Stance/Fatwa of the Ulema of Allahabad on Maulana Saad

The Position of Ulema of Allahabad

In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

Support from the Respected Ulema of Allahabad City for Darul Uloom Deoband’s Stance Regarding Maulana Saad Sahib’s Thoughts and Ideologies

Today, on December 15, 2017, a meeting of most scholars associated with the Deobandi school of thought was held at Madrasa Ashraf ul Uloom, Azad Nagar, Kareli, Allahabad. In this meeting, full support was given to the stance taken by Darul Uloom Deoband regarding the thoughts and ideas of Maulana Saad Sahib of Markaz Nizamuddin, Delhi. We, the respected scholars, acknowledge the work of Tabligh and pray that Allah Almighty blesses it with further progress.

However, some thoughts and ideologies of Maulana Saad Sahib, especially regarding camera phones, are concerning:

  1. “Listening to the Holy Quran on it is an insult to the Quran. Prayer is not valid if you keep it in your pocket. No matter how many fatwas you get from respected scholars, Allah will deprive you of acting upon the Quran.”
  2. “It is obligatory for every Muslim to read the Quran with understanding.”
  3. “When Prophet Moses (peace be upon him) went into seclusion for supplication, 588,000 people went astray because of it.”
  4. “Those who teach religion for a fee are selling religion. Adulterers will enter Paradise before them.”

Due to such ideas, Darul Uloom Deoband presented a strong and firm stance regarding Maulana Saad Sahib and declared it as misguidance. Contrary to this, on this occasion, a religious scholar from our city Allahabad, Maulana Saifur Rahman Sahib Qasmi of Wasiabad, declared the fatwa regarding Maulana Saad Sahib Kandhlawi as an unwise act of Darul Uloom Deoband, further stating it as contrary to the principles of fatwa writing and against the current situation. We, the servants of religion and Sharia, express our disassociation from his stance and strongly disagree with it. You can view Darul Uloom Deoband’s stance on their website (

The meeting was specially attended by scholars including Maulana Ashfaq Sahib Qasmi, Mufti Abdullah Sahib Qasmi, Maulana Abu Bakr Sahib Umri, Maulana Najmul Huda Sahib Qasmi, Maulana Zakaria Sahib, Maulana Mahmood Hasan Ghazi Sahib Qasmi, Maulana Umar Sahib Qasmi, Maulana Abdul Haleem Sahib Qasmi, Maulana Muhammad Zaid Sahib Qasmi, Maulana Ahmad Ali Sahib Mazahiri, Maulana Abrar Sahib Maryadih, Maulana Farhan Sahib, Maulana Muhammad Rehan Sahib Qasmi, Maulana Muhammad Adnan Sahib, Maulana Faiz Qamar Sahib, and others.


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