Sheikh Bin Baz On Tablighi Jamaat

The respected and honorable Sheikh Bin Baz, was a Saudi Arabian Islamic scholar who dedicated his life to the spiritual guidance of the Muslim community and had a genuine concern about the state of Muslims worldwide. He was blind throughout his life. He lost his eye sight at the age of 20. However, despite that, he was appointed as the Grand Mufti of Saudi Arabia from 1993 until his death in 1999.

Let’s be objective and fair

Sheikh Bin Baz has issued several Fatawas with regards to Tablighi Jamaat.

However, we find many Fatwas shared on the internet were ‘cut and paste‘ from full Fatawas. These Fatawas were taken out of context, mainly to push either a Pro Tabligh or Anti Tabligh stance.

We are off course pro Tablighi Jamaat. However, we want to be honest and share all his Fatawas even if it is critical towards Tabligh. We have added our explanation on some of he writings in RED.

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Here is his Majmoo (Collection) of Fatawas for download

Download FULL Majmoo Al Fatawa Ibn Baz – ENGLISH

Sheikh Bin Baz Fatwa on Tablighi Jamaat #8/181

I’ll format this text to make it more readable while preserving all the content:


Some people say that the groups that the Hadith of Hudhayfah commands to abandon are the Islamic groups such as the Salafis, the Ikhwan (Muslim Brotherhood), and the Tablighis. What is your opinion on such a saying?


(Part No: 8, Page No: 180)

When Hudhayfah asked, “O Messenger of Allah, we were in a state of Jahiliyyah (pre-Islamic time of ignorance) and evil, then Allah brought us this good. Will there be any evil after this good?”

The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, “Yes.”

Hudhayfah said, “Will there be any good after that evil?”

The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, “Yes, but it would be tainted with dakhan ‘i.e. a little evil’.”

Hudhayfah asked, “What will its dakhan be?”

He (peace be upon him) said, “There will be some people who will guide (people) according to something other than my guidance and will lead them according to something other than my Sunnah (whatever is reported from the Prophet). You will see their actions and disapprove of them.”

Hudhayfah said, “Will there be any evil after that good?”

He (peace be upon him) said, “Yes, there will be some people who will invite others to the doors of Hell, and whoever accepts their invitation to it will be thrown in it (by them).”

Hudhayfah said, “O Messenger of Allah, describe those people to us.”

He (peace be upon him) said, “They will be from among us and speak our language (i.e. from among the Arabs).”

Hudhayfah asked, “What do you command us to do at that point?”

He (peace be upon him) said, “Adhere to the Jama’ah (group) of the Muslims and their leader.”

Hudhayfah asked, “What if there is no Jama’ah and no leader?”

He (peace be upon him) said, “Keep away from all those different sects, even if you have to bite (i.e. eat) the root of a tree, until you die while you are still in that state.”

(Related by Al-Bukhari and Muslim)

This important Hadith explains to us that it is Wajib (obligatory) on Muslims to adhere to the Jama’ah of Muslims and to cooperate with them wherever they may be, whether it is a Jama’ah that is found in the Arabian Peninsula, or Egypt, or Levant (the region covering Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, and Palestine), or Iraq, or America, or Europe, or in any other place.

When a Muslim person finds a group that is calling people to the truth, they should help them and be one of them, they should aid and encourage them to remain steadfast in adhering to the truth. If they cannot find a Jama’ah at all, then they should adhere to the truth and such a person will be the Jama’ah even if s/he is only one, as Ibn Mas’ud (may Allah be pleased with him) said to ‘Amr ibn Maymun: “The Jama’ah is that which is in accordance with the truth, even if you are on your own.”

Muslims have thus to seek the truth. If they find an Islamic center which promotes the truth, or a group in any place which promotes the truth i.e. calls people to the Qur’an,

(Part No: 8, Page No: 181)

Sunnah, and sound belief in Europe, Africa, or any other place, they should join them and seek the truth patiently and be with the people of truth.

This is what is Wajib upon Muslims. But if they cannot find anyone who calls people to the truth, whether a state or a group, then they must adhere to the truth on their own and be steadfast in doing so. In that case, they will be the Jama’ah, as Ibn Mas’ud (may Allah be pleased with him) said to ‘Amr ibn Maymun.

In these times – praise be to Allah Alone – there are many groups that call people to the truth, as in the Arabian Peninsula: (the Saudi government), Yemen, the Gulf, Egypt, Levant, as well as Africa, Europe, America, and India and Pakistan along with other places all over the world. There are many groups, Islamic centers, and Islamic societies that call people to the truth, proclaim the message, and warn against that which opposes it.

So whoever seeks the truth amongst Muslims in any part of the world has to look for these groups and when they find a group, a center, or a society that calls people to the Qur’an and Sunnah, they are to follow it and adhere to it.

Examples of such societies are Ansar al-Sunnah in Egypt and Sudan, Jam’iyyat Ahl-ul-Hadith in Pakistan and India along with other groups or associations that call to the Qur’an and Sunnah and devote their worship sincerely to Allah Alone without calling upon anyone else whether the occupants of graves or others.

Sheikh Bin Baz Fatwa on Tablighi Jamaat #8/331


M. ‘A. from America says: I travelled with Tabligh (a group calling to Islam) to India and Pakistan. We used to gather and pray in Masjids (mosques) that have graves inside them. Later, I was informed that praying in Masjids containing graves is Batil (null and void). What is the ruling on my prayer? Should I repeat it? What is the ruling on traveling with this group to similar places?


In the Name of Allah. All Praise is due to Allah.

Tabligh does not have good knowledge in matters related to ‘Aqidah (creed). Thus, it is not permissible for anyone to set out with them. Only someone who has enough knowledge and insight about the True ‘Aqidah of Ahl-ul-Sunnah wal-Jama’ah (those adhering to the Sunnah and the Muslim main body) can go to be able to guide, advise, and cooperate with them in good. Tabligh is a very active group that lacks knowledge and needs more knowledge and scholars to guide them in matters relating to Tawhid (monotheism) and Sunnah (whatever is reported from the Prophet).

May Allah grant us all understanding of His Religion and holding fast to it!

As for praying in Masjids where there are graves, it is not permissible. You have to repeat all the prayers offered there, for the Prophet (peace be upon him) said:

“Allah cursed the Jews and the Christians; they made the graves of their prophets places of worship.” (Agreed upon by Al-Bukhari and Muslim)

He (peace be upon him) also said:

“Indeed, those who preceded you used to take the graves of their prophets and righteous men as places of worship, so beware and do not make graves into Masjids; I forbid you to do this.” (Related by Muslim in his Sahih book of authentic Hadith)

There are many Hadiths to the same effect.

May Allah grant us success! May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions!

Sheikh Bin Baz Audio on Tablighi Jamaat


Questioner: The Sunnah is like a ship of light – whoever boards it will be saved, and whoever leaves it will drown. The questioner will say: The lives of the companions had many qualities, among the most important were six qualities: good words, prayer, knowledge with remembrance, honoring Muslims, correcting intentions, and calling to Allah. So Tablighi Jamaat says they focus on these six qualities – is this approach correct?

Sheikh Bin Baz: Tablighi Jamaat has innovation (bid’ah). What is obligatory is following the Messenger, peace be upon him, in what he brought and asking about his methodology. Then if Tablighi’s work agrees with the Sunnah of the Messenger, it is acceptable, but their work should not be taken as a method and Sunnah. Rather, one should follow what Allah and His Messenger said, and a believer should proceed according to what Allah has prescribed for His servants and what His Messenger, peace be upon him, brought regarding security and prohibition in all matters – not just in six. Rather, the Messenger must be followed in everything, and what Allah has forbidden must be avoided, and people should be guided to that. This is what is obligatory upon the people of knowledge. Of course, Tablighi Jamaat should not be followed in this, rather one should be cautious of the innovations they have. What agrees with Sharia from them can be told that it is good, and what contradicts Sharia should be warned against.

Sheikh Bin Baz’s Endorsement of a Deoband Ulema

The following is mentioned in Sheikh Bin Baz’s official page:


Source: Sheikh Bin Baz’s Official Site – Ijaza

This page has the title ‘Sheikh Muhammad Shafi’s Authorization to Sheikh Abdul Aziz in Hadith and His Praise of Him‘. Mufti Muhammad Shafi was the Head Mufti and Sheikhul Hadith of Darul Uloom Deoband. The fact that Sheikh Bin Baz’s official page has a tribute and honor of Sheikh Muhammad Shafi’s endorsement on his, speaks volumes of his endorsement on Darul Uloom Deoband


Title: Sheikh Muhammad Shafi’s Authorization to Sheikh Abdul Aziz in Hadith and His Praise of Him

In the name of Allah, the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate. Praise be to Allah, and peace be upon His chosen servants, especially our master Muhammad, the chosen one, and his family, companions, and those who follow his guidance.

Thereafter: The weak servant Muhammad Shafi al-Deobandi, born in India and migrated to Pakistan, says: I narrate the entire Sahih of Imam Muhammad bin Ismail al-Bukhari from the preserver of his time, the venerable Sheikh Sayyid Muhammad Anwar Shah al-Kashmiri, by reading to him while I listened. And he from Sheikh al-Hind Maulana Mahmood Hassan, and he from Maulana Muhammad Qasim al-Nanotawi and Maulana Rashid Ahmad Gangohi, both from Sheikh al-Imam al-Hujjah Shah Abdul Ghani, and he from his father Sheikh Abu Said, and he from Shah Muhammad Ishaq al-Dehlawi, and he from the scholar of the nation Shah Abdul Aziz al-Dehlawi.

Muhammad Anwar Shah also narrates by authorization from Sheikh al-Hujjah Maulana Ahmad Ali al-Muhaddith al-Saharanpuri, author of annotations on Sahih al-Bukhari, from Shah Muhammad Ishaq al-Dehlawi, from Shah Abdul Aziz, from his father Sheikh al-Imam al-Hujjah Shah Waliullah al-Dehlawi, from Sheikh Abu Tahir al-Madani, from his father Sheikh Ibrahim al-Kurdi, from Sheikh Ahmad al-Qashashi, from Ahmad bin Abdul Quddus al-Shatawi, from Sheikh Shamsuddin al-Ramli, from Sheikh Zainuddin Zakariya al-Ansari, from Sheikh al-Hafiz Ibn Hajar al-Asqalani, from Ibrahim ibn Ahmad al-Nawafi, from Sheikh Abu al-Waqt Abdul Awwal bin Isa al-Sinjari al-Harawi, from Sheikh Abu al-Hassan Abdul Rahman bin Muzaffar al-Dawoodi, from Abu Muhammad Abdullah bin Ahmad al-Sarakhsi, from Abu Abdullah Muhammad bin Ismail al-Bukhari.

Likewise, I narrate Jami’ al-Tirmidhi in its entirety except for a small portion of its second part through the aforementioned chain up to Zain al-Din Zakariya al-Ansari, and he from Sheikh Omar al-Maraghi, from al-Fakhr ibn al-Bukhari, from Omar ibn Tabarzad al-Baghdadi who said: Abu al-Fath Abdul Malik bin Abdullah bin Abi Sahl al-Harawi al-Karukhi informed us, saying: Judge Abu Amir Muhammad bin al-Qasim bin Muhammad al-Azdi and Sheikh Abu Bakr Ahmad bin Abdul Samad bin Abi al-Fadl Abi al-Hamid al-Furji – may Allah have mercy on them – informed us by reading to them while I listened. They said: Abu Muhammad Abdul Jabbar bin Muhammad bin Abd bin Abi al-Jarami al-Marwazi al-Marzubani informed us by reading to them, saying: Abu al-Abbas Muhammad bin Ahmad bin Mahmoud bin Fudayl al-Mahbubi informed us, saying: Abu Isa Muhammad bin Isa bin Surah bin Musa al-Tirmidhi al-Hafiz – may Allah be pleased with him – informed us.

The weak servant Muhammad Shafi says: I narrate the entire Sahih of Imam Muslim from Sheikh al-Islam of Pakistan, Maulana Shabbir Ahmad, author of Fath al-Mulhim in explaining Muslim, by reading to him while I listened, and he from his teacher Sheikh al-Hind Maulana Mahmood Hassan through the chain mentioned earlier.

I narrate Sunan Abu Dawud, Sunan al-Nasai, and a portion of the second part of Jami’ al-Tirmidhi from Sheikh Maulana Asghar Hussain by reading to him while I listened, and he from his teacher Sheikh al-Hind mentioned through the previous chain.

I narrate al-Muwatta through the narration of Yahya bin Yahya, Muhammad bin Hassan, and Ma’ani al-Athar by al-Tahawi from Sheikh Mufti Aziz al-Rahman by reading to him while I listened, and he from his teacher Maulana Muhammad Yaqub al-Nanotawi from Sheikh Abdul Ghani al-Dehlawi through the previous chain.

Also, our Sheikh the Mufti narrates all six primary books and al-Muwatta with chain through authorization from Sheikh Fadl al-Rahman al-Kanj Murad Abadi, and he from Shah Abdul Aziz al-Dehlawi from his father, the authority of his time Shah Waliullah al-Dehlawi.

I also narrate the six books and al-Muwatta by reading the outlines to Maulana Muhammad Ashraf Ali al-Thanawi, and he read them to Sheikh Muhammad Yaqub al-Nanotawi, and he to Maulana Shah Abdul Ghani mentioned – may Allah the Exalted have mercy on him.

When Allah the Exalted blessed me with visiting Medina the Illuminated in Muharram 1387 H, and I visited Sheikh, the scholar Abdul Aziz bin Baz, Vice President of the University there, he asked me – despite his high status in knowledge and virtue – to authorize him to narrate hadith with all that I am permitted to narrate. So I authorized him with the mentioned chains, hoping to obtain his blessing. May Allah extend his life in spreading knowledge and following the traditions of the Chosen One ﷺ in health and wellbeing.

The servant,

Muhammad Shafi Servant of Dar al-Uloom: Karachi Pakistan

Sheikh Bin Baz’s Letter to Darul Uloom Deoband

The following was a lette written bu Sheikh Bin Baz to Darul Uloom Deoband. The letter was delivered by his two correspondence who attended a conference in Darul Uloom Deoband

From: Abdul Aziz Bin Abdullah Ibn Baz to their excellencies, my brothers who are participating in the conference.

May Allah guide them to whatever pleases Him and help them to support His Din (religion), Amen.

As-salamu alaykum warahmatullah wabarakatuh (May Allah’s Peace, Mercy, and Blessings be upon you)

I would like to tell the participants in this conference that it would please me a lot if I could take part in this noble conference attended by many prominent scholars to share the celebration of the one hundred and fiftieth anniversary of Al-Jamiah Al-Islamiyyah (Islamic university). However, due to my many commitments, I could not come to the conference in person but I deputized my two noble brothers:

  • His Eminence Shaykh Muhammad Ibn Ibrahim Ibn Qaud, Chairman of the Department of Dawah (calling to Islam) abroad
  • His Excellency Shaykh Abdul-Aziz Ibn Nasir Al-Baz, the head of my office (*Translator’ s Note: This is not Sheikh Bin Baz. Sheikh Bin Baz is the one who wrote this letter)

The two Shaykhs referred to above are to represent the general presidency of the Departments of Scholarly Research, Ifta’, Dawah, and Guidance in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia during this blessed meeting by the permission of Allah. I ask Allah (Glorified be He) to grant success to all the participants in this conference, to guide them to the straight path, and to make their efforts beneficial to Muslim peoples and countries.

All praise be to Allah Alone. Peace and blessings be upon His Messenger, his family, and Companions. It is one of the graces that Allah (Exalted be He) bestows upon His believing slaves all over the world that He makes from amongst them a group of people who take particular care of their brothers, who are in charge of educational foundations and who are generally concerned about Dawah all over the world. Such people allocate all their capabilities and exert great efforts to support both Islamic educational foundations and Dawah. They repel all difficult obstacles to raise the flag of Islam.

My honorable brothers: It pleases me that notables amongst the believers specially their scholars gather at any place to discuss the problems that face Muslims and exchange views regarding ways of setting their affairs aright, solving their problems, reinforcing the affairs of knowledge and its people, supporting educational foundations and guiding them in the right direction, and facilitating the attainment of knowledge for whoever wills.

The most important of all branches of knowledge is the proper Aqidah (creed). It is the Aqidah of Ahl-ul-Sunnah wal-Jamaah (those adhering to the Sunnah and the Muslim main body), which is based on the Glorious Quran and the authentic Sunnah (whatever is reported from the trustworthy Prophet) and that was followed by the Sahabah (Companions of the Prophet) and those who followed them rightly. Aqidah has thus to be explained to students and they have to be warned against all that opposes it.

The proper Aqidah is to believe in Tawhid-ul-Uluhiyyah (Oneness of Worship), Tawhid-ul-Rububiyyah (Oneness of Allah’s Lordship), and Tawhid-ul-Asma’ wal-Sifat (Oneness of Allah’s Names and Attributes). It is to believe that Allah Alone (Glorified be He) is the One Who deserves to be worshiped apart from all His creatures. It is also to believe that Allah is the Only One Who has the Most Beautiful Names and Supreme Attributes; no one or thing is comparable to Him, equal to Him, or parallel to Him and that He (Exalted be He) is not like any of His creatures regarding any of His Attributes.

Muslims must beware of destructive doctrines and false ideologies such as Communism, Al-Bahayya (Babism), and Al-Qadyaniyyah that found their ways into Muslim countries. Even though the doctrines mentioned above oppose the proper Aqidah and the purified Shariah (Islamic law), people who lack knowledge may be deceived by it and deluded by its propagators. Knowledgeable people have to clarify the truth and warn against such false ideologies to express their sincerity to Allah (Exalted be He) and His slaves, to forbid what displeases Him, and to fulfill the trust.

May Allah grant your conference success in all its decisions and recommendations! May Allah make it beneficial to Muslims and double your reward for it! I also ask Allah (Glorified be He) to set right the rulers and scholars of the Muslims all over the world, to guide them to apply the rulings of Shariah and to accept its judgments, and to beware of all that opposes it. Verily, Only Allah can respond to Dua’ and He is Able to do whatever He likes.

As-salamu alaikum warahmatullah wabarakatuh

Sheikh Bin Baz’s dream of Maulana Umar Palanpuri

Maulana Umar Palanpuri, who was one of the World Shuras of Tabligh passed away on May 1997 at the age of 68.

Soon after Maulana Umar’s death, Sheikh Bin Baz saw the Holy Prophet (SAW) in a dream. The Holy Prophet (SAW) was standing at a place, apparently waiting for someone to come. Sheikh Bin Baz asked the Holy Prophet (SAW): “Ya Rasulullah, are you waiting for someone to show up?”  The Holy Prophet said: “Yes, I am waiting for Umar Palanpuri Hind to arrive.”. After waking up, the Sheikh Bin Baz asked around and found out that Maulana Umar Palanpuri had recently passed away.  Sheikh Bin Baz wrote a letter to Maulana Umar’s eldest son, Maulana Yunus Palanpuri.

Maulana Yunus Palanpuri subsequently read this letter aloud, in the midst of all the Arab guests after the morning bayan at Nizamuddin markaz. 

Source: Maulana Umar Palanpuri’s Biography [URDU]

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