Ulema of Belgaum on Maulana Saad

In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

The position of scholars and religious schools of Belgaum district in support of the stance of the great international educational institution Darul Uloom Deoband on the ideologies of Maulana Saad Sahib

Peace be upon you and Allah’s mercy and blessings. You are well aware of the recent events at Markaz Nizamuddin Delhi, and the current chaos and disorder there is also known to all. You must also be aware that concerned individuals from India and Pakistan have taken various steps to improve the situation, to the extent that the rector of Darul Uloom Deoband, Hazrat Maulana Mufti Abul Qasim Nomani and Maulana Arshad Madani (may their blessings continue) have also taken steps in this regard. Hazrat Maulana Arshad Madani even left his retreat to go to Markaz Nizamuddin for reconciliation, but unfortunately returned disappointed. Meanwhile, the head of Pakistani scholars, Hazrat Maulana Salimullah Khan Sahib, sent a letter of admonition and in this connection had insisted that Hazrat Maulana Arshad Madani Sahib go to Markaz Nizamuddin Delhi. Hazrat Maulana Salman Husaini Nadvi also made extensive efforts. Despite all these efforts and the guidance of these eminent scholars and intellectuals of the time, no attempt was made to benefit from them…

The major reasons for this discord, as evident from reviewing the situation and from the writings of the elders of Nizamuddin (after separating from there), are three things:

  1. Maulana Saad’s refusal to accept the 13-member shura that was decided in the November 2015 Raiwind World Gathering in the presence of old respected figures from around the world and Maulana Saad himself. (It is regrettable that Maulana Saad Sahib did not accept the shura)
  2. For now, the work should continue to be formed from different directions by the descendants of the three previous elders (Hazrat Maulana Muhammad Ilyas, Hazrat Maulana Muhammad Yusuf and Hazrat Maulana Muhammad Inamul Hasan, may Allah have mercy on them all), the details of which are present in the constant writings of Hazrat Maulana Muhammad Yaqub and Hazrat Maulana Muhammad Ibrahim Dewla (may their blessings continue) and in the joint writing of all eight respected figures including Hazrat Maulana Ahmad Laat (may his blessings continue).
  3. The presence of objectionable statements from a Sharia perspective in Maulana Saad Sahib’s speeches, which has been prominent in his statements for several years: (in which the gentleness of Da’wah has been replaced by the harshness of claim, exaggeration and contradiction have increased, besides many other similar things known to have been issued by him from reliable sources, and recently in an Ijtema, a controversial statement that indicates the rank of Markaz Nizamuddin after Makkah and Madinah.)

Among these three reasons, the first one is the most important because if Maulana Saad Sahib accepts the aforementioned shura and considers himself under this shura, then InshaAllah, this blessed work and he himself will be protected from personal domination and odd opinions and statements. There is no other way for the continuation and integrity of the work.

The province of Karnataka, especially the district of Belgaum, has also been greatly affected by this incident. At this time, the responsibility of the scholars and those in charge of the work of invitation and preaching in Belgaum district has greatly increased to take responsibility for the protection of the work and the supervision of the workers, and to tell the public the correct approach and methodology. If anyone insists or argues, instead of referring to any individual or group about it, they should refer to these scholars so that there is no discord and the Ummah does not divide.

Matters decided in the assembly of scholars and religious schools of Belgaum district on the views of Maulana Saad Sahib: At this time, it is the responsibility of the scholars and those in charge of invitation and preaching in Belgaum district that those few individuals who, due to unfamiliarity with these detailed conditions or despite knowledge, for their personal benefit, are busy speaking inappropriately against the elders of their province and conspiring against them, should be prevented from this mischief-making.

2: Until this matter of Markaz Nizamuddin is resolved, the work of invitation in Belgaum district will continue under the advice and supervision of the elders of our province.

Until Maulana Saad Sahib accepts the shura decided in Raiwind and gains the trust of the elders of Nizamuddin and the old ones of provinces and countries, no guidance will be taken from Maulana Saad nor will any relationship be maintained with him.

We hope that the workers and responsible persons of Belgaum district, feeling the delicacy of the situation correctly, will surely implement these sympathetic requests of the scholars and will prove their unity with the old ones of Markaz Nizamuddin, i.e., the companions of Hazrat Ji Maulana Inamul Hasan (may Allah have mercy on him) (Hazrat Maulana Muhammad Yaqub and Hazrat Maulana Muhammad Ibrahim Dewla and Maulana Ahmad Laat, may their blessings continue)… In case of violation, the scholars will be compelled to take all kinds of actions for the sake of religion and faith with the permission and advice of their elders. That’s all, and peace.

Tuesday, December 27, 2016
(Signatures of the present scholars are available on this)

[The document then lists numerous names of scholars, religious school administrators, and hafiz (those who have memorized the Quran) who have signed or endorsed this position]

Note: This position was unanimously presented by the scholars, hafiz, and those responsible for religious schools in Belgaum district on Tuesday, December 27, 2016, at Madina Masjid Belgaum, on which 144 scholars and hafiz and 18 religious school administrators have signed. Due to not receiving information, all scholars and hafiz could not be fully present. After becoming aware, some scholars of the area gathered in one place and signed this position, and scholars with years of experience endorsed this position by phone. In this way, except for a few scholars, the rest in large numbers have signed or endorsed, or some scholars have not yet heard about it. InshaAllah, as soon as they get the news, they will surely endorse it. If any objector wants to see the signatures, they can see the original copy where the signatures are present.

Alhamdulillah, currently this position has the signatures or endorsement of 137 scholars from Belgaum district, and the signatures of 20 religious school administrators and 64 hafiz.

Source: https://raddefst.blogspot.com/2018/10/Ulama-balgam-ka-moqif.html

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