An Important Fatwa from Darul Uloom Deoband The Islamic Legal Status of Tablighi Jamaat
In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
Respected, Honorable Mufti Azam Sahib (may your blessings continue), Peace and mercy of Allah be upon you
Question 1: Just as Hajj is obligatory once in a lifetime for every capable Muslim, are “three days every month, one chilla (40-day period) annually, and three chillas in a lifetime” obligatory, necessary, or sunnah? What is their legal status in Islamic law? Will one who doesn’t perform these be committing a sin? Will they be deprived of Paradise?
Question 2: Insisting on three chillas in a lifetime, one chilla annually, and three days monthly – isn’t this equivalent to innovating in religion? Doesn’t this fall under the category of bid’ah (religious innovation)? Please provide a detailed answer with evidence.
Seeker of Du’a,
Muhammad Shafi Muhammad Chaudhrian District Bulandshahr (UP)
Going out in jamaat for chilla or writing for three days monthly in the current Tablighi Jamaat is a recommended act (mustahab). It is not obligatory (fard), necessary (wajib), or emphasized sunnah. One has the choice to do or not do a recommended act. If one does it, they will deserve reward, and if they don’t, there will be no questioning about it. One who leaves a recommended act is not sinful, nor will they be deprived of Paradise.
Three chillas in a lifetime, one chilla annually, and three days monthly are not commands from Allah and His Messenger. This is something the jamaat people have established based on their experience. Considering it obligatory or necessary, insisting on it, and criticizing those who don’t follow this schedule is certainly ignorance and will open the door to innovation. In Islamic law, everything should be practiced according to its proper status.
And Allah knows best
Habib ur Rahman (may Allah forgive him) Mufti, Darul Uloom Deoband