The Shura’s stance on sending and receiving Jamaats


The following is a letter in Arabic issued on the 6th of March 2022. It details the Shura’s stance on accepting and sending Jamaat from other groups who are not in line with the original Manhaj of Tabligh.



In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

From the Shura

2 Sha’ban 1443

March 6, 2022

From the Shura to our diligent beloved brothers

Assalamualaykum WRTWBKTH. We pray to Allah SWT that you are in good health and well-being. May Allah grant us the diligence for the Deen day and night, accept us, and make us the cause of guidance for people all over the world.


We from all three countries met and have discussed about the various matters put forward. We must remain steadfast in our effort with the original Manhaj. If a sincere individual comes to us wanting to understand this, we should willingly explain this to him. If he accepts, we will involve him with us.

However, we will not be of service to any Jamaats who do not follow our Manhaj different. We will also not send any Jamaats except to the country (Markazes) who are in line with the Shura. The unity of hearts is prioritized over sending Jamaats to specific countries.

Please convey our Salam to the other brothers among you, and please do not forget us in your Du’a.


Signed By

Maulana Nazrur Rahman (Pakistan)
Maulana Ibrahim Devla (India)
Qari Zubair (Bangladesh)
Maulana Ehsanul Haq (Pakistan)
Maulana Ahmad Lat (India)
Maulana Rabibul Haq (Bangladesh)
Maulana Ahmad Batlah (Pakistan)
Maulana Zuhairul Hasan (India)
Bhai Farook Ahmad (India)
Maulana Ubaidullah Khurshid (Pakistan)
Maulana Ziaul Haq (Pakistan)

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