Words of Advice from Our Ulema

Collection of Advices fom Maulana Yusuf Kandhlavi Collection of Advices fom Maulana Umar Palanpuri Collection of Advices from Maulana Zubair Kandhlavi Collection of Advices fom Maulana Ibrahim Dewla Collection of Advices from Haji Abdul Wahab Sahab

Haji Abdul Wahab: Words of Advice

Fulfilling needs & Assisting others/Excerpt from Haji Abdul Wahab (rah)’s speeches And we should provide food and drink to people. We should fulfill some need or the other. This action is dearly beloved to Allah(swt).  Ml Yusuf Kandhalvi (rah) used to say ” Even if a Non-Muslim fulfills the needs of poor people; Allah’s unseen… Continue reading Haji Abdul Wahab: Words of Advice

The 12 Usool

The 12 Usool are the twelve rules to follow when going out in Jamaat (Khurooj in the Path of Allah). These Usools are ONLY specific when going in Jamaat. It is a simple set of rules to follow and is typically revised during Hidayat Bayan. The rules are divided into three parts: #1 Maximize Da’wah… Continue reading The 12 Usool

5 Amal of Masjid

The 5 Amal (aka Amaal) of Masjid, is the recommended Amaal to be establish in a Masjid. This is one of the targets to establish when we go out in Jamaat to a new Masjid. The 5 Amaals consists of 3 daily Amal, 1 weekly and 1 monthly Amaal. #1 Monthly 3-Day Jamaat #2 Weekly… Continue reading 5 Amal of Masjid

Adab of Gasht

Gasht is the practice of going out to visit Muslim brothers. It is also called Joula (Jola/Jawla/Jawlah). Adab of Gasht is the etiquettes on how to do Gasht. A reminder of the Adab of Gasht is always given before an Umumi Gasht. Types of Gasht Umumi Gasht Umumi Gasht is to informally visit the public… Continue reading Adab of Gasht

Hafiz Patel

Sheikh Hafiz Mohammed Patel (1926-2016) was a pivotal figure in the British Muslim community, known for his dedication to the Da’wah Tabligh movement. Born in Gujarat, India, and later moving to Karachi, his life was transformed by a profound spiritual encounter with Colonel Amirudeen. Upon migrating to England, he became a central figure in Dewsbury,… Continue reading Hafiz Patel

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