Majlisul Ulama 2024 Fatwa on Maulana Saad

The following is a Fatwa Issued by Majlisul Ulama South Africa on the 4th of September 2024 regarding a statement by Maulana Saad which claims that our Iman is better than the Ambiya, Sahaba and Angels.

We acknowledge that Majlisul Ulama is known to be ‘Harsh’ in their writings. Most of the publications of Majlisul Ulama are done by a single individual, namely Maulana Ahmad Sadeq Desai, and not a group of Ulema as how they sound to be. Despite disagreements in the way he writes, Mufti Ebrahim Desai has shown support for Majlisul Ulama.


Molvi Sa’d of the Nizaamuddeen Tabligh Jamaat group said in his bayaan that “our Imaan is greater/superior to the Imaan of the Ambiya, Sahaabah and Malaaikah all put together.” For most Muslims this claim is shocking. Is there any validity in Molvi Sa’d’s claim? Do listen to the audio clip to understand his statements within context.


Many people have been writing to us regarding many seemingly crooked, baatil and even kufr statements of Molvi Sa’d. We had no intention to enter into the despicable fray between the two Tablighi factions. Anyhow now that we have personally heard his statements as stated in the question, there devolves on us the imperative need to comment to save ignorant Muslims from being deviated from the Straight Path of the Ahlus Sunnah wal Jama’ah. The issue is related to Aqeedah.

The claim made by Molvi Sa’d is tantamount to kufr. His attempt to substantiate his vile view by claiming that it is based on a saheeh hadith is palpably and preposterously baatil – false and despicable. He has miserably failed to understand the Hadith which he abortively endeavours to proffer as the basis for his view of kufr.

Brains and Knowledge are not requisites for understanding this extremely simple issue, namely, that the Imaan of entire mankind from the inception of Rasulullah (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) until the Day of Qiyaamah can never be superior to the Imaan of the lowest-ranking Sahaabi, leave alone the Ambiya (Alayhimus salaam).

The one, Sa’d in this case, who propagates this kufr rubbish is a mudhil (one who misleads in the name of the Deen).

What he has claimed in this regard is utterly baseless. It is an example of appalling deviation which threatens the Imaan of his followers. He has fallen into the snare of Iblees. Only Iblees is capable of inspiring a person to promote such rubbish-kufr. What need does Sa’d discern in the denigration of the Imaan of Rasulullah (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam), of the Ambiya and Sahaabah, to promote his personal concept and methodology of Tabligh? A methodology reliant for its acceptance on the denigration of the Ambiya and Sahaabah is a Trap of Iblees.

Having listened to the words as excreted from his own mouth, we now believe it necessary to examine, dissect and comment on the numerous charges levelled against Molvi Sa’d.

May Allah Ta’ala save this Ummah from the snares and fangs of the mudhilleen.

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