What is Tablighi Jamaat?

Tablighi Jamaat is a global movement within Islam that aims to revive the Iman (faith) of Muslims and encourage a return to the Sunnah (practices) of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW). It is by far the largest Islamic movement in the world.

The primary method Tablighi Jamaat uses to achieve this is by inviting individuals to join Jamaats, often referred to as ‘Going out in the Path of Allah’ or simply Khurooj, which in Arabic means ‘Going out’.

Tablighi Jamaat is not a sect or an exclusive group; members can come from any Islamic school of thought. It is far from being a cult, which typically has an authoritative leader at the top. Instead, Tablighi Jamaat is decentralized into countries, regions, districts, and even down to individual Masjids. There are no hirings or firings of members. People are free to join and leave as they please

What is ‘Going out in Jamaat’?

Going out in Jamaat is the primary method of how Tablighi Jamaat achieves its objective of reviving the Iman (Faith) of Muslims.

A Jamaat is a small group of Muslims, typically ranging from 3 to 10 members. The average number of people in a Jamaat varies between countries, but a Jamaat of 7 members is generally considered a standard size.

A Jamaat travels to a specific location for an agreed period. They will typically stay in a Masjid, eat, sleep and perform all their activities in the Masjid. A Jamaat will typically carry all equipment for cooking, serving, dining and sleeping. Unless provision is made, Jamaat members do not go home or engage in any other activities (such as going to work) while participating in the Jamaat.

Typical durations for Jamaats are 3 days, 10 days, 40 days, 4 months, or even 1 year. These time periods are organized so that group members can start and end their journey together as a team. Jamaats with longer durations, such as 40 days or 4 months, may sometimes travel to different countries. A 40-day Jamaat might visit neighboring countries, while a 4-month Jamaat may journey to more distant destinations.

Why are Jamaats so effective in changing people’s lives?

Even though a Jamaat functions to give Da’wah (inviting) others, its main impact is on the participating members themselves.

This is because participants experience an ‘environment of Deen (pure Islam)’ while they participate. Being immersed in this beautiful and peaceful environment impacts a person’s heart, instilling good habits and ultimately reviving their Iman (faith) in Allah.

The activities during a Jamaat are also geared towards self-reformation. For example, the ‘Gasht’ activity involves visiting Muslim brothers and talking about Allah and His Deen. By speaking to others and trying to convince them, the speaker himself is the first to be affected.

Focusing on oneself creates humility

Tablighi Jamaat is unique in that its Da’wah is internally oriented. While engaging in Da’wah, Tablighi Jamaat members are guided by the principles:

• Da’wah (inviting others) is for my own self.

• I am more in need of my own speech.

• I am worse than the person I am giving Da’wah to.

This approach instils deep humility in Tablighi Jamaat members, making their Da’wah softer and more acceptable.

Who founded Tablighi Jamaat?

Tablighi Jamaat was founded by Maulana Ilyas in 1926 in India after his second Hajj.

The early 19th century was a particularly challenging period for Muslims. Islam was at its lowest point following the fall of the Muslim Caliphate in 1924. Many Islamic scholars (Ulema) were systematically killed and tortured by the British Empire after the failed Indian rebellion of 1858, which was largely led by Muslims. Maulana Ilyas witnessed the decline of Islamic faith even among his religious students. This deeply affected him. He would often lament and cry in supplication due to this.

When asked about the inception of his movement, Maulana Ilyas would say:

“During my stay in Medina (in 1926), I was commanded to undertake this work, and it was conveyed to me that Allah SWT would take the work from me. For a few days, I was very worried. I did not know what a weak and helpless man like me could do. I then related it to a pious person who remarked that there was no need to be anxious. What I had been told was not to carry out the task but that the task would be taken from me. If Allah was the one to take the service, He would ensure it is done in whatever way He pleases.”

Who gave the name Tablighi-Jamaat?

The name ‘Tablighi Jamaat’ was not originally intended by its founder, Maulana Ilyas. He did not want the movement to be seen as an exclusive group. The work of Da’wa (calling people towards Allah) is an obligation for all Muslims.

However, the name ‘Tablighi Jamaat’ was given by the public. ‘Tablighi Jamaat’ simply means ‘a group of people giving Da’wa’. The name eventually became so widespread that even Maulana Ilyas himself occasionally referred to the movement as ‘Tablighi Jamaat’.

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