Al-Jamia Al-Islamia Masihul Uloom on Maulana Saad

Below is the translated fatwa of the Position of Karnataka Scholars Al-Jamia Al-Islamia Masihul Uloom on Maulana Saad.

Endorsement of Darul Uloom Deoband’s Fatwa Regarding Maulana Saad Kandhlawi

From Jamia Islamia Masihul Uloom, Bangalore

26th Rabi ul Awwal

Currently before us is the “truth-revealing” fatwa issued by the world’s great and authentic Islamic university Darul Uloom Deoband, which exposes Maulana Saad Kandhlawi’s deviation from the people of truth and his false and misguided ideologies, and shows the right path to those seeking truth. The reality is that for a long time, there has been an ongoing series of arbitrary interpretations of Quranic verses, incorrect explanations of Prophetic hadiths, belittling of religious domains other than tabligh, denial of the religious and scholarly services and Islamic practices of madrasas, great scholars, spiritual centers and exemplary villages, as well as misguided views and deviations from the people of truth in various matters by Maulana Saad Kandhlawi. These false views and ideas were circulating among people, which on one hand was introducing elements of misguidance into the beliefs and views of people unfamiliar with Islamic teachings, who were not only accepting them as truth but also starting to transmit and narrate them to others. On the other hand, a large section of sensible and truth-loving people associated with Tablighi Jamaat were visibly embroiled in this dilemma of what to do in this situation. Because despite knowing these views to be false, they could not accept them in any way; but due to Maulana Saad’s high and elevated status in Tablighi Jamaat and the distinguished position he held as a member of a great family, it was not easy for them to refute him either.

Thirdly, for the righteous scholars, a difficult test had arisen because they knew that refuting these wrong views and deviations was an important responsibility on the shoulders of the scholars of the ummah, as per the hadith: “This knowledge will be carried by the upright of every generation. They will negate from it the distortions of the extremists, the false claims of the liars, and the interpretations of the ignorant.” However, they were also concerned that their refutation might negatively impact the original work of the “Tablighi Jamaat” established by the elders, which these scholars not only agreed with but also continuously supported and strengthened. The essence of their mission and work is the effort to connect the common people with religious beliefs and Islamic practices according to the way of Ahl al-Sunnah wa’l-Jama’ah. They feared that their refutation might provide opponents with a weapon or way to divert people from the original work.

In the aforementioned situation, there was an extremely urgent need for our senior scholars and authentic institutions to take the initiative in this matter and provide guidance to all while keeping in view all these aspects. In such circumstances, all eyes were turned towards “Darul Uloom Deoband”. Alhamdulillah, Darul Uloom Deoband fulfilled its duty of truth by timely identifying these deviations and misguided views and issuing a “truth-revealing” fatwa against them. They mentioned some of Maulana Saad’s false views and clearly and explicitly declared them wrong and misleading so that the duty of establishing truth and refuting falsehood could be fulfilled, people could distinguish between right and wrong, and the school of thought of the people of truth could be represented.

We, the people of Jamia Islamia Masihul Uloom, Bangalore, welcome this fatwa and consider it our duty and right to fully support it. We hope that in light of this truth-revealing fatwa, all those who were involved in such ideologies due to lack of awareness, or until now, will turn towards the path of truth under the sense of accountability before Allah and follow the way of Ahl al-Sunnah wa’l-Jama’ah. Especially, we hope from those associated with Tablighi Jamaat that they will remain attached to the righteous scholars of religion while following the approach and method of the founders of the Jamaat and its elders – Hazrat Maulana Muhammad Ilyas Kandhlawi, Hazrat Maulana Yusuf Kandhlawi, Hazrat Maulana Sheikh ul Hadith Zakariya Kandhlawi, and Hazrat Maulana In’amul Hasan Kandhlawi (may Allah have mercy on them all) – and will continue their work keeping in view the original aim and purpose of the Jamaat.

We pray to Allah Almighty to bless everyone with the ability to live and die upon the truth, to keep us always steadfast on the way of the pious predecessors, and to protect us all from every kind of trial.

Note: It seems appropriate to clarify here that a few days ago, an article was circulating via WhatsApp attributing support and confirmation of Darul Uloom Deoband’s fatwa to the scholars of Karnataka. We have no connection with that article, and although the matter of support is the voice of our hearts as we have written above, it should be known that attributing something to someone is only permissible when they have actually said it, otherwise it is a serious crime. Therefore, whoever has done this should know that it is a crime for which they will be held accountable on the Day of Judgment.

Signatures of the teachers and muftis of the Jamia:
[Several names are listed]



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