Maulana Yaseen Mewati


Maulana Yasin Mewati was the Khadim (personal assistant) of Maulana Saad from 1996 to 2013 and accompanied him at all times for 17 years. He has given some shocking testimonies which shows how deep the rabbit hole and level of corruption is.

Maulana Yaseen Mewati

Assalamualaykum Brothers, if you have reached this page, you have gone deep into this website and about to go deeper into a rabbit hole. If you have anger issues and not able to handle these kind of information, PLEASE LEAVE THIS PAGE IMMEDIATELY.

We have avoided putting these kind of pages on the main site. Please understand that this is a testimony of Maulana Yaseen. We have not seen any evidence other than this. Maulana Yaseen is NOT an authority in Tablighi Jamaat.

Maulana Yasin’s Testimony on Maulana Saad’s relationship with a young girl

The following is a very coarse translation of a testimony from Maulana Yaseen Mewati (Maulana Saad’s ex-personal assistant/Khadim). It was taken from a YouTube audio entitled ‘Listen to what Halima discussed with Setharam Sharif in May‘, which went viral in 2023. The testimony starts later at 4:47. The first part is some introduction by the content creator.

Full Audio:

Coarse translation of Maulana Yaseen’s Testimony

[Maulana Yaseen starts from 4:47] Wealth and children are two major trials, and one can be utterly destroyed by them. Another significant trial, which is why we are all gathered here, is the trial of women. Whenever a murder or crime occurs, the underlying reason often involves a woman. As the saying goes, “Do not let the bee enter the garden, for it will not spare the flower; the moth will follow the bee.” This is a metaphor for how one issue leads to another.

The root of the current conflict lies in the trial of women. If there had been no conflict over women, we wouldn’t be sitting here today. If I had remained silent or quietly left Nizamuddin, this trial would have been suppressed. Girls of various ages, including some older ones, live in homes under the guise of doing work. They come from areas like Mewat and nearby regions. Families send their daughters here for education, hoping to keep them safe until they can arrange their marriages. However, they end up doing more work than studying.

When young boys and girls reach adolescence, natural attractions occur, leading to inappropriate relationships. I’m talking about common Tabligh members whose sole focus is on preaching. I don’t agree with this lifestyle because it lacks balance. People need to balance their preaching with their personal lives, families, and other activities. Otherwise, the imbalance can lead to moral and ethical issues.

In the Tabligh environment, if one neglects their family and personal responsibilities, they might fulfill their needs in inappropriate ways. The human nature requires balance, and without it, people can fall into sinful behaviors. This is why it’s essential to maintain a balance in all aspects of life.

In Nizamuddin, it’s common knowledge that there are inappropriate relationships between young men and women. For instance, there’s a girl named Halima from Mewat. Her family sent her to Nizamuddin for education, but she ended up doing more work. During his travels, Saad Kandhalvi took her phone number. Even during the sacred journey of Hajj in 2010, Saad was engaged in inappropriate conversations with Halima Mewati.

In Madinah, during the evening prayer, Saad called Halima and said, “My dear, I’m sitting in Madinah.” Despite being in the holy city, he engaged in improper conversations. Such behavior shows a lack of respect for the sacredness of the place and the purpose of the journey.

Saad neglected significant rites of Hajj, including Tawaf Ziyarah and stoning the devil, due to his conversations with Halima. He even missed several Fajr prayers because of his engagement with her. This behavior continued during various travels and gatherings, showing a pattern of moral decline.

This story should be a lesson for all of us. Such behavior is unacceptable, especially from someone in a position of religious leadership. It is important to recognize these issues and address them appropriately to maintain the integrity of our faith and community.

[Interviewer] Were you with your family?

[Maulana Yaseen] Yes, my sons were with me. It was their first journey with me. They were with me when the call to prayer (Adhan) happened and Saad’s was on his mobile. He said, “My dear, listen to this Adhan from Madinah. Now, listen to the prayer.” Look at how the devil led him to ruin the prayer. Now, the name of the one calling the Adhan is being recited, and he is listening to it on his mobile. They are not concerned about the sanctity of using the mobile for such purposes. Up until now, I didn’t know who he was in contact with. This was shocking news for me. Even his wife had heard the Adhan and prayer multiple times and wondered why he was so interested in this particular one from Madinah. He kept his mobile on throughout the entire prayer. After the prayer, he resumed his conversation with “my dear” and started reciting prayers. This mischievous person even turned this into a form of worship.

This reminds me of the book “Talbis Iblis” by Imam Ibn al-Jawzi, which discusses how Satan deceives people in various ways. In this case, he was deeply engrossed in his conversation. I told him, “Get up early in the morning.” If he didn’t get up on his own, I would wake him up, and we would have breakfast together. If he needed to recharge his mobile, he would ask the helpers to do it. The whole situation was frustrating.

We went for Tahajjud prayers, but he was busy with his phone during Tahajjud. They would miss calls and make them at specific times. Many boys were wandering around in the streets, and people mistook them for brothers or father and son. But in reality, their personal interactions were limited, and they had little contact with others.

Now, we put on our Ihram and traveled from Madinah to Makkah for Hajj. Throughout the journey, he was busy on his phone. Whether we reached Mina, Arafat, or Muzdalifah, he was constantly on the phone. He said, “My dear, I have found you,” even while performing the rituals. He was so distracted that the pilgrimage felt incomplete.

Previously, he used to keep his simple mobile with me, and I would handle any calls. During this journey, he kept his mobile and SIM card with him, recharged it himself, and had full control. One of the essential rites of Hajj is Tawaf Ziyarah. If missed, the Hajj is incomplete. We reached the Haram to perform Tawaf Ziyarah and threw pebbles at the devil. During Tawaf Ziyarah, we were far from the Kaaba, and he missed calls.

He called Halima again, saying, “My dear, I am performing Tawaf Ziyarah.” My mind was scattered, and the devotion was lost. We completed the Hajj somehow and returned to India. A week later, there was a trip to Raiwind, and I prepared for it.

In Raiwind, there was a host who served us from the airport to the airport. He was a Punjabi businessman and my friend. He brought a new Land Cruiser to the airport and took us back. When we arrived at the host’s place, he served us food. The host drove us, with Saad sitting in the front and me in the back.

In Raiwind, after Friday prayers, the host saw Saad’s inappropriate behavior with Halima on the phone. The host was deeply troubled by what he witnessed and shared it with me. We agreed to confront Saad about this behavior.

Saad was deeply engrossed in his inappropriate relationship with Halima, neglecting his responsibilities and religious duties. This behavior was unacceptable, especially for someone in a position of religious leadership. We decided to take action and address this issue appropriately.

After completing our journey, I went back to Nizamuddin and decided to distance myself from Saad. The behaviour I witnessed was unacceptable, and it was essential to maintain the integrity of our faith and community.

[Maulana Yaseen] We started our journey, knowing what was happening. We arrived and settled in a large room, where we stayed inside, with a thick curtain dividing the space. He prepared for Friday prayers, and as we went for Ghusl (ritual purification), the host sat by the curtain. Instead of reading the Quran, Saad called the girl and engaged in inappropriate conversations with her. The host heard everything and was visibly upset.

When we returned from Ghusl, we noticed the host’s troubled expression. He was a sincere businessman and had overheard Saad’s conversation. Despite the discomfort, we proceeded to the Friday prayer. The prayer area was a kilometer away, so we went there in the car. Saad’s face seemed worried. After the prayer, we returned and Saad resumed his inappropriate calls.

Later, Maulana Zubair also joined us. We were setting the table for dinner, and Saad was busy on the phone, ignoring everyone else. The host, troubled by what he had heard, wanted to confront Saad directly. The host called me aside after Isha prayer and expressed his distress over Saad’s behavior.

He said, “Tell me what’s going on with this indecent behavior of Saad?” I replied, “You tell me what you know, and then I’ll explain the situation.” He narrated how he overheard Saad’s vulgar conversation with the girl, which even an immoral woman would not have.

Saad had two mobile phones; one he kept secret and the other was known. He used these phones to communicate with Halima. The host heard Halima’s voice on speaker and was able to confirm her identity. The host was deeply troubled and suggested taking strict action against Saad.

Despite the host’s anger, I advised him to handle the situation calmly. We decided that the host would confront Saad, and I would support him. We agreed that if the host addressed the issue, he would not serve in future gatherings, and if I addressed it, I would stop traveling with Saad.

After a few days, on Monday night, I called Saad for a two-rakat prayer and confronted him. I said, “For God’s sake, leave this girl alone.” Saad pretended not to know what I was talking about. I firmly told him, “You should be ashamed of yourself for talking to Halima.”

Saad’s shamelessness was apparent. I left his room in anger, taking my bedding outside. I told him I wouldn’t sleep in the same room and would send someone to stay with him for the next two days. The next morning, he acted as if nothing had happened.

When we reached Delhi airport, he apologized, saying things happen sometimes. But he never admitted his mistake directly. He only tried to justify his actions indirectly, which showed his lack of sincerity.

Later, his son approached me, expressing how his father’s behavior during meals was causing distress. The son asked me to avoid sitting directly opposite Saad during meals. I agreed but felt that this indirect acknowledgment was not enough. I decided to distance myself from Saad, knowing that continuing to confront him would only lead to more trouble.

This entire experience showed me the extent of Saad’s moral decline and the negative impact it had on those around him. It was essential to maintain the integrity of our faith and community, which meant taking a firm stand against such behavior.

[Interviewer] He only admits indirectly?

[Maulana Yaseen] He won’t admit directly, just like how Darul Uloom Deoband was deceived into thinking he had repented. After this incident, I left for Nizamuddin from the airport and then went home. I told him, “I will provide proof of who I talk to when I get to Delhi.” He didn’t need to worry about it. Back in 2010, it wasn’t so well-known, but now I was in Delhi and started thinking about how to gather proof.

I had a friend with good connections among officials, so I contacted him for help. I needed call details for three months, which is an illegal request, but Yaseen insisted. Despite the legality, my friend managed to get me the call details within ten days. The details were critical for a trip to Bangladesh. I told him, “Take whoever you like, but I will not participate until this behavior stops.”

When I reviewed the call details, it was clear. We had everything: calls with Halima’s father, her brother, their IDs, and phone numbers from Saudi Arabia and Pakistan. We wrote a detailed letter explaining his actions without any leniency. We presented all this evidence to him after a meeting, advising him to read it in private.

I started attending fewer prayers at the mosque to distance myself from him. People began to notice something was wrong between us, but they didn’t know what exactly. This continued from 2010 to 2012. Maulana Zubair, may Allah have mercy on him, once asked me about the conflict and offered to mediate. I promised to stay and work it out. I continued eating with him, but soon stopped as things became more uncomfortable.

He realized I knew his secrets, causing him to be on edge. I would sit directly opposite him during meals to make him uncomfortable. Eventually, his middle son came to me and expressed how difficult it was for his father when I sat across from him during meals. I agreed to stop sitting across from him to avoid causing pain.

A few days later, I went back to sitting opposite him during meals, just to make him uncomfortable. His son once again came to me, asking me to stop. The tension remained, and my constant presence at public meals served as a reminder of his guilt.

This entire situation was a test of patience and faith. We hoped he would admit his wrongdoings and change his ways, but he continued to deny and justify his actions. The situation needed careful handling to ensure the integrity of our faith and community was maintained.

Maulana Yaseen’s Testimony #2

The following is a coarse English translation of an Interview with Maulana Yasseen Mewati testifying Maulana Saad’s relationship with the young girl, his house and the reality of Muntakhab Ahadith.

Urdu Audio:

[Maulana Yasin] Before this, I might have already met you.

[Speaker 2] Yes, yes, yes. We just said that this is the level, or it’s not. Because your mobile number was read on it.

[Maulana Yasin] So I am a witness to it, such a big person, such a big man.

[Speaker 2] Yes, yes, by Allah’s grace we too are fortunate.

[Maulana Yasin] Establish a Sharia court, I will testify according to Sharia law.

[Speaker 2] If it’s true, then listen, listen. Then right is right.

[Maulana Yasin] No, that’s what I’m telling you. The style of conversation was such that it led to this.

[Speaker 2] No, listen, listen. We don’t know about this, but if you say it’s true.

[Maulana Yaseen] Give my number directly to the Emir, that who came from this number, tell him I am saying this. Call fifty people, and I will speak in front of them.

[Speaker 2] Alright, your words were relevant, your words were relevant.

[Maulana Yaseen] And if he comes face to face with me on this issue, I will serve you.

[Speaker 2] Of course, of course.

[Maulana Yaseen] And whatever punishment you give, I am ready for it, if he comes face to face with me.

[Speaker 2] Your words are true, if not, then your words are true.

[Maulana Yaseen] Yes.

[Speaker 2] We were blindly following him, see.

[Maulana Yaseen] I handed over the evidence to him in 2010.

[Speaker 2] Yes, yes.

[Maulana Yaseen] I caught him red-handed with my own eyes in 2010.

[Speaker 2] In which year?

[Maulana Yaseen] In 2010.

[Speaker 2] 2010, okay, okay.

[Maulana Yaseen] Yes, I handed him the evidence in 2010, telling him I saw you doing this.

[Speaker 2] Okay, okay.

[Maulana Yaseen] Yes, it has become an extreme matter.

[Speaker 2] It has become extreme.

[Maulana Yaseen] He spent millions on gifts, to get rid of evidence, this way he played politics. Indian politics knows it.

[Speaker 3] Okay.

[Maulana Yaseen] And I am saying this openly, and will keep saying it, InshaAllah. If I am guilty under Sharia, I deserve punishment.

[Speaker 2] Yes, yes, InshaAllah, we will meet you, yes sir.

[Maulana Yaseen] I have no issue speaking from there.

[Speaker 2] I am speaking from Uttarakhand, from Ghirdor.

[Maulana Yaseen] Alright sir, absolutely. You come over, my name is Muhammad Yaseen.

[Speaker 3] Yes, yes.

[Maulana Yaseen] I spent 18 years of my life with them.

[Speaker 3] Yes, yes.

[Maulana Yaseen] So I am saying, you may consider my words 100% false.

[Speaker 3] Yes, yes.

[Maulana Yaseen] But bring fifty people, and tell them you want to discuss this matter, calling Yaseen.

[Speaker 3] Yes, yes.

[Maulana Yaseen] If they say bring him.

[Speaker 3] Yes, yes.

[Maulana Yaseen] I am ready to sit and discuss and clarify. I will leave my home and serve.

[Speaker 3] Yes, yes.

[Maulana Yaseen] Establish a Sharia court, yes, in the Sharia court, I…

[Speaker 2] Yes, yes, yes. I will send a representative to Brother Syed, Allah is Merciful.

[Maulana Yaseen] I am discussing one issue. I can discuss fifty issues related to their tribes.

[Speaker 3] Yes, yes.

[Maulana Yaseen] I started with Muntakhab Ahadith in 2005, I am asking him to talk about it.

[Speaker 3] Yes, yes.

[Maulana Yaseen] So, it’s not like that, but this issue which I raised, I am pursuing it. If there is something, I talk about it. They don’t need me.

[Speaker 3] Yes, yes.

[Maulana Yaseen] Allah has caught him, so why do I need to announce everything?

[Speaker 2] Yes, before doing anything, if there is a bit of investigation.

[Maulana Yaseen] Absolutely sir, the girl is not married, she is 25 years old, she went away angry with her family, came back. Even today, she is not married, she had four proposals, none worked. She is in a madrasa. When this issue came up, she was hidden, not found. Many searched for her, it’s a big issue.

[Speaker 2] The issue is not small, it’s very big.

[Maulana Yaseen] No, look sir. Such a big accusation on any scholar has never happened, as it has on him. You might see his followers where you live, but when you go out, you will see the humiliation from scholars. Big scholars opposed him. In Bangladesh, all Ulama came out, thirty thousand of them. When they will go out of the Jamaat, Allah disgraces them.

[Speaker 2] Oh brother.

[Maulana Yaseen] You must have heard the story of Abdullah Andalusi. He didn’t have many disciples, but you must have heard his story. When Allah caught him for his mistake, a man who didn’t spend a single day in blasphemy, and openly challenged scholars, who do you consider him your leader by knowledge, acceptance, or what? On what basis do you accept him?

[Speaker 2] Our story is, we were all his disciples, poor people working, we did a lot of ignorance with them, statements, but today we realize your words are true.

[Maulana Yaseen] In terms of Tasawuf, he is not a disciple of Maulana Ilyas (RA), not in that order, people pledge allegiance to him.

[Speaker 3] Maybe.

[Maulana Yaseen] Yes, one issue is not the only one. I am saying, what perspective do you have, in this perspective, it’s a deceit.

[Speaker 3] Yes, that’s the thing.

[Maulana Yaseen] The farmhouse I built, I sewed it with my own hands, I am a witness. What thing is such, I am unknown by fame, unknown by wealth, they had nothing when I joined them.

[Speaker 3] Yes.

[Maulana Yaseen] From 1995 to 2010, I was part of their journey.

[Speaker 3] Yes, yes.

[Maulana Yaseen] And after that, for two-three years, I remained so. So, sir, there are many things, whenever you come, we will talk.

[Speaker 2] InshaAllah, we definitely need to meet, and I need to ask you some more Quranic questions. When it’s such a big issue, Deoband scholars must be aware, like our leaders know.

[Maulana Yaseen] We haven’t discussed this issue with any Deoband scholars. Just like your call came, we discussed seriously, otherwise we don’t need to tell anyone about it. Look, Deoband scholars are responsible for knowledge, authenticity, and devotion. They keep guiding those who follow, this is separate.

[Speaker 2] Yes, that’s separate.

[Maulana Yaseen] Yes, because going to them or any institution means they are doing different work, they have different responsibilities. That’s a different field, this is different.

[Speaker 3] Yes, you are right.

[Maulana Yaseen] So, if you ask them, they won’t have an answer.

[Speaker 3] Yes, yes.

[Maulana Yaseen] And for this, many things are needed, to speak in the court of Sharia, if a person is not upright in the Hereafter, it troubles everyone. The Prophet said, one who is wrong in the end, truth should be told, or stayed together or in business.

[Speaker 2] It’s true, today we realized we were on the wrong path, we were misled.

[Maulana Yaseen] The Muntakhab Ahadith, the book of Maulana Yusuf (RA), isn’t even his book.

[Speaker 3] Yes.

[Maulana Yaseen] Muntakhab Hadith, by Maulana Yusuf’s name, he translated it, it’s not his book.

[Speaker 3] Oh.

[Maulana Yaseen] Yes, form a committee of scholars, if you find an author.

[Speaker 3] Okay.

[Maulana Yaseen] That’s my point.

[Speaker 3] Yes.

[Maulana Yaseen] In 1999, in Karachi, Pakistan, he paid scholars to form groups and translate, put his name as Maulana Yusuf (RA).

[Speaker 2] Oh, these things lead to chaos.

[Maulana Yaseen] Yes, I am saying, it’s not one.

[Speaker 3] Yes, yes.

[Maulana Yaseen] Now, if you ask them, they won’t read or say, it should be certified.

[Speaker 3] Yes.

[Maulana Yaseen] Not even a dot is certified.

[Speaker 3] Oh.

[Speaker 2] It’s just a fight for prestige, and misleading.

[Maulana Yaseen] Yes, they can turn a dog into a lion, or a lion into a dog. They say angels descend there.

[Speaker 2] Yes, angels descend.

[Maulana Yaseen] Where did they go in Bangladesh?

[Speaker 2] True.

[Maulana Yaseen] Yes.

[Speaker 2] You are right, you are absolutely right.

[Maulana Yaseen] When they were being expelled from Bangladesh, where were the angels?

[Speaker 3]

[Maulana Yaseen]
So, sir, there are many things, it’s not a small chaos, it’s a big one. Allah catches them, they are disgraced, scholars are dishonored. Remove them from the Jamaat, they don’t even accept it. This is Allah’s system, removing them from the Jamaat. Two countries I visited, people respected them, they got no respect. Today, those two countries banned them due to corruption and deceit.

[Speaker 3]

[Maulana Yaseen]
They ruined the Jamaat.

[Speaker 2]
They ruined the Jamaat and harmed the community.

[Maulana Yaseen]
Alright sir, pray for me.

[Speaker 2]
It was nice talking to you, I saved your number on my mobile. It was nice talking to you.

[Maulana Yaseen]
Alright, InshaAllah. Goodbye.

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