Jamia Imam Abu Hanifa on Maulana Saad

Statement of Position by Ulama of Karnataka Regarding the Current Dispute in Tabligh Work

After Praising Allah, blessings and greetings to the Prophet (SAW).

The global religious movement of Da’wah and Tabligh, started by the exemplary predecessor Hazrat Maulana Muhammad Ilyas, is currently going through an extremely regrettable situation, disarray and turmoil, and strange trials. Due to this, most of the senior scholars and spiritual guides around the world are expressing great sorrow and grief. It is the heartfelt desire of all of us and all the respected scholars and spiritual guides of the world that this work, which has been going on for eighty (80) years with complete collectiveness, unity of word, unity of hearts and thoughts, obedience to consultation, and mutual respect, trust, affection and love in an enviable manner, should remain alive and radiant until the Day of Judgment in the same way. And that the faith and belief of the Muslim Ummah continue to be protected by its blessings.

But at this time, a disarray and disagreement has spoiled its entire face. The real reason for this disagreement (which has been learned from the elders of the first rank of this work at the global level) is that until now, the objectionable matters of corruption in this were from some common individuals of this group, which were warned about from time to time and to some extent they were also reformed. But now for some time, such things have started appearing from some responsible people of this group (especially Janab Maulana Muhammad Saad Sahib) which has worsened the matter, which is extremely worrisome. Therefore, the main things of Maulana Muhammad Saad Sahib Kandhlawi that have been declared as the real cause of the disarray of this work are briefly as follows:

(1) The first reason is that without the consultation and consensus of the respected elders who have understanding and insight of this work (who have benefited from the company of the previous three elders and spent most of their lives fulfilling the demands of the Nizamuddin center in the work of Da’wah and Tabligh, and through whom this work reached, was introduced in the major countries and continents of the world, and mostly from these respected people our country’s elders learned the style and method of this work), Maulana Saad Sahib alone is running this blessed and vast work spread in almost two hundred (200) countries of the world with his personal opinion and thoughts, and forcefully trying to make those who do not agree comply.

(2) Unnecessarily deviating this work from its old, non-controversial and unanimously agreed upon method (on which the Ummah was put by the three elders Hazrat Maulana Muhammad Ilyas Sahib, Maulana Muhammad Yusuf Sahib and Hazrat Ji Maulana Inamul Hasan Sahib in the light of the Book and Sunnah and the biography of the Companions, and the senior scholars of the country had full satisfaction with it) without consultation, and taking the excuse of bringing the work to the method of the Companions by relying on extremely weak and irrelevant arguments.

(3) The third and important reason is deviation from the school of thought and beliefs of the majority of the scholars of the Ummah and Ahl al-Sunnah wal-Jama’ah in his speeches, immoderation and exaggeration in the understanding of Da’wah, deviant views and thoughts from the people of truth, wrong translations and interpretive distortions of verses and hadiths, disrespect to the status of the Prophets (peace be upon them), critical comments on jurisprudence and jurists, finding disparagement of other branches of religion, etc. These are the real causes of disagreement.

To address this, Haji Abdul Wahab Sahib (may his blessings continue) from the neighboring country, who benefited from the company of Hazrat Maulana Muhammad Ilyas Sahib, implemented the Shura established by Hazrat Ji Maulana Inamul Hasan Sahib in the presence of Janab Maulana Muhammad Saad Sahib and the old and responsible friends from all over the world on the occasion of the gathering in Raiwind (which includes from our country, besides Maulana Saad Sahib, Maulana Ibrahim Dewla Sahib, Maulana Muhammad Yaqub Sahib, Maulana Ahmad Laat Sahib, Maulana Zubair ul Hasan Sahib). He decided to run this work through a Shura system by changing the decisive exchange, on which everyone agreed except Maulana Muhammad Saad Sahib who clearly refused.

The old friends and scholars of the work who benefited from the company of the previous three elders (Hazrat Maulana Muhammad Ibrahim Dewla Sahib, Hazrat Maulana Muhammad Yaqub Sahib, Hazrat Maulana Ahmad Laat Sahib, Maulana Ismail Godhra Sahib, Haji Farooq Ahmad Sahib, Dr. Khalid Siddiqui Sahib, Professor Sanaullah Sahib, etc.) tried for a long time to solve this issue through understanding and discussions with the said Maulana in their private gatherings, but they failed in this and became disappointed with the reformation of the situation. So the senior Tabligh members present in Banglewali Masjid, Basti Nizamuddin, New Delhi and all over the world, out of fear of accountability before Allah, considered it an important duty to separate from the center and clarify their position and the reality of the matter in front of the entire Ummah so that the Ummah can be saved from misguidance. They clearly stated that we are not satisfied with the current situation of Markaz Nizamuddin and until there is a change in this situation and Maulana Saad Sahib leaves the individualistic system and accepts the Shura system and reforms the aforementioned matters, we will not consult with them.

We will continue to strive to keep this blessed work on its original path from our place, In sha Allah. But they said the same thing to the whole world. However, the common and special people of the whole world were restless. They turned to Darul Uloom Deoband and the world’s spiritual guides for the reformation of this deteriorated situation and requested them to come forward to solve this issue, and especially asked questions about Maulana Muhammad Saad Sahib’s views and thoughts deviant from the people of truth and strongly demanded to express their clear and quick position about it. So the teachers and muftis of Darul Uloom Deoband, after taking a complete review of the entire situation, considering it their religious duty, issued their position and fatwa in clear and explicit words.

So they criticized Maulana Muhammad Saad Sahib Kandhlawi and others for their arbitrary interpretations of the Book and Sunnah, apparent denial views, and weak and inappropriate arguments, and condemned them. They affirmed the work of Da’wah and Tabligh in a very positive manner and along with this, also advised that the moderate and serious-minded important responsible persons of the Jamaat who have influence and authority should strive to keep this blessed and auspicious work established on the way and method of the majority of the Ummah and the previous workers of Tabligh while respecting the Shariah and Sunnah. And before this, they had also indicated the Shura system in their letter. Many madrasas in the country and abroad (such as Mazahir Uloom Saharanpur, Jamia Talimuddin Dabhel Gujarat, Tamil Nadu province, UP, Bangladesh and South Africa, etc.) endorsed and confirmed their fatwas, so that this work remains protected from deviant misguidances. May Allah reward them with the best reward.

This was important because most of the class associated with Jamaat Tabligh (who have not benefited from the previous elders and are not familiar with them) mostly quote only Maulana Saad Sahib’s words, so there is a severe danger that the entire Jamaat might fall prey to this misguidance, then the scholars of religion and muftis of the firm Shariah might declare this Jamaat as a misguided sect.

Therefore, we all scholars of Karnataka province (1) fully agree with the fatwa of Darul Uloom Deoband, (2) the decision of the World Shura, and (3) the consultation of our responsible friends and senior scholars who separated from Banglewali Masjid, Basti Hazrat Nizamuddin, and fully support the action of these respected people that they have taken the right step at all times to save this religious and da’wah work from misguidance and for its reformation. We all scholars who have done three years and four months and chilla, and all people of knowledge and madrasas who agree with the work of da’wah, while appreciating these decisions, fully support them and assure their practical cooperation, because if God forbid, this Jamaat established by our elders falls prey to misguidance, then we people will also have to be accountable in the court of Allah, the Lord of the worlds. Our silence at this time is not appropriate.

Along with this, we sincerely request all the common and special people of Karnataka that they too, agreeing with these learned decisions of the scholars and elders, remain steadfast on the consultation of the World Shura and stay connected with the responsible people of their province and continue to perform this work of Tabligh with sincerity, without disarray, with peace and security. May Allah grant success, Amen. And Allah knows best.

Names and Signatures of the Honorable Scholars and Muftis

Hazrat Maulana Mufti Shafique Ahmad Sahib Qasmi
Mufti and Principal, Jamia Al-Imam Abu Hanifa, Bangalore

Maulana Mufti Usman Sahib Qasmi
Teacher and Mufti, Jamia Haza

Maulana Mufti Muhammad Husain Nadwi
Teacher, Jamia Haza

Maulana Mufti Shah Nawaz Sahib Qasmi
Teacher, Jamia Haza

Maulana Mufti Qari Junaid Ahmad Sahib Qasmi
Teacher, Jamia Haza, and Imam Masjid Ummul Hasanain, Indranagar

Maulana Aziz Sahib
Teacher, Dars-e-Nizami, Indranagar, Bangalore

Maulana Naushaad Sahib Qasmi
Teacher, Dars-e-Hifz and Imam Masjid Haza


Source: https://raddefst.blogspot.com/2018/10/jamiatul-imam-abuhanifa-ka-moqif.html

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