Muftis of South Africa Fatwa on Maulana Saad

The following is a Fatwa with regards to Maulana Saad written and signed by a group of Muftis including Mufti Radha Ul Haq, who is considered by many the most senior Ulema and Grand Mufti of South Africa.

Bismillahirrahmaan Nirraheem


We are sending you some parts of the statements made by Respected Maulana Saad Sahib. Please study them and express your opinion on whether these statements are against or in accordance with Sharia. Also, when Maulana Saad Sahib rejected the Shura and procedures established by the elders of Tabligh in Raiwind, is this appropriate or not? Should the Tabligh groups go to him or not? And is it permissible for the groups to go to the environment where he and his devoted companions reside?


In the given situation, some questioners have sent us certain quotations from some statements of Maulana Saad Sahib. Also, some quotations are present in the fatwa of Darul Uloom Deoband. These statements seem to contradict the infallibility of some Prophets (AS) and the beliefs of Ahl as-Sunnah wal-Jamaa’ah. In fact, the quote regarding Prophet Musa (AS) states that Musa (AS) left his people and congregation to go into seclusion for private discourse with Allah, which led to the misguidance of 588,000 individuals from Bani Israel. It suggests that Musa (AS) was the original cause and was responsible for this. This statement appears to object to the command of Allah Almighty because Allah had ordered Musa (AS) to go to Mount Tur.

Allah Almighty says: “And [recall] when We made an appointment with Moses for forty nights.” (Al-Baqarah: 51)

Hazrat Hakeem-ul-Ummah says regarding this verse: Allah Almighty promised that you should come to Mount Tur and remain engaged in Our worship for one month, and We will give you a book. He did so, and the Torah was given to him. (Bayan-ul-Quran: 1/31, Published by: Taj Publishers, Delhi)

Thus, Musa (AS) went to Mount Tur in compliance with the divine command, which was not of his own accord.

Some quotations seem to depreciate and demean other branches of religion. Calling teaching for a salary “selling religion” is equivalent to calling all teachers “sellers of religion.” Also, calling “khurooj” (going out for tabligh work) as the completion of repentance is an addition to religion.

Due to such statements, Darul Uloom Deoband, Mazahir Uloom Saharanpur, and Jamia Islamia Dabhel India have issued fatwas against the mentioned person. We agree with their fatwas.

Until Maulana Saad Sahib unconditionally retracts the objectionable parts of his statements and accepts the procedures and consultations of the distinguished elders of the Tabligh Jamaat, one should stay away from Maulana Saad Sahib. Similarly, one should also stay away from the environment where his devoted followers, who agree with his every idealogy and say “yes” to everything he says, are present.

And Allah knows best.

Date: 18 Rabi al-Awwal 1435 AH, corresponding to 8 December 2016 CE, Thursday

From the Muftis of South Africa, signatures:

  • Radha ul Haq
  • Muhammad Ali Farzam
  • Sher Ahmad
  • Abdul Hamid Ishaq

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