During the 2020 Nizamuddin Covid-19 hotspot issue, the police raided a house belonging to Maulana Saad. Maulana Saad Sahab House has since been in media headlines.
Maulana Saad was revealed to own a large farmhouse in the Shamli District of Delhi. The house is spread over the size of 15 football fields (15 acres, 24 bighas). According to the media, the farmhouse is equipped with plush interiors, CCTVs, electric fences, dogs, swimming pools, luxury cars, exotic animals, and exotic birds [source1, source2, source3, source4]. The media also showed the electricity bills were being paid under his son’s name, Maulana Yusuf bin Saad [source]

NOTE: It is not wrong to be wealthy in Islam. If Maulana Saad obtained his assets legally, Alhamdulillah. Our concern is the many people who have been misled by him and the damage he has done. Why is the house kept a secret? None of the previous or current Tablighi Jamaat elders had this kind of lifestyle.
Note that, we do not promote hate. No matter how bad a Muslim is, he is still our Muslim brother. We love and hate only for the sake of Allah.
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Ownership Proof of Maulana Saad Sahab House
Below are proofs that Maulana Saad does own the large house:
- Maulana Yasin, who was Maulana Saad’s closest associate (Khadim) for 17 years has a recorded audio testimony claiming that this is indeed his house [Source (Audio)]
- Maulana Badrul Hassan while defending Maulana Saad from the media backlash, affirms that he owns the mansion and that he goes there once every month to secretly take a break [Source]
- The Police were issued a warrant from the courts. The courts have full access to land ownership documents.
- The electricity bills were paid by Maulana Yusuf Bin Saad (his son) [source]
- Maulana Saad was litigious that year as he was trying to re-open back the closed Markaz. Why did he not file a defamation lawsuit against the Media? Such a move would have been very advantageous to him and would immediately establish a narrative that he is being targeted by the Indian Government.

Maulana Saad Sahab House is a kept Secret
In Islam, it is not unlawful / Haraam to own a large house. The problem is not the house, but the fact that he kept it a secret. Why? Is there something to hide?
Also, why is there a need for enhanced security i.e. CCTV cameras and an electric fence?
Above all, this house is an extravagance if he is only going there once a month. Other Tablighi Jamaat elders do not and never had this kind of lifestyle.
May Allah SWT Guide us all!
Very amazing
.maulana Saad bahut masti aur ayyashi ki zindagi guzar rahe the khamoshi me. Jamaat bolti hai sab kuch Allah ke naam kurban kar do, kya ho gaya ab, kyon nahi kiya kurban, ganja maar ke baithe ho kya bhai?
These Indian media report is not authentic evidence.can you give us documents e.g. Sale deed,purchase deed, of the property please.
Also you should mention your name in the blog.It seems you are working for enemy of Islam.
I am sure Maulana Badrul Hassan who is related to M Saad’s family is also lying. The court is lying, the energy company is lying, Hj Abdul Wahab is lying, Maulana Yaqub, Maulana Ibrahim, Prof Tsanaullah, Makkah/Madinah Elders….everyone is lying… except Maulana Saad. It is logical since Maulana Saad does not have any motive behind what he is doing
Jazakallah for the epic reply. I have added links. Also, to emphasize again, Maulana Saad was litigious that year. He hired lawyers to defend himself and to re-open the Markaz.
If it was all truly a lie, why did he not file a defamation lawsuit against the Media? Such a move would have been advantageous to him as it would have immediately made him a hero and established the narrative that he is being targeted by the Anti-Muslim Indian Government.
Yes, I was definitely working for the Enemy of Islam when I was a supporter of Maulana Saad 3 years ago…. until I realize I was denying the truth and all my efforts were adding to the disunity of the Ummah. Let’s just forgive each other brother and unite upon the truth. It’s ok to make mistakes. We are all human beings. Allah SWT loves the humble.
Maulana sa’ad actully created problem and destroyed the ukuwah of dakwah worker especially in Indonesia there are so much his followers and even splited between his followers
Many thanks for providing these details.
All the akabireen and major Darul uloom of the world including Sheikul.Islam Mufti Taqi sb has issued fatawa against his innovated ideaologies
You are a munafiq, falsely making claims. Your source is the hindu meida which constantly lies against and oppresses the muslims. May Allah deal with you people accordingly in this world and the hereafter.
Jee. Everybody is blind except you and his followers.
Wake from your slumber and open your eyes.
Never before has their been so much controversy against any elder of tabligh.
This website is our own project and initiative. We do NOT represent any Elders / Shura of Tablighi Jamaat. They have never directly or indirectly asked us to prepare this website.
Can u tell me who has given u permission ?
Also you should mention your name & complete address in the blog. which is hidden
Didn’t you just call us yesterday night? We are a team of people from different backgrounds including A’lims.
We have been advised by our Ulema not to show our identity as we are whistle blowers exposing evil.
We have received legal, murder threats and worst of ALL Black Magic/Sihr threats.
If you are supporting this evil just because you like their ‘leader’, you really don’t know the reality.
Ask Allah SWT to open your heart to the truth.
TJ admin, fear Allah. What you are doing in the name of warning is wrong. Can you at least be true to yourself and ask if what you have written here is actually true? Have you seen everything with your own eyes? Do not accuse anyone without evidence. You will suffer on your deathbed. This person, Yasin Mewati, is the worst. When I was in my four months, I heard about his bad actions. He was the one who pulled Maulana Saad’s beard and attacked him multiple times. He also used a revolver in the markaz. Where is he now? Why is he still hiding? If he was truly sincere, he could have returned to Nizamuddin Markaz. Why didn’t he come back? Do not hide the truth out of vengeance against one person, Maulana Saad.
I was a follower of Maulana Saad a few years back. When the news of his house reached us (during the Covid 19 pandemic), none of us denied it, even his “hardcore” followers. Pictures, videos, police reports and testimonies were all there.
We were however told that there is nothing wrong being rich. It is not Haram. Maulana Saad runs a business and makes his money through it. I accepted this reason back then and still supported Maulana Saad.
If you are following Maulana Saad, this is what you can ease yourself with. Do not deny evidences, be objective and keep searching the truth. Islam emphasizes this.
Have a look at:
– Elder Statements on Maulana Saad
– Fatwas against Maulana Saad
Above all, make Du’a!