Declaration of concerned Ulema of South Africa

The Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jama’ah represent the true legacy of Nubuwwah and are the majority of the Muslim Ummah since the advent of Islam. We are committed to upholding the correct understanding of the fundamental components of Deen: Aqeedah, Qur’an, Hadeeth, Figh, and Tasawwuf according to the Ijma (consensus) of the Ummah. Any compromise from the way of the Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jama’ah leads to deviation in Deen.

Given the current challenges to this legacy, including the rise of new forms of Fitnah, we reaffirm the principles held by the Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jama’ah on the following matters:

  • We firmly believe that Allah Ta’ala has full control over
  • We firmly believe that The Ambiyaa ‘Alayhimus Salaam are
    the most exalted of Allah Ta’aala’s creation, especially
    chosen for the guidance of mankind, and are protected by
    Allah Ta’aala. They are ma’soom (free from error).
  • Regarding the Noble Sahaabah Radhiyallaahu ‘Anhum, it
    is our belief that they were specially chosen by Allah Ta’ala
    to support His beloved Nabi Sallallaahu ‘Alayhi wa Sallam
    and to preserve and transmit his legacy in its pure form to
    future generations. Every Sahabi is anembodiment of
    righteousness and integrity in character and Deen.
  • We revere the Ambiyaa ‘Alayhimus Salaam and
    Sahaabah Radhiyallaahu ‘Anhum at all times. We only
    refer to them with deep admiration and unconditionally
    honour them.
  • We consider the Ulema-e-Haq of the Ummah as the
    custodians of Deen, who diligently safeguard the Deen of
    Allah Ta’ala from falsehood and aberration.
  • In fulfilling this sacred duty, we consider it an honour to defend the Ambiyaa, Sahaabah and ‘Ulama against any person or group that maligns them in any way whatsoever.

After exhaustive research, much deliberation and perusal of approximately 50 Fataawa on the matter, we are constrained to declare that Maulana Saad Kandhelwi has, through multiple utterances spanning over the past 23 years deviated from the fundamental principles of the Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jama’ah.

His statements regarding the Ambiyaa, Sahaabah and righteous Ulama reflect a mindset of being comfortable with criticizing these great personalities. The Ummah, in general, have preserved their honour by exclusively referring to them with utmost respect and affection.

The trajectory of Ml Saad’s unbecoming utterances paves the way for people in general to freely express incorrect opinions about the Ambiyaa, Sahaabah and Ulama. Ml Saad has deviated from the path of the Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jama’ah as well as the path of the esteemed elders and seniors of the noble effort of Dawat and Tableegh; hence any person who subscribes to his values risks corrupting his Aqeedah and putting his Imaan in jeopardy.

This declaration is supported by sufficient evidence that highlight Ml Saad’s fikr (mindset), beliefs and practices that have diverged from the established understanding of Islam. Such deviations stand to mislead the Ummah from the true path of Islam and undermine the legacy of Nubuwwah.

By the conclusion of the Fataawa issued against him, Darul Uloom Deoband expressed its fears that Ml Saad and his supporters may transcend into a deviated sect (Firqah- Dhaallah).

Any person who supports, joins or promotes him and his grou inadvertently becomes complicit in the compromising of Deen. The demand of our Imaani Ghayrat (loyalty to our Deen) is that we do not associate with them.

23 Rabi ul Awwal 1446 / 27 September 2024


  • Mufti Ebrähim Salejee Sähib (Principal of Madrasah Ta’limuddin, Isipingo Beach)
  • Moulana ‘Abdul Hamid IshĂŁq Sahib (Principal of Darul ‘UlĂźm Azaadville)
  • Moulana Shabir Saloojee Sähib (Principal of Darul ‘UlĂźm Zakariyya)
  • Mufti Radha ul Haq Saheb (Mufti and Senior Ustaadh of Darul ‘UlĂźm Zakariyya)
  • Mufti Muhammad Saeed Motara Sähib (Senior Ustädh and Mufti of DĂŁrul ‘UlĂźm
  • Moulana Moosa Patel Sähib (Senior Ustädh of DĂŁrul ‘UlĂźm Azaadville)
  • Moulana ‘Abdur Rahim Sheikh Sähib (Senior Ustädh of DĂŁrul ‘Ulum Azaadville)
  • Mufti Muhammed Ali Bhopali Sähib (Senior Ustädh Darul ‘UlĂźm Zakariyya)
  • Moulana Hasan Dockrat Saheb (Principal – Darul Uloom Madrasah Saadiqeen –
  • Moulana Muhammed Gardi Sähib (Senior Alim – White River)
  • Moulana Muhammed Jeena Sähib (Senior Alim – Kimberley)
  • Mufti ‘Abdul Khaliq Bhoola Sähib (Senior Alim of Johannesburg)
  • Mufti Ebrahim Salejee Saheb (Senior Älim of Estcourt, KZN)
  • Mufti Hashim Boda Saheb (Senior Älim of De Deur)
  • Moulana Aadil Johar Saheb (Senior Aalim of Cape Town)
  • Moulana Iqbal Hasan Saheb (Senior Aalim of Cape Town)
  • Imaam Abdul Hakeem Raban Saheb (Senior Aalim of Cape Town)
  • Moulana Abdul Haq Makada Saheb (Senior Aalim of Durban)
  • Moulana Muhammad Saadiq Janjiker Saheb (Cape Town)
  • Moulana Shamiel Ras Saheb (Cape Town)
  • Moulana Nazeem Moosagie Saheb (Port Elizabeth)
  • Moulana Rashid Ramlin Saheb (Port Elizabeth)
  • Moulana Nadeem Khan Saheb (Uitenhage)

Any Aalim who wishes to be part of the initiative to preserve the Ismat of the Ambiya Alayhimus Salaam, the honour of Sahabah Radhiyallaahu-anhum and the purity of our Deen and wishes to offer assistance to the cause of dispelling falsehood can do so by adding his name to this document. This wil In-sha-Allah, serve as testimony in our favour. (Ulama Only). Click the following link:

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