Maulana Arshad Madani on Maulana Saad’s Rujoo

On November 2024, an audio went viral where Maulana Arshad Madani said that “Maulana Saad did rujoo and Deoband accepted it“. It is claimed that this statement clears Maulana Saad.

Maulana Arshad Madani was ambushed with this question which he could not answer in full during a Khatam Bukhari Ceremony in November 2024.

The Audio was clipped and circulated throughout the Internet claiming that Maulana Saad’s Rujoo was accepted.

Maulana Arshad Madani clears up the misconception

Maulana Arshad Madani has cleared up the misconception and said:

“My point was to say that Maulana Saad should not be called a Kafir. This is a very dangerous thing to say, Maulana Saad had done rujoo, yes. It reached us but we then heard him continue to make problematic statements. He should control his language.”

Full Audio:


Ml Arshad Madani: Assalamualaykum. how are you? Who’s speaking here?

Abdul Majeed: I am Abdul Majeed speaking. Please tell me sir, I heard your audio where you said that regarding Maulana (Saad) Sahib has made Rujoo and the matter has been resolved. Sir, can you vonfirm when and in front of whom did Maulana (Saad) Sahib made Rujoo on?

Ml Arshad Madani: He did retract. This isn’t a court where I’m giving a judgement. I was in Darul Uloom Deoband and news of his Rujoo had come.

Abdul Majeed: So he did made Rujoo, right sir?

Ml Arshad Madani: Yes, yes, he had made Rujoo.

Abdul Majeed: Yes, so was the Rujoo accepted right sir?

Ml Arshad Madani: (Unfortunately, it was found out that ) later, his controverisal talks kept coming. The Rujoo was about to be accepted (at first), but those controversial talks of his kept on coming. He needs to have control over his tongue. This is an important matter. Whatever I had said was based on the context that people me call him a Kafir. I am here to say, and this is true everywhere, that he is not a Kafir. Those people who are saying he is a Kafir should be rejected. Assalamualaykum

Abdul Majeed: Waalaykumsalam. Thank you.

Mufti Abul Qasim Nomani re-affirms Deoband Fatwas on Maulana Saad

Following the saga, Mufti Abul Qasim Nomani reaffirmed that Darul Uloom Deoband’s fatwa against Maulana Saad still stands:

Full Audio:


Questioner: Assalamualaykum. Sir, I am Maroof speaking from Bangladesh. I hope you are well. Yesterday, when one of our elders from Darul Uloom Deoband visited us, during Khatam Bukhari, he spoke about Maulana Saad Kandhlavi’s mistakes, saying “The matter came before us, Darul Uloom gave a fatwa, he retracted from his mistake, and the matter is finished. Both are on the right path – the Shura and Maulana Saad.” He made similar statements, whose clip I’ve sent to you via WhatsApp. Now our scholars and responsible people are concerned about this statement because his recent statements appear to contain even more mistakes than before, and he maintains his previous errors. We think it’s appropriate to turn to you to and ask if his Fatwa with Darul Uloom Deoband is really finished, if he is on the right path, and if Darul Uloom is satisfied with his statements and Rujoo. Please provide guidance on this matter, as it would give us peace of mind. May Allah maintain your shadow over this blessed ummah. Assalamualaykum.

Mufti Abul Qasim Nomani: Waalaykumsalam. Brother Maulana Maroof, I’ve heard about the entire matter. Since yesterday, I’ve been receiving information that Hazrat Maulana Arshad Sahib (may his blessings continue) gave that statement there which you mentioned in your query. Hearing this caused us great concern because Maulana (Saad) Sahib neither came to Darul Uloom nor met with any of us. Personally, Maulana Arshad Sahib came there, ate dinner, and what conversations happened there, we haven’t heard. (In reality) Maulana Saad hasn’t come to Darul Uloom, hasn’t made Rujoo before us, and hasn’t announced any Rujoo from his previous statements. Regarding his statements, to my personal knowledge, his statements is still continuing in the same (controversial) manner. Just last week of January, a collection of his statements published under “Irshadat-e-Akabir” which is here before me, contains the same deviant matters he used to say before. Therefore, whatever Maulana Arshad Sahib (may his blessings continue) has said might be his personal opinion. Neither has Darul Uloom Deoband’s position changed, nor has any announcement been made from it’s side. You may share this clarification with others. Assalamualaykum

Maulana Arshad Madani’s November 2024 Bangladesh Trip

The following is a Youtube Video of his trip to Bangladesh

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