Principal of Darul Uloom Azadville on the Fitna


The following is a recorded statement by Maulana Abdul Hamid Ishaq DB, the principal of Darul Uloom Azadville, South Africa on the Fitna and the limit of how much we can support such a Fitna.

Date: August 2024

Audio Transcription

[From 2:37] From here and many other ayat of the Quran Sharif also, whenever we associate, we become an accomplice to a sin, the equal of that sin is on us also. So we must be very careful that we don’t get involved in any type, not of sin, but mixing with the people of sin. People who commit sins, whether it is open kufr sins, and we have a hearty connection with them. Shariat has given all the limits, how much we can associate and with what intentions, but just to befriend them, and to encourage, that is a very big sin, that is equal to that sin also. So unfortunately we know that in the Tablighi Jamaat, we have got two groups now, and the one group which they are having their Ijtema somewhere in October. All the wrong things which are being spoken there, are totally against Shariat, against the laws of Allah. It is so hard and difficult to even repeat those words, what things have been said. Just unfortunately, so that we can understand, the gravity of the seriousness, of many many things. 

One is that when Musa A.S. was called by Allah, to go by Allah Mount Tur, and when he went, and he left his brother Harun A.S. in charge of the Bani Israel, at that time the Bani Israel started worshipping the calf, and they made Kufr. So then, Naudhu Billah, then it is said that, Musa A.S. was the cause of their Guna. How could he have gone and left, he was the actual responsible person. How could he leave his brother Harun in charge? Now to put a blame like this on a Nabi, what is the condition of one’s Iman? 

Another, for example, that our Iman is more stronger, than the Iman of the Anbiya, than the Iman of the Malaika (angels), and the Iman of the Sahaba. Where we and where that Iman? And all these things are actual facts, they are on the audio also, any person can listen to them also. And the translation also, people have made it, and many many other things. And, like for example, from the Shura side, when they send their Jamaats, they give them Hidayat, guidance, what you must go and speak about, they get training on the six points, etc. In the same way, those people, the people who come from there, are also trained in this way. And they also promote all these wrong things. 

So if we associate anyway with them, we host that Jamaat, we join them, we go there, we will be equally in tune with all that. So Allah give us tawfiq to understand, and it is a matter of our Iman. Many of us, what we feel, must keep unity, peace. Unity and peace can never be on Batil and Falsehood. Unity and peace is only on the Haq, on the Truth. So we must be very careful, anyone that we know also, warn them also of it. And these are not just hearsay things, they are 100% proof, proper proof. And when these words were said, where they were said, and the actual words, the actual audio is also present, and the seriousness of the matter, that is also explained. 

May Allah save us all, Inshallah. In that also, one of the wrong things which are taught by this other group of the Jamaat, that the effort of Deen is more important than the Ibadat. Ibadat of Allah. For what is the effort? For bringing Deen in our lives, Ibadat in our lives, the means can never be superior than the object, than the end. For what we are doing things, that is what we are doing. And the means are necessary. And it’s got value. But it isn’t the object. It isn’t the end. The end is the object for Deen to come in our lives. So all these matters, let us check ourselves.

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