History of Fazail Amal / Fadhail Amal


The History of Fazail Amal or Fadhail Amal is worth looking into as it shows the level of sincerity of how the book was written. Such nature explains why the book has been a means of guidance for thousands worldwide. The book was written in the span of 35 and has been translated into 31 languages. What makes it most intriguing is that the writing of the Fazail Amaal was never entirely planned out by Maulana Zakariyya (RA). Each section was a separate book that was written at different times on the dying wish and requests from many legendary personalities.

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Timeline / Chronology of Events

1930 April – Fazail Quran was first written by Maulana Zakariyya at the beginning of Dhul-Hijjah 1348 AH. He was 32 years old at that time. It was written at the request of Shah Yaseen Sahib Nageenwi, who was the Khalifah of Maulana Rasheed Ahmed Ganghohi. Maulana Zakariyya took a month to finish writing it.

1931 January – Fazail Ramadan was written at the request of Maulana Zakariyya’s uncle, Maulana Ilyaas, the founder of the Tablighi Jamaat. Maulana Zakariyya began writing the book on Ramadhan 1349 AH and completed it on the 27th of Ramadhan that year.

1931 June – Fazail Tabligh was written at the request of Maulana Ilyaas, the founder of Tablighi Jamaat. It was completed on the 5th of Safar 1350 AH. It was written in a few days.

1938 April – Stories of the Sahabah RA was written in the month of Safar 1357 AH during a journey to Ajrara, in Meerut. At that time Maulana Zakariyya suffered a severe blistering. The blistering burst and for almost two hours blood flowed continuously. Doctors advised him against any strenuous activities for the next few months. Hadhrat Shah Abdul Qaadir Raaipuri has been requesting Maulana Zakariyya for the past four years to write a book on the stories of the Sahaba. Maulana Zakariyya took this sickness as a blessing to fulfil this need. He began to write and finish 7 months later on the 12 of Shawal 1357 AH.

1939 February – Fazail Salat was written a year later at the request of Maulana Ilyas. It was completed on 7 Muharram 1358 AH.

1939 November – Fazail Zikr was written about 7 months later at the request of Maulana Ilyaas. It was completed on Friday 26 Shawal 1358 AH.

1944 July 13 – Maulana Ilyas, the founder of Tabligh, passed away in Banglawali Masjid and was buried outside the core of Banglawali mosque, Nizamuddin Markaz. Maulana Yusuf was appointed as the second Amir of Da’wa and Tabligh through the consultation of all the members of Da’wa and Tabligh, which was chaired by (Faisal) Maulana Shah Abdul Qadir Raipuri.

1948 March – Fazail Hajj was written 9 years after the last book “Fazail Zikr” was written. This book was written at the appeal of Maulana Yusuf RA, the second Ameer of Tabligh. Maulana Zakariyya wrote this book while residing in Nizamuddin Markaz. Maulana Yusuf had to stay in Nizamuddin for four months due to the 1947 India-Pakistan Conflict. Maulana Zakariyya mentioned that thousands of letters of appreciation reached him due to this particular book as their Hajj and Ziyaarah were made more pleasurable.

1948 December – Maulana Zakariyya completed writing Fazail Sadaqat and Tijarat on the month of Safar 1368 AH. He was 50 years old at that time. The writing of a book on Fazail Sadaqat was one of the wishes of Maulana Ilyaas RA, the founder of Tabligh who passed away 4 years prior in 1944.

1965 January – Maulana Zakariyya wrote the last book Fazail Durood in Ramadhan 1384 AH. He was 67 years old at that time. The book was written at the request of Sheikh Yaseen Nageenwi (RA). Sheikh Yaseen passed away 24 years prior, on 30 Shawwaal 1360 AH. Before he passed away, he made a dying wish (Waseeyat) that Maulana Zakariyya write such a Book.

1973 April 23 – Maulana Zakariyya migrated to the Madinah Al Munawwarah. He was 75 years old at that time.

1982 May 24 – Maulana Zakariya passed away in Madinah al-Munawarah at the age of 84. He was buried in ‘Jannatul Baqi’ the grave of the Sahaba. Many took this as a sign that he was a man of Haq, despite criticisms of his work. Maulana Zakariyya spent his whole life in the service of Deen and Allah SWT gave him death in the the most auspicious way.

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