Maulana Saad in the footsteps of Mirza Qadyani by Maulana Ziaul Haq

The following is a translation of an analysis by Maulana Ziaul Haq on the deviation of Maulana Saad which resembles the early deviations of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiyani

Note: We do not endorse such a comparison between Maulana Saad and Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadyani. This is only a comparison done by Maulana Ziaul Haq. Maulana himself has mentioned that he is not strongly making a strong comparison. It is only probable at this stage due to the fanaticism of his supporters that he is seeing.

Audio Translation

[Speaker 2]
Assalamualaykum WRT. How are you, sir?

[Maulana Zia]
Yes, I’m fine.

[Speaker 2]
This is Muhammad Shoaib speaking from Beshru.

[Maulana Zia]
How are you?

[Speaker 2]
By Allah’s grace, I’m fine. An audio attributed to you is being circulated, and it’s being claimed that in this audio, Maulana Azizullah Sahib from Honch Pari asserts that Maulana Sahib, who is the Tabligh Amir of Markaz Nizamuddin, will definitely make a claim (of some sort) in the future. This statement is being attributed to you. Did you say something like “Maulana Sahib will definitely make a claim (of prophethood)”?

[Maulana Zia]
I didn’t use the phrase “definitely will”.

[Speaker 2]
Okay. The second question is, did you say that there’s a strong possibility of Maulana Sahib making a claim (of being the Mahdi or something similar)?

[Maulana Zia]
It’s just a possibility, I didn’t use the word “strong” either. It’s a possibility, a probable assumption that it might happen in the future. We’re seeing some circumstances and reasons that suggest it might happen. We can’t guarantee or decide what will happen in the future, but we’re seeing the possibility.

[Speaker 2]
Yes, along with this audio, a text is being circulated claiming that Maulana Jalag said Maulana Saad Sahib will definitely make a claim of some sort in the future. It’s being written like this and attributed to you.

[Maulana Zia]
That’s incorrect. What was said was there’s a possibility. It’s like this: given the current circumstances, in light of the Quran and Hadith, what we understand is that such circumstances and reasons are developing. Because the fanaticism for him has intensified so much that if someone speaks wrongly about any prophet, they don’t feel the slightest remorse. But if someone says something slightly about Maulana Saad Sahib, then see these big meetings they hold. You can gauge from that. Take Hafiz Hamza Sahib from Adbar village, he just said something about the stage, spreading news that two crore was spent on the stage of the Aurangabad Ijtema. Now see how intense their reaction has become. He just wrote that this is a lie, that it doesn’t make sense, that a stage doesn’t cost that much. And over just this, a permanent action team was set up. They’re sitting on big beds on four legs, smoking hookahs, while Hafiz Hamza Sahib is apologizing with folded hands. Imagine, are these things worth holding a big meeting over? They hold big meetings over such small statements. See! this is how intense their blind love (towards Maulana Saad) has become. Where will this lead them? Developing such a deep connection with someone other than Allah, which they have now developed, ultimately becomes a great cause of danger. This is a very dangerous thing. That’s why there are possibilities.

[Speaker 2]
Yes, there are possibilities. What are the reasons for these possibilities? If they are proven from Hadith, please explain them too. Are there any incidents or statements of theirs that suggest he might claim some sort in the future? Please explain these.

[Maulana Zia]
Firstly, they have said this, it’s on record and perhaps written in their book too, that people say miracles are not exclusive to prophets, but miracles are exclusive to Da’wah. This statement has spread all over the world. I’m not talking about Delhi or India, but the whole world. It has spread everywhere that Maulana Saad Sahib’s car was involved in an accident and a person died. Someone claimed he died due to Maulana Saad’s car driving. But Maulana Saad Sahib met with the dead person and said, “Stand up by Allah’s command,” and the dead person stood up. He stood up and said, “I didn’t die from Maulana Saad Sahib’s car, I died from another car,” and then after he died again. This story has probably been told in every mosque in India, especially.

Another often-told story is when Hazrat Ji stopped a moving airplane. He stopped a moving airplane (they say)! One of our companions commented, what’s the whole point of stopping a moving airplane? Wouldn’t passengers be delayed in reaching their destination?

And similarly, Maulana Saad Sahib said, “What is Iman?” Someone gave one answer and another person gave another. Then Maulana Saad Sahib said, “Come with me.” They went to the roof of the Markaz, and there Maulana Saad hung onto an 11,000 volt power line. This story has been spread so much among the Jamaat companions, it’s everywhere.

[Speaker 2]
Have you heard this with your own ears?

[Maulana Zia]
Yes, I’ve heard it many times. And this statement, I’ve heard on record where he (Maulana Saad) says, “Now people say miracles are exclusive to prophets. No, my friends, miracles are exclusive to the call (dawah).”

[Speaker 2]
There’s also a statement that “I’m speaking on behalf of Allah.”

[Maulana Zia]
Yes, this is also a statement, “I’m speaking on behalf of Allah.” And many people at the Markaz who are blindly supporting him – I’m talking about those who are blindly following, not those who have left or separated from them. We respect them, may Allah reward them and keep them on the right path. But those who are blindly following are saying many things. One such statement was made in Kurnool’s Jama Masjid, a video went viral, a recording went viral. Then that person said, “I don’t know, this statement was made to be said by me.” This statement was also that the only remedy against Dajjal will be the Markaz Nizamuddin and Maulana Saad Sahib. Whereas it’s clear from Hadith that Dajjal won’t be controlled even by Hazrat Mahdi. Hazrat Mahdi will try, they will courageously confront him, they will keep sending their army to confront him, but Dajjal won’t be controlled by Hazrat Mahdi. Dajjal will only be defeated by Hazrat Isa (peace be upon him).

Look, here a possibility arises. They have alo said and it’s been circulated a lot that the only cure against Dajjal will be provided by Maulana Saad Sahib. This is false. The only cure against Dajjal will be provided by Hazrat Isa (AS), this is proven from Hadith. So, the possibility is that either they claim him to be Hazrat Mahdi or they claim his to be a prophet. In this case, it seems like the more probable assumption is that they might claim him to be Isa (AS), because the miracles are like those of Hazrat Isa (AS).

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