours as outlined in a 1999 agreement regarding the Usool of Tabligh (Link here).

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