Darul Uloom Dabhel Fatwa on Maulana Saad

Tablighi Jamaat established by Respected Maulana Muhammad Ilyas (RAH) has been under the patronage of Deobandi scholars from the beginning. The magnificent services this Jamaat has rendered in spreading religion and bringing the common people closer to religion are not hidden from any informed person. As there is love for the work of the Jamaat, by the grace of Allah, and an awareness of its benefits, when any statement contrary to Sharia is issued by the Jamaat or its workers, attention is drawn towards its correction, and the Jamaat is generally defended.

One link in this chain is Janab Maulana Muhammad Saad Sahib Kandhlawi. Some of his rare views, scholarly denials, and questionable statements lack the religious firmness that has been the distinguishing feature of the our scholars. He has started propagating some views that are against the majority of the scholars of the Ummah and deviate from the path of moderation, and are in fact extremely dangerous. Since this Jamaat is attributed to the Deobandi scholars, there is a danger that his views might be attributed to the Deobandi scholars. From time to time, he was drawn attention towards correction, both verbally and in writing, but he did not desist.

“The disease kept growing as the medicine was applied.” Now the situation is that the water has risen above the head. Therefore, it was unanimously considered necessary to save the blessed work of the Jamaat. In view of this necessity, after reviewing the facts, the respected scholars of Darul Uloom Deoband have published an explanatory writing refuting the views of Maulana Muhammad Saad Sahib, and we, the undersigned, agree with every word of it.

Date: Rabi al-Awwal


  • Abbas Dawood (Abbas Dawood Bismillah, may he be pardoned)
  • The servant Ahmad, May Allah forgive him, Khanpuri
    Chief Mufti, Darul Ifta, Jamia Islamia Dabhel, Patron of Darul Uloom and Sheikh-ul-Hadith, Jamia Islamia Dabhel
  • Ahmad, May Allah forgive him, Samlaki, Superintendent, Jamia Islami Ta’limuddin Dabhel

[Note: Some names and titles are unclear in the original text and have been transliterated as best as possible]

Reference: https://raddefst.blogspot.com/2018/10/talimuddin-dabhel-ka-moqif.html

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