The 12 Usool are the twelve rules to follow when going out in Jamaat (Khurooj in the Path of Allah). These Usools are ONLY specific when going in Jamaat. It is a simple set of rules to follow and is typically revised during Hidayat Bayan. The rules are divided into three parts:
- Four Things to Maximize
- Da’wah and Tabligh (Inviting and propagating)
- Taleem wa Taalum (Teaching and Learning)
- Zikr Ibadah (Remembrance and Worship of Allah)
- Khidmat (Service)
- Four Things to Minimize
- Minimize the time of eating
- Minimize the time of sleeping
- Minimize talking/engaging on worldly matters
- Minimize the time spent outside the masjid
- Four Things to Avoid
- Avoid asking from people directly
- Avoid asking from people indirectly
- Avoid borrowing other people’s belongings without permission
- Avoid wasting
#1 Maximize Da’wah and Tabligh
Da’wah and Tabligh is to invite others and propagate the Deen. This includes:
- Umumi Gasht once a day
- Making Ikhtilaat (interaction) with local brothers
- Giving Bayan
Da’wah is part of the 4 things to maximize within the 12 usool. If someone asks us what we do in Jamaat, the answer should be as simple as: Da’wah, Taleem, Ibadah and Khidmat.
- Da’wah does not necessarily have to be given to the public. One can give Da’wah to their own brothers in the Jamaat.
- When giving Da’wah to the public, sometimes, due to prevailing circumstances, it may not be necessary to give direct Da’wah. As long as one is having the intention for Da’wah, indirect Da’wah will also have an impact.
#2 Maximize Taleem and Taalum
Taleem and Taalum is the arabic term for teaching and learning. It is part of the 4 things to maximize within the 12 usool. If someone asks us what we do in Jamaat, the answer should be Da’wah, Taleem, Ibadah and Khidmat. Taleem and Taalum includes:
- Reading from the recommended books
- Halqa of Tajweed
- Muzakarah (discussion) on the 6 points of Tabligh
- General Muzakarah (discussion) on common topics
- Individual learning (such as memorizing the Masnoon Dua’s)
#3 Maximize Zikr and Ibadah
Zikr and Ibadah is the arabi term for remembrance and worship of Allah SWT. This includes
- 5 times prayer in Jamaat (congregation)
- Morning and evening Zikr
- Tahajjud (Night) prayers
- Recitation of Qur’an
- Doing lots of Nafl (optional) prayers during individual time
- Making lots of Dua
#4 Maximize Khidma
Khidma is doing service to others including our own selves. This includes:
- Cooking and serving food
- Making preparation for the journey
- Going shopping for the Jamaat
- Taking care of self hygiene, washing clothes, etc
#5 Minimize the time of eating
We do not necessary have to minimize the food we eat, but minimize the time of eating. It is common that most of the time is wasted during eating due to excessing chatting.
#6 Minimize the time sleeping
We should try to minimize the time we sleep as the time in Jamaat is a golden time that should not be wasted. This is the only time that we have dedicated solely for Allah SWT. If one is accustomed to sleeping 8 hours a day, try to sleep 7 hours a day and use the extra hour for extra worhship.
#7 Minimize talking/engaging on worldly matters
We should minimize talking about wordly matters unless it is for the purpose of Ikhtilaat (interaction) to break the ice with a person before giving Da’wah to him. We should minimize the use of mobile phones unless necessary. It is even recommended to not bring mobile phones to when going out in Jamaat.
One day is NOT 24 hours anymore!
Today, we only have 20 hours a day because on average, 4 hours are spent on mobile phones.
#8 Minimize the time spent outside the masjid
We should minimize going outside the Masjid (or the base) and being disengaged from Amaals while in the path of Allah. This includes:
- Going shopping
- Having a leisure walk around the neighborhood
- Going for work
#9 Avoid asking directly from Makhlook (people)
When going in Jamaat, one the most important thing to learn is to learn how to ask directly from Allah SWT. This is emphasized so much that on of the 12 Usool is to avoid asking directly from Makhluk (the creations of Allah). This includes:
- Asking for certain items or food
- Asking for a service or favours
- Asking for money
We should instead ask directly from Allah. If it is good for us, Allah SWT will surely grant it to us.
If the item we are asking is something necessary, for example medicine, transportation, etc we should learn to ask from Allah SWT first (via two Rakaat Salat or a simple Du’a) and then only ask from Makhlook.
#10 Avoid asking from people indirectly
In reference to Usool #9, it is not just asking from Makhluk but indirect expression or requests with a desire in the heart must also be avoided as well. For example:
- A person desires in his heart to eat luxury food like Pizza and tells the local brothers, ‘Oh, how it would be great if we had some Pizza’…
- A person desires that a local brother gives him a free ride to the Airport and says to him, ‘It seems like it the bus fare to the airport is very expensive’.
Having thoughts or desires are not wrong. It is the external action from these thoughts/desires (whether direct or indirect) is to be avoided.
In fact, having concerns of our thoughts is a sign of Imaan.
ุญูุฏููุซูููู ุฒูููููุฑู ุจููู ุญูุฑูุจูุ ุญูุฏููุซูููุง ุฌูุฑููุฑูุ ุนููู ุณูููููููุ ุนููู ุฃูุจููููุ ุนููู ุฃูุจูู ููุฑูููุฑูุฉูุ ููุงูู ุฌูุงุกู ููุงุณู ู ููู ุฃูุตูุญูุงุจู ุงููููุจูููู ุตูู ุงููู ุนููู ูุณูู ููุณูุฃูููููู ุฅููููุง ููุฌูุฏู ููู ุฃูููููุณูููุง ู ูุง ููุชูุนูุงุธูู ู ุฃูุญูุฏูููุง ุฃููู ููุชููููููู ู ุจููู โ.โ ููุงูู โ”โ ููููุฏู ููุฌูุฏูุชูู ูููู โ”โ โ.โ ููุงูููุง ููุนูู ู โ.โ ููุงูู โ”โ ุฐูุงูู ุตูุฑููุญู ุงูุฅููู ูุงูู โ”โ โ.โ
Some people from among the Companions of the Prophet (๏ทบ) came to him and said, โWe find in our hearts thoughts that are too grievous for us to speak of.โ He said, โDo you really find it?โ They said, โYes.โ He said, โThat is the sign of Imaanโ
Source: Sahih Muslim 132a
#11 Avoid borrowing items without permission
This is a special Usool specifically when going in Jamaat. There is a common misunderstanding among brothers: most believe that others do not mind if their items are used without permission. For example:
- Using another brother’s slippers to the toilet
- Using another brother’s soap or toothpaste which he left in the bathroom
- Using another brother’s nail clippers
It is incorrect to assume that the other brother won’t mind. We must ask permission first before borrowing.
These small misunderstanding have caused frictions within the Jamaat.
#12 Avoid Wasting
Wasting should be avoided at all cost. For example:
- Wasting food. Do not cook more than required.
- Wasting water and electricity.
- Wasting time.