Belief is foundation of piety/Excerpt from Yusuf Kandhlawi (rah)’s speeches
“Piety is not that you turn your faces toward the east or the west..” (2:177)
Its not that one has ‘piety’ that you turn here or there for prayer. To summarize, just praying is not piety. Then what is piety?
First one’s beliefs have to be correct. What is most important? That the belief be corrected!
“…but [true] piety is [in] one who believes in Allah,” (2:177)
What does this mean?
One turns away from wealth, possessions, lands, houses, properties, earth, sky, moon, sun, human beings, one’s own self.
One purges their conviction, reliance from everything.
And place their conviction and reliance on only one Allah.
We say Allah does everything. But we are restricted to avenues and means of this world.
This means we have not understood Allah’s transcendence.
Allah is independent from all means!
Everything other than Allah is powerless. The means are innately powerless. They are not what sustain us. They are not what will give us success. Calamities are not due to means. Allah can harm someone without the means. Allah can harm someone without any intermediary.
Allah is ultimate doer!
This belief in the oneness of Allah is foundation of piety (taqwa).