Jamia Ghaysul-Huda on Maulana Saad

People from all walks of life around the world turned response to this deteriorating situation, and asked questions about Maulana Saad Sahib’s deviant ideologies and thoughts from the people of truth, demanding that they express their clear and frank position on them. These gentlemen, after thoroughly reviewing the entire situation, issued fatwas in clear and explicit terms while fulfilling their religious duty.

This was an important necessity because most of the class associated with Tablighi Jamaat (who have not benefited from the previous elders) mostly quote only Maulana Muhammad Saad Sahib’s statements. For this reason, there is a serious danger that the entire organization may fall into misguidance, and then religious scholars and jurists of the firm Sharia may declare this organization a misguided sect.

Darul Uloom Deoband criticized Maulana Muhammad Saad Sahib Kandhlawi and others for their arbitrary interpretations of the Quran and Sunnah, wrong ideologies and views, and weak and inappropriate arguments. They supported the work of dawah and tabligh in a very positive manner while also advising that the moderate and serious-minded influential officials of the Jamaat should strive to keep this blessed and auspicious work of dawah and tabligh on the path of the majority of the ummah and the previous elders of tabligh, respecting the Sharia and Sunnah. Before this, Darul Uloom Deoband had also hinted at a Shura system in their letter.

On their call, many madrasas in the country (Mazahir Uloom Saharanpur, Jamia Talimuddin Dhabel Gujarat, Hubli Tamil Nadu, UP, and many others) endorsed and verified so that this work remains protected from deviant deviations. May Allah reward them well.

We respect the decision for a the World Shura and fully agree with the opinion of the senior scholars responsible for the work separating from the Banglawali Masjid in Nizamuddin, Delhi. We fully support their move that they have taken the right step to save this religious and missionary work from misguidance and for its reform.

We, all the Ulema who have spent years, four months, and forty days, and all the knowledgeable people and madrasas who agree with the effort of dawah, appreciate and fully support the decisions of all the scholars and assure our complete cooperation. Because if this organization takes the path of misguidance, we will also be answerable in the court of Allah, the Lord of the worlds. Our silence at this time would be compromise.

Moreover, we request all common and special people that they too should agree with the decisions of these senior scholars and remain steadfast on the advice of the World Shura. They should coordinate with the officials of their province and avoid discord and differences, and continue to engage in religious work with peace and security.

And Allah knows best.


Source: https://raddefst.blogspot.com/2018/10/Ghaisul-huda-bangalore-ka-moqif.html

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