Title: Is Iman incomplete without going Da’wah in Jamaat?
14 Dhu al-Qadah 1444 AH, 04 June 2023
From: Darul-Ifta Jamia al-Uloom al-Islamia Allama Muhammad Yusuf Banuri Town, Karachi, Pakistan
A Tabligh leader stated in a large gathering that Iman will not be complete without going Da’wah in Jamaat. “How can Iman be complete without going Da’wah in Jamaat? The necessity of Iman is the same as the necessity of going Da’wah”. The same leader also said in this statement that the unseen help that came with the honorable companions was not the perfection of their Iman, but the perfection of obedience. Now people are gossiping in various ways. What about those in madrasas, khanqahs, and other religious sectors who don’t go on Da’wah in Jamaats, is their Iman incomplete?
It is incorrect to declare going Da’wah in Jamaat as necessary for Iman. Moreover, it should be clear that no obedience is accepted without Iman. Therefore, it is also wrong to say that “the unseen help that came with the honorable companions was not the perfection of their Iman, but the perfection of obedience.” This is because the level of obedience and acting upon the commands of Sharia comes after Iman, and perfection in Iman (in terms of quality) comes from acting upon the commands of Sharia. Going in Da’wah are also a good deed. Besides going in Da’wah, there are many other good deeds. It is not correct to limit and restrict the perfection of faith to just going Da’wah in Jamaat.
Statements that do not benefit the general Muslim public, those that simple-minded Muslims cannot understand, and those that deviate from the ways of the predecessors and are based on personal opinion and incorrect research – one should be cautious about listening to such statements. The elders of the Tabligh should prevent such people from making statements.
And Allah knows best.
Fatwa Number: 144404100873