Ulema Board of Dhaka, Bangladesh on Maulana Saad


In the esteemed service of the members of the Shura and other elders of the Markaz Da’wah and Tabligh Masjid Kakrail, Dhaka

From the delegation of respected Ulema of Dhaka, by order of Sheikh-ul-Islam Hazrat Maulana Ahmad Shafi Sahib (may his blessings continue), Khalifa Majaz of Hazrat Maulana Hussain Ahmad Madani, Mohtamim of Madrasa Moin-ul-Islam, Bashehzari, Chittagong

Assalamu Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuhu

Date: 25.10.16

After customary greetings, you respected individuals must be aware of the recent situation at Markaz Nizamuddin Delhi. You must also know about the current disorder and chaos there. You must also be aware that concerned elders from India and Pakistan have taken various steps to improve the situation, written letters and held meetings. To the extent that the Mohtamim of Darul Uloom Deoband, Hazrat Maulana Mufti Abul Qasim Nomani and the President of Jamiat, Hazrat Maulana Arshad Madani (may their blessings continue) also took steps towards reconciliation in this matter. Hazrat Madani even broke his customary I’tikaf and went to Markaz Nizamuddin for reconciliation, but unfortunately returned disappointed. On the other hand, the head of Pakistan’s scholars, Hazrat Maulana Salimullah Khan Sahib warned through a letter, and the successor of Hazrat Ali Miyan, Maulana Salman Husaini Nadvi also held lengthy discussions; but so far no effort has been made to benefit from these directives of the elders and scholars of the time.

The major reasons for this discord, as evident from reviewing the situation and from the writings of the elders of Nizamuddin, are three things:

  1. The non-acceptance by respected Maulana Saad Sahib (may his blessings continue) of the 13-member Shura that was decided in the global gathering at Raiwind Markaz in November 2015, in the presence of old respected individuals from around the world and Maulana Saad Sahib himself.
  2. Currently, the essence of the work is present in the permanent writings of the previous three elders (Hazrat Maulana Ilyas, Hazrat Maulana Yusuf, and Hazrat Maulana Inamul Hasan) from morning to evening, and in the joint writing of all eight respected individuals including Hazrat Maulana Ahmad Laat (may his blessings continue).
  3. The presence of various objectionable statements from a Shariah perspective in the speeches of respected Maulana Saad Sahib, which we have been hearing directly in the Tongi gathering for several years. Besides these, we have learned from reliable sources about several other serious matters originating from him, the details of which are not necessary to mention at this time.

Among these three reasons, the first one is the most important, because if respected Maulana Saad Sahib accepts the aforementioned Shura and considers himself under the Shura, then insha’Allah this blessed work and he himself will remain protected from personal domination and rare opinions and statements. There is no other way for the continuity and integrity of the work. Therefore, in view of the above situation, the compassionate requests of the respected scholars to the respected individuals of Markaz Kakrail are as follows:

  1. Markaz Kakrail should make every possible effort to make respected Maulana Saad Sahib accept the aforementioned Shura decided in Raiwind.
  2. Until respected Maulana Saad Sahib accepts the aforementioned Shura decided in Raiwind and gains the trust of the elders of Nizamuddin and the old members of provinces and countries, Markaz Kakrail, like the elders of Nizamuddin, should not seek guidance from him and should not maintain relations with him. They should also refrain with utmost care from inviting him to the gatherings of old members and global gatherings etc. held in Tongi.

We hope that the respected individuals of Markaz Kakrail, sensing the delicacy of the situation correctly, will surely implement these concerned requests of the scholars and will prove their unity with the old members of Markaz Nizamuddin and the companions of Hazrat Ji (may Allah have mercy on them), and the Ulema of Bangladesh will not be forced to take any kind of action for the sake of religion and faith.

It should be clear, as mentioned, that the delegation of Dhaka scholars is presenting this writing as per the order of the Servant of Scholars and Sheikhs, Hazrat Maulana Ahmad Shafi Sahib (may his blessings continue).

That’s all, and peace be upon you.

As a precaution, excerpts from some writings of elders from India and Pakistan are being given along with the letter, hoping that they will carefully consider those writings.

[The rest of the document contains a list of signatures from various scholars and religious leaders from different madrasas and institutions in Bangladesh.]

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