A recent Audio statement was circulated on the internet. It appears to be a conversation between Maulana Saad, Mufti Taqi Usmani and Mufti Rizvi (a renowned Mufti and Maulana Saad Supporter from Sri Lanka). The conversation was said to take place in Madina Munawwarah during Umrah. Here’s the audio:
It is claimed from the Audio that Maulana Saad has been vindicated and is on Haq (a deduction from Mufti Taqi’s comparing the Ikhtilaaf to Hanafi and Shafii differences)
Full Audio Translation
Mufti Taqi:
His Holiness (Prophet Muhammad SAW), peace be upon him, that all these restrictions, all laws, all veils are being done with knowledge of work and its effects. By Allah’s grace and mercy, they are completely clear, visible, and apparent. With Allah’s mercy, there is devotion. The point is that they are being done with correct knowledge. There are some transgressions, they need to be corrected, and the correction will be done with an open heart. This sincere work becomes great for Allah, so if someone points out something, consider them your benefactor, don’t consider them your opponent, and understand it in this way that this is religion.
We say all over the world, Alhamdulillah, that Allah has taken this work from us, Allah has not taken it from any other group. It’s such a big task, and I often say that the fire in the chest of His Holiness (Prophet Muhammad SAW), peace be upon him, which has spread, that fire in the chest was not for any fame or recognition, it wasn’t for any position or status, it was purely for Allah alone. As long as that passion remains, Insha’Allah, the community will continue to progress, and God forbid if any breach occurs in it, if there’s a decrease in sincerity. If there’s corruption in the organization, in compensations, then damage will occur. I say this everywhere now.
There have become two types in the community, understand that there have become two issues. Acknowledge this fact that there are two issues. I say this to them and to you attendees as well. There are two issues. Whoever wants to use this issue is spreading it, whoever wants to use it is spreading it. But don’t abandon the work, don’t abandon the work. And don’t consider one issue as absolute truth and the other as absolute falsehood. Stay away from fighting and quarreling, stay away from fighting and quarreling. Now in England, why are fights happening? Fights are happening in mosques. Then how will the light (of Hidaya) come? How will blessings come? End the fighting. If someone is doing it this way, let them do it this way. If someone is doing it that way, let them do it that way. They are doing it for Allah.
Now, avoid two things: suspicion and bad language. I warn both sides about this. Avoid suspicion, avoid bad language. If something seems worthy of correction, sit down and talk about it. Keep acting on it, then Insha’Allah, with Allah’s mercy, this fire in the chest of Hazrat Maulana Ilyas Kandhlawi will not extinguish. If it extinguishes, it will be due to our actions. May Allah protect us. Alhamdulillah, it is Hazrat’s sincerity that you understand. The rest of the statements we make are running due to the blessings of Hazrat’s sincerity, understand? It’s not happening because of any one person, it’s happening because of Hazrat’s sincerity. So, maintain it and understand that whatever work is being done, it’s being done for Allah.
If someone abuses you, the answer should not be another abuse. The Prophet was once abused and was said to him, “O you, upon your neck…” [an Arabic phrase]. Today, if someone abuses any scholar or preacher in a gathering by saying, “You are foolish, you are a liar,” he will reply back, “You are a liar, your father is a liar.”. This is not right. How did the Prophet answer? (He answered softly) “O my people, my father was not a magician…” [Arabic phrase]. So if we adopt this approach, Insha’Allah, doors will open, and this division will also end, Insha’Allah. And Allah, the Blessed and Exalted, will bestow blessings in it, Insha’Allah. Understand and listen, two schools of thought have emerged. One Hanafi, one Shafi’i, one Maliki, one Hanbali – four have emerged, right? Two schools of thought have emerged, understand?
Speaker (Unknown):
Mufti Taqi:
Two schools of thought have emerged. When someone asks me, consider both as your schools of thought. If you are associated with one school, stick to it. If you are Hanafi, stay Hanafi.
Speaker (Unknown):
If you are Shafi’i, then be Shafi’i. This matter has been settled. Before this, in the assembly you had said, Masha’Allah, it is said in the instructions, in the Fajr statements as well, there is no statement of religion like this, there is much adherence to this. To this extent, we send off groups saying that even if someone throws out your bedding from the mosque, you should go to another mosque. It’s not necessary that you enter the same mosque to work. Work with love, Allah will open ways, Allah will take the work. These are the daily instructions Hazrat gives, especially to the scholars.
Speaker (Unknown):
It’s strange, I remembered a story. We were in Bangladesh some years ago. There was a fight there during that time, we had to leave the field and go to the (Kakrail) Markaz. There, I was called, they (still) wanted Maulana Saad to give the speech at the gathering. Twice they called me. I said it was not possible. Instead we politely asked Maulvi Ibrahim Sahib, tell him to go and give a speech intead. In that condition, I said what’s the worry at this time? Twice we said to Maulvi Ibrahim Sahib, go and give the speech, let the Ijtema happen, a gathering has come. Don’t record this statement of mine, stop the recording.
Our Analysis
- Before anything we would like to highlight the final remark which deserves to be emphasized. It is a lie. There was no reconciliation with Maulana Ibrahim. What’s funny is that he then asked the recording to be stopped from there onwards (knowing clearly that it was going to be a lie after that).
- In the early part of the speech, Mufti Taqi is clearly admiting that transgressions are being done (See highlighted portion).
- Mufti Taqi’s assessment on this matter is understandably consistent with our assessment. We have never claimed that the followers of Maulana Saad are deviants. We have always claimed that those who have Ikhlas, do have Ikhlas. They are just misinformed or trapped in their circumstances (See Adaab of Ikhtilaf). The issue as highlighted by various Fatwas and elders statement is purely on Maulana Saad, not on his followers.
- This discussion took place in Madinah. It also took place in front of Maulana Saad and Mufti Rizwe. Both are well known respected figures. It is a human nature to avoid conflict and say good things in front of others. How can one expect Mufti Taqi to directly confront Maulana Saad being wrong in front of him, let alone during an Umrah trip?
- Mufti Taqi’s validation is on the methodology of Maulana Saad’s Tabligh Method. His reference to Hanafi Shafii differences clearly refers to the non major issues such as Muntakhab Ahadith, DTI, 5 Amaals, etc. It does not at all vindicate Maulana Saad from his errors which are the major issues that the Darul Ulooms wrote against, including Mufti Taqi himself while writing against him mentions in his article that “there is fear that Tabligh jamaat may become another sect altogether due to these exaggerations“. This is referring solely to Maulana Saad’s speeches.
No where did Mufti Taqi Usmani said that Maulana Saad is on Haqq. He reference on Hanafi Shafii differeces are with regards to the method of Tabligh (DTI vs 2.5 hours, etc).