Ulema of Mumbai on Maulana Saad

Position of Scholars of Mumbai
Al-Majma’ Al-Fiqhi for Fatwa and Religious Affairs
Al-Jamiyatul Fikriya Islamic School, Sethna Hall Compound, Nesbit Road, opposite Hill Tax Office, Mazgaon. 400010

In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

Head of the Institution:
Milli Mauj Dar Kisi Sahib Margery

Al Jamiyatul Fikriya, Islamic School, Sethna Hall Compound,
Nesbit Road, Mazgaon, Mumbai 400010

Supportive statement of Mumbai and surrounding muftis regarding the position of Darul Uloom Deoband

The Tablighi Jamaat center in Nizamuddin, Delhi is a memorial of our elders and its usefulness is as clear as daylight. However, for some time now, some of the ideologies being presented by Maulana Muhammad Saad Sahib Kandhlawi have reached the extreme limits of misguidance, directly impacting Islamic beliefs. While there are many intellectually incorrect thoughts and ideologies that deviate entirely from the decisions of the majority and the views of the predecessors, Maulana Muhammad Saad Sahib Kandhlawi is so adamant about them that he keeps repeating them in his statements.

Darul Uloom Deoband, which is our academic and religious center and the trustee and guardian of Islamic thoughts and ideologies, has expressed a position after discussion and research that is extremely important in the current situation and is a guiding light for us as an academic and religious necessity.

We all fully agree with this position of Darul Uloom Deoband. May God correct all such ideologies, and where there is deviation from the principles and methods on which Hazrat Maulana Muhammad Ilyas Sahib (may Allah have mercy on him) and his companions started their work, may it be eliminated and work be done according to the elders’ approach. This is so that this group, which is proving to be an important means of spreading goodness and attachment to religion, does not become a permanent sect and remains protected from falling into any kind of extremism, excess, or deep pit of misguidance.

[Signatures of various Muftis and scholars follow]


Source: https://raddefst.blogspot.com/2018/10/Ulama-mumbai-ka-moqif.html

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