Idara Nahi Anil Munkar on Maulana Saad

[English Translation]

“O Allah! Save the Ummah from the mischief of Maulana Saad Kandhlawi”

This prayer was made by Hazrat Maulana Muhammad Yunus Sahib Jaunpuri, Sheikh-ul-Hadith of Madrasa Mazahir Uloom Saharanpur.

What is this mischief from which the Muslim Ummah is being prayed to be saved? This mischief is that Maulana Saad Kandhlawi, abandoning the methods of the three great elders of Tabligh-e-Khair-ul-Qurun (namely the founder of Jamaat Tabligh Hazrat Ji Maulana Muhammad Ilyas Sahib, Hazrat Ji Maulana Muhammad Yusuf Sahib, and Hazrat Ji Maulana Inam-ul-Hasan Sahib), is issuing instructions to Tabligh groups in a dictatorial manner from the Nizamuddin Markaz Banglewali Masjid in New Delhi using his personal method. Both privately and publicly, without consulting the elected Majlis Shura of Hazrat Ji Inam-ul-Hasan Sahib, he is declaring himself as the Amir and issuing orders.

His example is like that of the poisonous BJP leader who, ignoring the principles of the Indian Constitution, is imposing his self-made decisions on the public in a domineering manner as the Chief Minister of UP. Do the people associated with Maulana Saad Kandhlawi’s Tabligh Jamaat like BJP’s sectarianism? We believe they certainly won’t. So our question is, why are they liking Maulana Saad Kandhlawi’s sectarianism and mischief-mongering, and why are they attacking the righteous scholars and muftis with abusive language like cow protection goons?

This situation suggests that people with Jewish and Christian mentalities have joined the Tabligh Jamaat associated with Maulana Saad Kandhlawi’s ideology and are busy creating discord among Muslims. According to the rules of the Shari’a Shura, when Maulana Saad Kandhlawi is not the Amir, how can his leadership be accepted? Moreover, when Maulana Saad Kandhlawi is presenting views contrary to the scholarly and exegetical research of the righteous jurists and the majority of the Ummah’s scholars, how can the word of a single individual be correct in comparison to the majority of scholars?

Maulana Saad Kandhlawi is not a mujtahid. If he gives the impression of being a mujtahid, this too is a mischief and deception. The jurists have set a standard with scholarly and jurisprudential conditions for ijtihad, which Maulana Saad Kandhlawi does not meet. In scholarly, jurisprudential, and exegetical matters, the endorsement of scholars will be considered reliable, not that of ignorant people unfamiliar with recognized and conventional knowledge, nor of any single individual.

There is a hadith that says, “Whoever separates himself will be separated in Hell.” That is, whoever cuts himself off from the righteous group and the majority of the Ummah will be in Hell. Therefore, we are writing this to convey this message to our brothers. And our duty is only to convey the message.

Published by: Maulana Muhammad Abdullah Qasmi President, Idara Nahi Anil Munkar, Wadi District Gulbarga, Karnataka

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